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<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: tsaricam * Date: 05/07/2023 * Time: 17:04 * * @since 1.14.0 */ namespace WPCCrawler\Objects\Json; use DOMElement; use DOMNode; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Crawling\Bot\DummyBot; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Enums\ShortCodeName; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Html\ElementCreator; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Informing\Informer; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Json\Objects\ConverterOptions; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Json\Objects\TemplatePart; use WPCCrawler\Utils; /** * Converts a JSON value into an HTML element * * @since 1.14.0 */ class JsonToHtmlConverter { const GENERATED_JSON_CONTAINER_ID = 'wpcc-generated-json'; const ROOT_CONTAINER_CLASS = 'wpcc-converted-json'; /** @var array<string, array|null> */ private static $cache = []; /** @var array<string, string>|null */ private static $templateCharEscapeMap = null; /** @var array<string, string>|null */ private static $templateCharUnescapeMap = null; // /** @var array The data to be converted to HTML */ private $data; /** @var ConverterOptions */ private $options; /** @var DOMNode */ private $rootNode; /** @var ElementCreator */ private $creator; /** @var string A regular expression that matches a string only if it is a valid URL */ private $urlMatchRegex = '/^https?:\/\/\S+$/i'; /** @var bool `true` if the conversion occurred at least once. */ private $converted = false; /** * @param string $json A JSON string * @param ConverterOptions|null $options * @return JsonToHtmlConverter|null If the JSON string is invalid, returns `null`. Otherwise, a new * {@link JsonToHtmlConverter} that works with the provided JSON is returned. * @since 1.14.0 */ public static function fromJson(string $json, ?ConverterOptions $options = null): ?JsonToHtmlConverter { $data = self::decodeJson($json); if ($data === null) { return null; } return self::fromArray($data, $options); } /** * @param array $data An array that will be converted to HTML * @param ConverterOptions|null $options * @return JsonToHtmlConverter|null A converter that works with the provided array, if it could be created. * Otherwise, `null` is returned. * @since 1.14.0 */ public static function fromArray(array $data, ?ConverterOptions $options = null): ?JsonToHtmlConverter { $crawler = (new DummyBot([]))->createDummyCrawler(''); $rootNode = $crawler->filter('body > div')->first()->getNode(0); if (!$rootNode) { $message = _wpcc('Data could not be converted to HTML, because the root node of HTML document could not be retrieved.'); Informer::addInfo($message)->addAsLog(); return null; } return new JsonToHtmlConverter($data, $rootNode, $options); } /* * */ /** * This is a private constructor. Use {@link JsonToHtmlConverter::fromJson()} or * {@link JsonToHtmlConverter::fromArray()} method to create a new instance. * * @param array $data The data to be converted to HTML * @param DOMNode $rootNode The root node that stores the converted HTML code * @since 1.14.0 */ private function __construct(array $data, DOMNode $rootNode, ?ConverterOptions $options) { $this->data = $data; $this->options = $options ?? new ConverterOptions(); $this->rootNode = $rootNode; } /** * Converts the data into HTML and injects it into the root node ({@link getRootNode()}). * * @since 1.14.0 */ public function convert(): void { if ($this->converted) { return; } $this->converted = true; $this->markRootNodeWithClassName(); $template = $this->getOptions()->getTemplate(); if ($template === null) { $this->onConvert($this->getRootNode(), $this->getData()); } else { $this->onConvertWithTemplate($template, $this->getRootNode(), $this->getData()); } } /** * Converts the data into HTML, injects it into the root node, and returns the HTML of the root node. * * @return string|null The HTML of the root node after the data is injected as HTML into it * @since 1.14.0 */ public function convertAndGetHtml(): ?string { $this->convert(); return Utils::getDomNodeHtml($this->getRootNode()); } /* * */ /** * Converts the data into HTML and injects the created HTML code into the given container as its last child * * @param DOMNode $container The element into which the created HTML element will be injected as the last child * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function convertAndInjectIntoElement(DOMNode $container): void { $this->convert(); (new ElementCreator())->createFromRemoteElement( $container, ElementCreator::LOCATION_INSIDE_BOTTOM, $this->getRootNode(), false ); } /* * */ /** * Renders the template by injecting the data into it, and then injects the rendered code into the given node * * @param string $template The template, unescaped * @param DOMNode $parent The parent node into which the