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<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: tsaricam * Date: 04/02/2023 * Time: 11:46 * * @since 1.13.0 */ namespace WPCCrawler\Objects\Api\OpenAi; use Exception; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException; use GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Api\OpenAi\Objects\ChatMessage; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Api\OpenAi\Objects\Model; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Api\OpenAi\Objects\ModelRegistry; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Api\OpenAi\Tokenizer\Gpt3Tokenizer; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Enums\InformationType; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Informing\Information; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Informing\Informer; use WPCCrawler\Utils; /** * Used to interact with OpenAI's API */ class OpenAiClient { // TODO: Handle rate limits /* Rate limits: https://help.openai.com/en/articles/5955598-is-api-usage-subject-to-any-rate-limits Documentation: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/introduction */ /** @var OpenAiClient|null */ private static $testInstance = null; const DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE = 0.7; const DEFAULT_CHAT_TEMPERATURE = 1; /** @var string The secret key retrieved from OpenAI, used to authenticate with the API. */ private $secretKey; /** @var Client|null */ private $client = null; /** @var bool `true` if predefined responses must be returned instead of making a request to the API. */ private $usePredefinedResponses = false; const BASE_URL = 'https://api.openai.com/v1/'; // Make sure this ends with a forward slash const ENDPOINT_MODELS = 'models'; const ENDPOINT_COMPLETIONS = 'completions'; const ENDPOINT_EDITS = 'edits'; const ENDPOINT_CHAT_COMPLETIONS = 'chat/completions'; /** * **IMPORTANT:** Prefer {@link OpenAiClient::newInstance()} outside the unit tests, so that the client can be * replaced during unit tests. * * @param string $secretKey See {@link $secretKey} * @since 1.13.0 */ public function __construct(string $secretKey) { $this->secretKey = $secretKey; } /** * @return bool See {@link $usePredefinedResponses} * @since 1.13.0 */ public function isUsePredefinedResponses(): bool { return $this->usePredefinedResponses; } /** * @param bool $usePredefinedResponses See {@link $usePredefinedResponses} * @return self * @since 1.13.0 */ public function setUsePredefinedResponses(bool $usePredefinedResponses): OpenAiClient { $this->usePredefinedResponses = $usePredefinedResponses; return $this; } /** * @return Model[] Models available in OpenAI API * @see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/models/list * @since 1.13.0 */ public function getModels(): array { try { $response = $this->getClient()->get(self::ENDPOINT_MODELS); } catch (GuzzleException $e) { $this->logException($e, _wpcc("OpenAI models could not be retrieved.")); return []; } $body = $this->getResponseBody($response); if ($body === null) { return []; } $data = $body["data"] ?? null; if ($data === null) { Informer::addInfo(_wpcc('No models are retrieved from OpenAI.')) ->addAsLog(); return []; } if (!is_array($data)) { $data = [$data]; } $models = array_filter(array_map(function ($item) { return Model::fromApi($item); }, $data)); // Sort by rank in descending order, boost the one that has an alphabetically bigger ID when the ranks are the // same usort($models, function(Model $b, Model $a) { if ($a->getRank() > $b->getRank()) return 1; if ($a->getRank() < $b->getRank()) return -1; return strcmp($a->getId(), $b->getId()); }); return array_values($models); } /** * Make a "chat completion" request * * @param string $modelName The name of the AI model to be used for chat completion * @param ChatMessage[] $messages The chat messages to be sent to the API to get a response * @param int|null $maxTokens The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count * of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length. * Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except for the newest * models, which support 4096). If this is `null`, this value will be * automatically calculated and validated. * @param string[]|null $stopSequences Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The * returned text will not contain the stop sequence. * @param float|null $temperature What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values mean the * model will take more risks. Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 * (argmax sampling) for ones with a well-defined answer. Defaults to * {@link DEFAULT_CHAT_TEMPERATURE}. * @return string|null * @see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat * @since 1.13.0 */ public function postChatCompletion(string $modelName, array $messages, ?int $maxTokens = null, ?array $stopSequences = null, ?float $temperature = null): ?string { if ($this->isUsePredefinedResponses()) { return $this->createPredefinedResponse(); } $model = $this->getModelByName($modelName); if (!$model) { return null; } $texts = []; $messagesPrepared = array_map(function(ChatMessage $message) use (&$texts) { // The role and content are used to calculate the token length by the API. So, we need to add them both. $texts[] = $message->getRole(); $texts[] = $message->getContent(); // Return the array representation of the message. return $message->toArray(); }, $messages); $maxTokens = $maxTokens ?? $model->calculateMaxTokenLength($texts); if (!