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jQuery Serialize Object ======================= **As seen on StackOverflow: [Convert forms to JSON LIKE A BOSS][SO].** Adds the method `serializeObject` to jQuery, to perform complex form serialization into JavaScript objects. The current implementation relies in `jQuery.serializeArray()` to grab the form attributes and then create the object using the input `name` attributes. This means it will serialize the inputs that are supported by `.serializeArray()`, that use the standard W3C rules for [successful controls][w3c_controls] to determine which inputs should be included; in particular: * The input cannot be disabled and must contain a name attribute. * No submit button value is serialized since the form is not submitted using a button. * Data from `<input type="file">` inputs are not serialized. Installation ------------ **option 1: Bower** ```sh $ bower install jquery-serialize-object ``` **option 2: Manual** Copy the `dist/jquery-serialize-object.min.js` to your project. You can include the plugin in the `HEAD` element or at the bottom of your `BODY` tag. Wherever you choose to add it, it **must** be included after your jQuery. ```html <head> <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.serialize-object.min.js"></script> </head> ``` 2.0 --- Version 2.0 takes jquery-serialize-object into maturity. It is now backed by a full test suite so you can be confident that it will work in your web app. Moving ahead, on top of core serialization, `.serializeObject` will support correct serializaton for `boolean` and `number` values, resulting valid types for both cases. Look forward to these `>= 2.5.0` **Update:** `>= 2.4.0` now serializes `<input type="checkbox">` as a `boolean`. See the [test][boolean] for specific behavior. API --- Given a basic HTML form ```html <form id="contact"> <input name="user[email]" value="jsmith@example.com"> <input name="user[pets][]" type="checkbox" value="cat" checked> <input name="user[pets][]" type="checkbox" value="dog" checked> <input name="user[pets][]" type="checkbox" value="bird"> <input type="submit"> </form> ``` **.serializeObject** — serializes the selected form into a JavaScript object ```js $('form#contact').serializeObject(); //=> {user: {email: "jsmith@example.com", pets: ["cat", "dog"]}} ``` **.serializeJSON** — serializes the selected form into [JSON][json] ```js $('form#contact').serializeJSON(); //=> '{"user":{"email":"jsmith@example.com","pets":["cat","dog"]}}' ``` **FormSerializer.patterns** — modify the patterns used to match field names Many of you have requested to allow `-` in field names or use `.` to nest keys. You can now configure these to your heart's content. [Hyphen][dash-notation] example ```js $.extend(FormSerializer.patterns, { validate: /^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]*(?:\[(?:\d*|[a-z0-9_-]+)\])*$/i, key: /[a-z0-9_-]+|(?=\[\])/gi, named: /^[a-z0-9_-]+$/i }); ``` [Dot-notation][dot-notation] example ```js $.extend(FormSerializer.patterns, { validate: /^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*(?:\.[a-z0-9_]+)*(?:\[\])?$/i }); ``` *Validating and Key parsing* * `validate` — only valid input names will be serialized; invalid names will be skipped * `key` — this pattern parses all "keys" from the input name; You will want to use `/g` as a modifier with this regexp. *Key styles* * `push` — pushe a value to an array ```html <input name="foo[]" value="a"> <input name="foo[]" value="b"> ``` ```js $("form").serializeObject(); //=> {foo: [a, b]} ``` * `fixed` — add a value to an array at a specified index ```html <input name="foo[2]" value="a"> <input name="foo[4]" value="b"> ``` ```js $("form").serializeObject(); //=> {foo: [, , "a", , "b"]} ``` * `named` — adds a value to the specified key ```html <input name="foo[bar]" value="a"> <input name="foo[bof]" value="b"> <input name="hello" value="world"> ``` ```js $("form").serializeObject(); //=> {foo: {bar: "a", bof: "b"}, hello: "world"} ``` Tests ----- If you have [node.js][node] installed, as a convenience, you can run ```sh $ npm test ``` If you do not have node installed, simply ```sh $ open ./test/test.html ``` CoffeeScript ------------ CoffeeScript has been dropped for `>= 2.0.0`. If members of the community would like to support this, please feel free to add a CoffeeScript version. If you'd like to use the the `1.0.0` version, it is still available [here][legacy]. Contributing ------------ All pull requests **must** be backed by tests or they will be rejected. Once you have finished your changes, build the new plugin: ```sh $ npm run-script build ``` **Do not** bump the version. I will handle versioning. [SO]: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8407771/184600 [w3c_controls]: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2 [json]: http://json.org [node]: http://nodejs.org [legacy]: https://github.com/macek/jquery-serialize-object/releases/tag/1.0.0 [dash-notation]: https://github.com/macek/jquery-serialize-object/issues/6 [dot-notation]: https://github.com/macek/jquery-serialize-object/issues/4 [boolean]: https://github.com/macek/jquery-serialize-object/blob/master/test/integration/encode-test.js