generated HTML code will be injected * @param array $data The data to be used in the template * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function onConvertWithTemplate(string $template, DOMNode $parent, array $data): void { $parts = $this->createTemplateParts($template); $bladeTemplate = $this->createBladeTemplateFromParts($parts); $rendered = Utils::getBlade()->render($bladeTemplate, ['data' => $data]); $unescapedRender = $this->unescapeTemplate($rendered); // If the render resulted in an empty string, notify the user and stop. if ($unescapedRender === '') { Informer::addInfo(sprintf( _wpcc('HTML template resulted in an empty text. Please make sure it is correctly defined. [Template: %1$s]'), Str::limit($template, 500) )) ->addAsLog(); return; } $this->getCreator() ->create($parent, ElementCreator::LOCATION_INSIDE_BOTTOM, $unescapedRender); } /** * @param DOMNode $parent The parent node into which created HTML will be inserted * @param array $data The data that will be converted into HTML * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function onConvert(DOMNode $parent, array $data): void { if (!$data) { return; } /** `true` if this data corresponds to a JSON array. Otherwise, `false`. */ $isJsonArray = is_int(array_key_first($data)); foreach($data as $key => $value) { $keyIndicator = $isJsonArray ? "data-index='{$key}'" : "class='{$key}' data-key='{$key}'"; if (is_array($value)) { // Add an element that will contain this array of items $newParent = $this->addNode($parent, "<div {$keyIndicator}></div>"); if (!$newParent) continue; $this->onConvert($newParent, $value); continue; } // We expect a scalar value in the rest of the loop. if (!is_scalar($value)) { continue; } $value = Utils::convertScalarToString($value); // First, convert HTML entities to their corresponding characters. This will turn, for example, "ç" // to "ç". Then, escape the HTML special characters so that the HTML code in de value is treated as // plain text. $value = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($value)); // Handle non-array value /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $elementHtml = null; // Check if the value is a URL. If so, create an anchor element. if ($this->isUrl($value)) { $trimmed = trim($value); $elementHtml = "<a {$keyIndicator} href='{$trimmed}' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener noreferrer'>{$value}</a>"; } else { // The value is not a URL. Create a div element. $elementHtml = "<div {$keyIndicator}>{$value}</div>"; } /** @noinspection PhpConditionAlreadyCheckedInspection */ if ($elementHtml === null) { // @phpstan-ignore-line continue; } $this->addNode($parent, $elementHtml); } } /** * Adds the given HTML element definition as a {@link DOMNode} inside the given reference {@link DOMNode}, as the * last child. * * @param DOMNode $reference The reference node * @param string $html The HTML code of a single element that will be added into the HTML document relative to * the reference node * @return DOMNode|null If the given HTML code could be injected as a {@link DOMNode} successfully, it will be * returned. Otherwise, `null` is returned. * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function addNode(DOMNode $reference, string $html): ?DOMNode { return $this->getCreator() ->createOne($reference, ElementCreator::LOCATION_INSIDE_BOTTOM, $html); } /** * @param string $value A string that might be a URL * @return bool `true` if the given value is a URL * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function isUrl(string $value): bool { return preg_match($this->urlMatchRegex, $value) === 1; } /** * Adds {@link ROOT_CONTAINER_CLASS} to the root node ({@link getRootNode()}) * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function markRootNodeWithClassName(): void { // Add a class to the root node, so that it is possible to know that the element is created by converting a JSON // value into HTML. $rootNode = $this->getRootNode(); if (!($rootNode instanceof DOMElement)) { return; } $existingCls = $rootNode->getAttribute('class'); if (mb_strpos($existingCls, self::ROOT_CONTAINER_CLASS) !== false) { return; } $rootNode->setAttribute('class', trim(sprintf( '%1$s %2$s wpcc-generated-container', $existingCls, self::ROOT_CONTAINER_CLASS ))); } /* * TEMPLATE HELPERS */ /** * @param TemplatePart[] $parts * @return string * @since 1.14.0 */ public function createBladeTemplateFromParts(array $parts): string { /** @var string[] $bladeTemplateParts */ $bladeTemplateParts = []; /** @var TemplatePart[] $unclosedParts */ $unclosedParts = []; $resultCount = 0; foreach($parts as $part) { $type = $part->getDirectiveType(); if ($type === null) { $bladeTemplateParts[] = $part->getPart(); continue; } // This is a directive // If this is a "close" directive if ($type === TemplatePart::DIRECTIVE_CLOSE) { $matchingUnclosedPart = array_pop($unclosedParts) ?? null; $closeDirective = $matchingUnclosedPart ? $matchingUnclosedPart->getCloseBladeDirective() : null; if ($closeDirective) { $bladeTemplateParts[] = $closeDirective; } continue; } // This is a directive possibly containing a JSON path. $jsonPath = $part->getJsonPath(); if ($jsonPath === null) { // If this is an "echo" directive, echo the item. Otherwise, the directive must have contained a JSON // path. if ($type === TemplatePart::DIRECTIVE_ECHO) { $bladeTemplateParts[] = '{{ $item ?? "" }}'; } continue; } // Get the JSON path by unescaping it. Also, escape the single quotes, since we will use single quotes when // defining the JSON path in PHP. $jsonPath = str_replace("'", "\'", $this->unescapeTemplate($jsonPath)); $resultVarName = "\$result{$resultCount}"; $resultVariable = sprintf('<?php %1$s = data_get((array) ($item ?? $data), \'%2$s\') ?? ""; ?>', $resultVarName, $jsonPath); $resultCount++; if ($type === TemplatePart::DIRECTIVE_ECHO) { $bladeTemplateParts[] = "{$resultVariable}{{ is_array({$resultVarName}) ? implode(' ', \Illuminate\Support\Arr::flatten({$resultVarName})) : {$resultVarName} }}"; } else if ($type === TemplatePart::DIRECTIVE_FOREACH) { $unclosedParts[] = $part; $bladeTemplateParts[] = "{$resultVariable}@foreach((array) {$resultVarName} as \$item)"; } } return implode('', $bladeTemplateParts); } /** * @param string $unescapedTemplate Unescaped template that will be converted to {@link TemplatePart}s * @return TemplatePart[] * @since 1.14.0 */ public function createTemplateParts(string $unescapedTemplate): array { // Escape the template, so that it does not have any executable PHP code in it $escapedTemplate = $this->escapeTemplate($unescapedTemplate); // Convert [wcc-item] short codes into Blade directives. First, let's find their locations. $pattern = sprintf('/\[\/?%1$s(?:[^]]+)?]/', preg_quote(ShortCodeName::WCC_ITEM)); preg_match_all($pattern, $escapedTemplate, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (!$matches) { return []; } $matchArr = $matches[0] ?? null; if (!is_array($matchArr)) { return []; } /** @var TemplatePart[] $parts */ $parts = []; $mainEndIndex = 0; /** @var TemplatePart|null $lastPart */ $lastPart = null; foreach($matchArr as $matchItem) { if (!is_array($matchItem)) continue; $part = $matchItem[0] ?? null; // @phpstan-ignore-line $startIndex = $matchItem[1] ?? null; // @phpstan-ignore-line if (!is_string($part) || !is_int($startIndex)) { // @phpstan-ignore-line continue; } if ($startIndex > $mainEndIndex + 1) { $lastPart = new TemplatePart( $lastPart, substr($escapedTemplate, $mainEndIndex, $startIndex - $mainEndIndex), $mainEndIndex, false ); $parts[] = $lastPart; } $lastPart = new TemplatePart($lastPart, $part, $startIndex, true); $parts[] = $lastPart; $mainEndIndex = $lastPart->getEnd(); } if ($mainEndIndex < mb_strlen($escapedTemplate) - 1) { $parts[] = new TemplatePart( $lastPart, substr($escapedTemplate, $mainEndIndex), $mainEndIndex, false ); } return $parts; } /** * Unescapes a template, reverting changes made by the {@link escapeTemplate()} method. * * @param string $template A template * @return string Unescaped template * @since 1.14.0 */ public function unescapeTemplate(string $template): string { $unescapeMap = self::getTemplateCharUnescapeMap(); foreach($unescapeMap as $find => $replace) { $template = str_replace($find, $replace, $template); } return $template; } /** * Escapes a template so that it does not include any executable code * * @param string $template A template * @return string Escaped template * @since 1.14.0 */ public function escapeTemplate(string $template): string { $escapeMap = self::getTemplateCharEscapeMap(); foreach($escapeMap as $find => $replace) { $template = str_replace($find, $replace, $template); } return $template; } /** * @return array<string, string> Flipped version of the array returned by {@link getTemplateCharEscapeMap()} * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function getTemplateCharUnescapeMap(): array { if (self::$templateCharUnescapeMap === null) { self::$templateCharUnescapeMap = array_flip(self::getTemplateCharEscapeMap()); } return self::$templateCharUnescapeMap; } /** * @return array<string, string> Keys are characters that should be escaped, the values are their unicode * equivalents. * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function getTemplateCharEscapeMap(): array { if (self::$templateCharEscapeMap === null) { self::$templateCharEscapeMap = [ '@' => '@', // A char having a special meaning in Blade templates '?' => '?', // Used to define PHP code snippets (e.g. "<?php") '{' => '{', // A char having a special meaning in Blade templates '}' => '}', // A char having a special meaning in Blade templates '$' => '$', // To prevent executing PHP code ]; } return self::$templateCharEscapeMap; } /* * */ /** * @return ConverterOptions * @since 1.14.0 */ protected function getOptions(): ConverterOptions { return $this->options; } /* * PUBLIC GETTERS */ /** * @return ElementCreator * @since 1.14.0 */ public function getCreator(): ElementCreator { if ($this->creator === null) { $this->creator = new ElementCreator(); } return $this->creator; } /** * @return DOMNode * @since 1.14.0 */ public function getRootNode(): DOMNode { return $this->rootNode; } /** * @return array See {@link data} * @since 1.14.0 */ public function getData(): array { return $this->data; } /* * STATIC CONSTRUCTORS */ /** * Converts many JSON strings into HTML and injects them into a {@link Crawler} * * @param Crawler $crawler The crawler into which the HTML versions of the given JSON strings * will be injected. The `body` element of the crawler is preferred. If * it does not exist, the first node of the crawler is used as the * container. * @param array $jsonStrings The JSON strings that will be converted to HTML * @param ConverterOptions|null $options * @since 1.14.0 */ public static function fromJsonIntoCrawler(Crawler $crawler, array $jsonStrings, ?ConverterOptions $options = null): void { $container = self::getJsonContainer($crawler); if (!$container) { return; } foreach($jsonStrings as $jsonString) { if (!is_string($jsonString)) { continue; } $converter = self::fromJson($jsonString, $options); if (!$converter) { continue; } $converter->convertAndInjectIntoElement($container); } } /** * Converts an array into HTML and injects the HTML into a {@link Crawler}. **This method will create only one * container**. Even if an array of arrays is provided, only one container will be created. * * @param Crawler $crawler The crawler into which the HTML version of the given data will be * injected. The `body` element of the crawler is preferred. If it does not * exist, the first node of the crawler is used as the container. * @param array $data The data that will be converted into an HTML element. This is assumed as * the array representation of one JSON string. * @param ConverterOptions|null $options * @since 1.14.0 */ public static function fromArrayIntoCrawler(Crawler $crawler, array $data, ?ConverterOptions $options = null): void { $container = self::getJsonContainer($crawler); if (!$container) { return; } $converter = self::fromArray($data, $options); if (!$converter) { return; } $converter->convertAndInjectIntoElement($container); } /** * Finds the JSON strings in a {@link Crawler}, converts them into HTML, and injects them as the last children of * the `body` element of the {@link Crawler} * * @param Crawler $crawler The crawler that might contain JSON strings. * @param ConverterOptions|null $options * @since 1.14.0 */ public static function fromCrawlerIntoCrawlerAuto(Crawler $crawler, ?ConverterOptions $options = null): void { $jsonStrings = (new JsonFinder($crawler)) ->find(); self::fromJsonIntoCrawler($crawler, $jsonStrings, $options); } /* * STATIC HELPERS */ /** * Decodes a JSON string into an associative array * * @param string $json A JSON string * @param bool $cache `false` if caching is disabled. Defaults to `true`. * @return array|null The parsed data, if it could be parsed. Otherwise, `null`. * @since 1.14.0 */ public static function decodeJson(string $json, bool $cache = true): ?array { $cacheKey = null; if ($cache) { $cacheKey = md5($json); $cachedValue = self::$cache[$cacheKey] ?? null; if ($cachedValue !== null) { return $cachedValue; } } $data = json_decode($json, true); // If the JSON could not be parsed, return null. if (!is_array($data)) { // If there is an error, add it as an information message $err = json_last_error_msg(); if ($err) { Informer::addInfo( _wpcc("JSON value could not be parsed.") . ' [' . sprintf(_wpcc('Message: %1$s'), $err) . ']' . ' [' . sprintf(_wpcc('JSON: %1$s'), Str::limit($json, 240)) . ']' )->addAsLog(); } $data = null; } if ($cacheKey !== null) { self::$cache[$cacheKey] = $data; } return $data; } /* * PROTECTED STATIC METHODS */ /** * @param Crawler $crawler The crawler whose JSON container will be retrieved * @return DOMNode|null The element that contains the HTML code generated from JSON * @since 1.14.0 */ protected static function getJsonContainer(Crawler $crawler): ?DOMNode { $body = Utils::getBodyElement($crawler); if (!$body) { return null; } // Instead of directly inserting into the `body`, create a container with ID and insert into it. By this way, // the found CSS selectors will be more reliable, as they won't need to find an :nth-child selector in // the `body`, but in the #wpcc-generated-json element. $containerId = self::GENERATED_JSON_CONTAINER_ID; $container = (new Crawler($body)) ->filter("#{$containerId}") ->first() ->getNode(0); if ($container === null) { $container = (new ElementCreator()) ->createOne($body, ElementCreator::LOCATION_INSIDE_BOTTOM, "<div id='{$containerId}'></div>"); } return $container; } }