$this->validateMaxTokenLength($maxTokens, $model, $texts)) { return null; } try { $response = $this->getClient()->post(self::ENDPOINT_CHAT_COMPLETIONS, [ RequestOptions::JSON => [ 'model' => $model->getId(), 'messages' => $messagesPrepared, 'max_tokens' => $maxTokens, 'temperature' => $temperature ?? self::DEFAULT_CHAT_TEMPERATURE, 'n' => 1, // Generate only 1 completion 'stop' => $this->prepareStopSequences($stopSequences, 4), ], ]); } catch (GuzzleException $e) { $messageTexts = array_map(function(ChatMessage $message) { return $message->getContent(); }, $messages); $this->logException($e, sprintf( _wpcc('Chat completion cannot be retrieved. [Messages: "%1$s"]'), Str::limit(implode(', ', $messageTexts), 300) )); return null; } $body = $this->getResponseBody($response); if ($body === null) { return null; } $result = Utils::array_get($body, 'choices.0.message.content'); if (!is_string($result)) { Informer::addInfo(_wpcc("Generated chat response could not be retrieved from OpenAI's response.")) ->addAsLog(); return null; } return trim($result); } /** * Make a "completion" request * * @param string $modelName The name of the AI model to be used for completion * @param string $prompt The prompt for text completion * @param int|null $maxTokens The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count * of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length. * Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except for the newest * models, which support 4096). If this is `null`, this value will be * automatically calculated and validated. * @param string[]|null $stopSequences Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The * returned text will not contain the stop sequence. * @param float|null $temperature What sampling temperature to use. Higher values mean the model will take * more risks. Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 (argmax sampling) * for ones with a well-defined answer. Defaults to {@link DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE}. * @param string|null $suffix The suffix that comes after a completion of inserted text. * @return string|null * @see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions/create * @since 1.13.0 */ public function postCompletion(string $modelName, string $prompt, ?int $maxTokens = null, ?array $stopSequences = null, ?float $temperature = null, ?string $suffix = null): ?string { if ($this->isUsePredefinedResponses()) { return $this->createPredefinedResponse(); } $model = $this->getModelByName($modelName); if (!$model) { return null; } $maxTokens = $maxTokens ?? $model->calculateMaxTokenLength([$prompt]); if (!$this->validateMaxTokenLength($maxTokens, $model, [$prompt])) { return null; } try { $response = $this->getClient()->post(self::ENDPOINT_COMPLETIONS, [ RequestOptions::JSON => [ 'model' => $model->getId(), 'prompt' => $prompt, 'max_tokens' => $maxTokens, 'temperature' => $temperature ?? self::DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE, 'suffix' => $suffix, 'n' => 1, // Generate only 1 completion for each prompt, 'stop' => $this->prepareStopSequences($stopSequences, 4), ], ]); } catch (GuzzleException $e) { $this->logException($e, sprintf( _wpcc('Completion cannot be retrieved. [Prompt: "%1$s"]'), Str::limit($prompt, 300) )); return null; } return $this->getFirstChoiceTextFromResponse($response); } /** * Make an "edit" request * * @param string $modelName The name of the AI model to be used for edits * @param string $input The input text to use as a starting point for the edit * @param string $instructions The instruction that tells the model how to edit the input * @param float|null $temperature What sampling temperature to use. Higher values mean the model will take * more risks. Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 (argmax sampling) * for ones with a well-defined answer. Defaults to * {@link self::DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE}. * @return string|null * @since 1.13.0 */ public function postEdit(string $modelName, string $input, string $instructions, ?float $temperature = null): ?string { if ($this->isUsePredefinedResponses()) { return $this->createPredefinedResponse(); } $model = $this->getModelByName($modelName); if (!$model) { return null; } try { $response = $this->getClient()->post(self::ENDPOINT_EDITS, [ RequestOptions::JSON => [ 'model' => $model->getId(), 'input' => $input, 'instruction' => $instructions, 'temperature' => $temperature ?? self::DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE, 'n' => 1, // Generate only 1 edit ], ]); } catch (GuzzleException $e) { $this->logException($e, sprintf( _wpcc('Edits cannot be retrieved. [Input: "%1$s"] [Instructions: "%2$s"]'), Str::limit($input, 300), Str::limit($instructions, 300) )); return null; } return $this->getFirstChoiceTextFromResponse($response); } /* * HELPER METHODS */ /** * Prepares the stop sequences by limiting their numbers * * @param string[]|null $stopSequences The stop sequences to be prepared * @param int $max How many stop sequences at maximum can be returned * @return string[]|null If the given stop sequences variable is `null`, returns `null`. Otherwise, returns the * stop sequences by limiting the quantity to the given maximum quantity. * @since 1.13.0 */ protected function prepareStopSequences(?array $stopSequences, int $max = 4): ?array { return $stopSequences ? array_slice(array_values($stopSequences), 0, $max) : null; } /** * Extract the first "choice" item's text from OpenAI API response * * @param ResponseInterface $response Response retrieved from OpenAI * @return string|null The text of the first "choice" item available in the response. Otherwise, `null`. * @since 1.13.0 */ protected function getFirstChoiceTextFromResponse(ResponseInterface $response): ?string { $body = $this->getResponseBody($response); if ($body === null) { return null; } $choices = $body["choices"] ?? null; if (!is_array($choices) || !