Upload File
<?php // Copyright 2022 DeepL SE (https://www.deepl.com) // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. namespace DeepL; use JsonException; /** * Wrapper for the DeepL API for language translation. * Create an instance of Translator to use the DeepL API. */ class Translator { /** * Library version. */ public const VERSION = '1.5.1'; /** * Implements all HTTP requests and retries. */ private $client; /** * Construct a Translator object wrapping the DeepL API using your authentication key. * This does not connect to the API, and returns immediately. * @param string $authKey Authentication key as specified in your account. * @param array $options Additional options controlling Translator behaviour. * @throws DeepLException * @see TranslatorOptions for a list of available request options. */ public function __construct(string $authKey, array $options = []) { if ($authKey === '') { throw new DeepLException('authKey must be a non-empty string'); } // Validation is currently only logging warnings $_ = TranslatorOptions::isValid($options); $serverUrl = $options[TranslatorOptions::SERVER_URL] ?? (self::isAuthKeyFreeAccount($authKey) ? TranslatorOptions::DEFAULT_SERVER_URL_FREE : TranslatorOptions::DEFAULT_SERVER_URL); if (!is_string($serverUrl) || strlen($serverUrl) == 0) { throw new DeepLException('If specified, ' . TranslatorOptions::SERVER_URL . ' option must be a non-empty string.'); } elseif (substr($serverUrl, -1) === "/") { // Remove trailing slash if present $serverUrl = substr($serverUrl, 0, strlen($serverUrl) - 1); } $headers = array_replace( [ 'Authorization' => "DeepL-Auth-Key $authKey", 'User-Agent' => self::constructUserAgentString( $options[TranslatorOptions::SEND_PLATFORM_INFO] ?? true, $options[TranslatorOptions::APP_INFO] ?? null ), ], $options[TranslatorOptions::HEADERS] ?? [] ); $timeout = $options[TranslatorOptions::TIMEOUT] ?? TranslatorOptions::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; $maxRetries = $options[TranslatorOptions::MAX_RETRIES] ?? TranslatorOptions::DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES; $logger = $options[TranslatorOptions::LOGGER] ?? null; $proxy = $options[TranslatorOptions::PROXY] ?? null; $http_client = $options[TranslatorOptions::HTTP_CLIENT] ?? null; $this->client = new HttpClientWrapper( $serverUrl, $headers, $timeout, $maxRetries, $logger, $proxy, $http_client ); } /** * Queries character and document usage during the current billing period. * @return Usage * @throws DeepLException */ public function getUsage(): Usage { $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff('GET', '/v2/usage'); $this->checkStatusCode($response); list(, $content) = $response; return new Usage($content); } /** * Queries source languages supported by the DeepL API. * @return Language[] Array of Language objects containing available source languages. * @throws DeepLException */ public function getSourceLanguages(): array { return $this->getLanguages(false); } /** * Queries target languages supported by the DeepL API. * @return Language[] Array of Language objects containing available target languages. * @throws DeepLException */ public function getTargetLanguages(): array { return $this->getLanguages(true); } /** * Queries languages supported for glossaries by the DeepL API. * @return GlossaryLanguagePair[] Array of GlossaryLanguagePair objects containing available glossary languages. * @throws DeepLException */ public function getGlossaryLanguages(): array { $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff('GET', '/v2/glossary-language-pairs'); $this->checkStatusCode($response); list(, $content) = $response; try { $decoded = json_decode($content, true, 512, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); } catch (JsonException $exception) { throw new InvalidContentException($exception); } $result = []; foreach ($decoded['supported_languages'] as $lang) { $sourceLang = $lang['source_lang']; $targetLang = $lang['target_lang']; $result[] = new GlossaryLanguagePair($sourceLang, $targetLang); } return $result; } /** * Translates specified text string or array of text strings into the target language. * @param $texts string|string[] A single string or array of strings containing input texts to translate. * @param string|null $sourceLang Language code of input text language, or null to use auto-detection. * @param string $targetLang Language code of language to translate into. * @param array $options Translation options to apply. See \DeepL\TranslateTextOptions. * @return TextResult|TextResult[] A TextResult or array of TextResult objects containing translated texts. * @throws DeepLException * @see \DeepL\TranslateTextOptions */ public function translateText($texts, ?string $sourceLang, string $targetLang, array $options = []) { $params = $this->buildBodyParams( $sourceLang, $targetLang, $options[TranslateTextOptions::FORMALITY] ?? null, $options[TranslateTextOptions::GLOSSARY] ?? null ); $this->validateAndAppendTexts($params, $texts); $this->validateAndAppendTextOptions($params, $options); $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff( 'POST', '/v2/translate', [HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_PARAMS => $params] ); $this->checkStatusCode($response); list(, $content) = $response; try { $decoded = json_decode($content, true, 512, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); } catch (JsonException $exception) { throw new InvalidContentException($exception); } $textResults = []; foreach ($decoded['translations'] as $textResult) { $textField = $textResult['text']; $detectedSourceLang = $textResult['detected_source_language']; $textResults[] = new TextResult($textField, $detectedSourceLang); } return is_array($texts) ? $textResults : $textResults[0]; } /** * Uploads specified document to DeepL to translate into given target language, waits for translation to complete, * then downloads translated document to specified output path. * @param string $inputFile String containing file path of document to be translated. * @param string $outputFile String containing file path to create translated document. * @param string|null $sourceLang Language code of input document, or null to use auto-detection. * @param string $targetLang Language code of language to translate into. * @param array $options Translation options to apply. See \DeepL\TranslateDocumentOptions. * @return DocumentStatus DocumentStatus object for the completed translation. You can use the billedCharacters * property to check how many characters were billed for the document. * @throws DocumentTranslationException If a file already exists at the output file path, or if any error occurs * during document upload, translation or download. The `documentHandle` property of the exception, if not null, * may be used to recover the document ID and key of an in-progress translation. * @see \DeepL\TranslateDocumentOptions */ public function translateDocument( string $inputFile, string $outputFile, ?string $sourceLang, string $targetLang, array $options = [] ): DocumentStatus { $handle = null; if (file_exists($outputFile)) { throw new DocumentTranslationException("File already exists at output file path $outputFile"); } try { $handle = $this->uploadDocument($inputFile, $sourceLang, $targetLang, $options); $status = $this->waitUntilDocumentTranslationComplete($handle); $this->downloadDocument($handle, $outputFile); return $status; } catch (DeepLException $error) { if (file_exists($outputFile)) { unlink($outputFile); } $message = 'Error occurred while translating document: ' . ($error->getMessage() ?? 'unknown error'); throw new DocumentTranslationException($message, $error->getCode(), $error, $handle); } } /** * Uploads specified document to DeepL to translate into target language, and returns handle associated with the * document. * @param string $inputFile String containing file path of document to be translated. * @param string|null $sourceLang Language code of input document, or null to use auto-detection. * @param string $targetLang Language code of language to translate into. * @param array $options Translation options to apply. See \DeepL\TranslateDocumentOptions. * @return DocumentHandle Handle associated with the in-progress document translation. * @throws DeepLException */ public function uploadDocument( string $inputFile, ?string $sourceLang, string $targetLang, array $options = [] ): DocumentHandle { $params = $this->buildBodyParams( $sourceLang, $targetLang, $options[TranslateDocumentOptions::FORMALITY] ?? null, $options[TranslateDocumentOptions::GLOSSARY] ?? null ); $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff( 'POST', '/v2/document', [ HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_PARAMS => $params, HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_FILE => $inputFile, ] ); $this->checkStatusCode($response); list(, $content) = $response; try { $json = json_decode($content, true, 512, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); } catch (JsonException $exception) { throw new InvalidContentException($exception); } $documentId = $json['document_id']; $documentKey = $json['document_key']; return new DocumentHandle($documentId, $documentKey); } /** * Retrieves the status of the document translation associated with the given document handle. * @param DocumentHandle $handle Document handle associated with document. * @return DocumentStatus The document translation status. * @throws DeepLException */ public function getDocumentStatus(DocumentHandle $handle): DocumentStatus { $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff( 'POST', "/v2/document/$handle->documentId", [HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_PARAMS => ['document_key' => $handle->documentKey]] ); $this->checkStatusCode($response); list(, $content) = $response; return new DocumentStatus($content); } /** * Downloads the translated document associated with the given document handle to the specified output file path. * @param DocumentHandle $handle Document handle associated with document. * @param string $outputFile String containing file path to create translated document. * @throws DeepLException */ public function downloadDocument(DocumentHandle $handle, string $outputFile): void { if (file_exists($outputFile)) { throw new DeepLException("File already exists at output file path $outputFile"); } try { $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff( 'POST', "/v2/document/$handle->documentId/result", [ HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_PARAMS => ['document_key' => $handle->documentKey], HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_OUTFILE => $outputFile, ] ); $this->checkStatusCode($response, true); } catch (DeepLException $error) { if (file_exists($outputFile)) { unlink($outputFile); } throw $error; } } /** * Returns when the given document translation completes, or throws an exception if there was an error * communicating with the DeepL API or the document translation failed. * @param DocumentHandle $handle Handle to the document translation. * @return DocumentStatus DocumentStatus object for the completed translation. You can use the billedCharacters * property to check how many characters were billed for the document. * @throws DeepLException */ public function waitUntilDocumentTranslationComplete(DocumentHandle $handle): DocumentStatus { $status = $this->getDocumentStatus($handle); while (!