$choices) { Informer::addInfo(_wpcc('No choices are retrieved from OpenAI response.')) ->addAsLog(); return null; } $firstChoice = array_values($choices)[0]; $result = $firstChoice["text"] ?? null; if ($result === null) { Informer::addInfo(_wpcc("Generated text could not be retrieved from OpenAI's response.")) ->addAsLog(); return null; } return trim($result); } /** * Get the body of an OpenAI response * * @param ResponseInterface $response The API response retrieved from OpenAI * @return array|null If the data could be retrieved, it is returned as an associative array. Otherwise, `null` is * returned. * @since 1.13.0 */ protected function getResponseBody(ResponseInterface $response): ?array { // Get the response text $responseText = $response->getBody()->getContents(); // Parse it to JSON $responseJson = json_decode($responseText, true); // Make sure the response is parsed to JSON correctly. if (!is_array($responseJson)) { $message = _wpcc('The response retrieved from OpenAI API could not be parsed to JSON. Message: %1$s'); $info = new Information($message, json_last_error_msg(), InformationType::ERROR); Informer::add($info->addAsLog()); return null; } return $responseJson; } /** * @param Exception|GuzzleException $e The exception to be logged * @param string $message A short explanation about the error, to be shown to the user. * @since 1.13.0 */ protected function logException($e, string $message): void { $exception = $e instanceof Exception ? $e : null; $info = new Information( $message, $exception ? $exception->getMessage() : '', InformationType::ERROR, ); Informer::add($info->setException($exception)->addAsLog()); } /** * Check if the maximum token count is valid. This method adds an information message when the token count is not * valid. * * @param int $maxTokens Maximum number of tokens that the API can generate * @param Model $model The model that will generate the response * @param string[] $texts The texts that will be used by the model to generate the response * @return bool `true` if the maximum token length is valid for the model with the given prompt. Otherwise, `false`. * @since 1.13.0 */ protected function validateMaxTokenLength(int $maxTokens, Model $model, array $texts): bool { if ($maxTokens > 0) { return true; } Informer::addInfo(sprintf( _wpcc('Maximum token count for model "%1$s" is %2$d with the given texts.') . ' ' . _wpcc('You should reduce the length of the texts to increase the maximum token count that the model can use to generate a response.') . ' ' . _wpcc('[Text token count: %3$d], [Model context length: %4$d], [Remaining tokens: %5$d], [Texts: "%6$s"]'), $model->getId(), $maxTokens, Gpt3Tokenizer::getInstance()->getTokenCount($texts), $model->getContextLength(), $maxTokens, Str::limit(implode(', ', $texts), 600), )) ->addAsLog(); return false; } /** * Get an OpenAI model by its name (ID). This method adds an information message when the model is not found. * * @param string $modelName Name (ID) of an OpenAI model * @return Model|null If the model is found in {@link ModelRegistry}, it will be returned. Otherwise, `null` is * returned. * @since 1.13.0 */ protected function getModelByName(string $modelName): ?Model { $modelName = trim($modelName); $model = ModelRegistry::getInstance()->getModelByName($modelName); if (!$model) { Informer::addInfo(sprintf(_wpcc('OpenAI model "%s" is not available in the plugin.'), $modelName)) ->addAsLog(); return null; } return $model; } /** * @return Client The client that is configured to interact with OpenAI API * @since 1.13.0 */ private function getClient(): Client { if (!$this->client) { $this->client = $this->createClient(); } return $this->client; } /** * @return Client A new client that is configured to interact with OpenAI API * @since 1.13.0 */ protected function createClient(): Client { return new Client([ 'base_uri' => self::BASE_URL, RequestOptions::HEADERS => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => sprintf('Bearer %s', $this->getSecretKey()), ], ]); } /** * @return string A text that explains why a predefined response is returned * @since 1.13.0 */ protected function createPredefinedResponse(): string { return _wpcc('This is a predefined OpenAI GPT response. An API request is not made to avoid unnecessary costs during tests.'); } /* * PUBLIC GETTERS */ /** * @return string See {@link $secretKey} * @since 1.13.0 */ public function getSecretKey(): string { return $this->secretKey; } /* * STATIC METHODS */ /** * @param string $secretKey See {@link OpenAiClient::__construct()} * @return OpenAiClient * @since 1.13.0 */ public static function newInstance(string $secretKey): OpenAiClient { return self::$testInstance ?: new OpenAiClient($secretKey); } /** * Set the instance that will be returned by {@link OpenAiClient::newInstance()}. This method is intended to be used * in unit tests, to replace the client with a mock client. * * @param OpenAiClient|null $testInstance If this is not `null`, this will be returned by * {@link OpenAiClient::newInstance()} instead of creating a new instance. If * this is null, {@link OpenAiClient::newInstance()} creates a new instance. * @since 1.13.0 */ public static function setTestInstance(?OpenAiClient $testInstance): void { self::$testInstance = $testInstance; } }