$status->done() && $status->ok()) { // secondsRemaining is currently unreliable, so just poll equidistantly $secs = 5.0; usleep($secs * 1000000); $this->client->logInfo("Rechecking document translation status after sleeping for $secs seconds."); $status = $this->getDocumentStatus($handle); } if (!$status->ok()) { throw new DeepLException($status->errorMessage ?? 'unknown error'); } return $status; } /** * Creates a new glossary on DeepL server with given name, languages, and entries. * @param string $name User-defined name to assign to the glossary. * @param string $sourceLang Language code of the glossary source terms. * @param string $targetLang Language code of the glossary target terms. * @param GlossaryEntries $entries The source- & target-term pairs to add to the glossary. * @return GlossaryInfo Details about the created glossary. * @throws DeepLException */ public function createGlossary( string $name, string $sourceLang, string $targetLang, GlossaryEntries $entries ): GlossaryInfo { // Glossaries are only supported for base language types $sourceLang = LanguageCode::removeRegionalVariant($sourceLang); $targetLang = LanguageCode::removeRegionalVariant($targetLang); if (strlen($name) === 0) { throw new DeepLException('glossary name must be a non-empty string'); } $params = [ 'name' => $name, 'source_lang' => $sourceLang, 'target_lang' => $targetLang, 'entries_format' => 'tsv', 'entries' => $entries->convertToTsv(), ]; $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff( 'POST', '/v2/glossaries', [HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_PARAMS => $params] ); $this->checkStatusCode($response, false, true); list(, $content) = $response; return GlossaryInfo::parse($content); } /** * Creates a new glossary on DeepL server with given name, languages, and entries. * @param string $name User-defined name to assign to the glossary. * @param string $sourceLang Language code of the glossary source terms. * @param string $targetLang Language code of the glossary target terms. * @param string $csvContent String containing CSV content. * @return GlossaryInfo Details about the created glossary. * @throws DeepLException */ public function createGlossaryFromCsv( string $name, string $sourceLang, string $targetLang, string $csvContent ): GlossaryInfo { // Glossaries are only supported for base language types $sourceLang = LanguageCode::removeRegionalVariant($sourceLang); $targetLang = LanguageCode::removeRegionalVariant($targetLang); if (strlen($name) === 0) { throw new DeepLException('glossary name must be a non-empty string'); } $params = [ 'name' => $name, 'source_lang' => $sourceLang, 'target_lang' => $targetLang, 'entries_format' => 'csv', 'entries' => $csvContent, ]; $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff( 'POST', '/v2/glossaries', [HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_PARAMS => $params] ); $this->checkStatusCode($response, false, true); list(, $content) = $response; return GlossaryInfo::parse($content); } /** * Gets information about an existing glossary. * @param string $glossaryId Glossary ID of the glossary. * @return GlossaryInfo GlossaryInfo containing details about the glossary. * @throws DeepLException */ public function getGlossary(string $glossaryId): GlossaryInfo { $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff('GET', "/v2/glossaries/$glossaryId"); $this->checkStatusCode($response, false, true); list(, $content) = $response; return GlossaryInfo::parse($content); } /** * Gets information about all existing glossaries. * @return GlossaryInfo[] Array of GlossaryInfos containing details about all existing glossaries. * @throws DeepLException */ public function listGlossaries(): array { $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff('GET', '/v2/glossaries'); $this->checkStatusCode($response, false, true); list(, $content) = $response; return GlossaryInfo::parseList($content); } /** * Retrieves the entries stored with the glossary with the given glossary ID or GlossaryInfo. * @param string|GlossaryInfo $glossary Glossary ID or GlossaryInfo of glossary to retrieve entries of. * @return GlossaryEntries The entries stored in the glossary. * @throws DeepLException */ public function getGlossaryEntries($glossary): GlossaryEntries { $glossaryId = is_string($glossary) ? $glossary : $glossary->glossaryId; $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff('GET', "/v2/glossaries/$glossaryId/entries"); $this->checkStatusCode($response, false, true); list(, $content) = $response; return GlossaryEntries::fromTsv($content); } /** * Deletes the glossary with the given glossary ID or GlossaryInfo. * @param string|GlossaryInfo $glossary Glossary ID or GlossaryInfo of glossary to be deleted. * @throws DeepLException */ public function deleteGlossary($glossary): void { $glossaryId = is_string($glossary) ? $glossary : $glossary->glossaryId; $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff('DELETE', "/v2/glossaries/$glossaryId"); $this->checkStatusCode($response, false, true); } /** * Queries source or target languages supported by the DeepL API. * @param bool $target Query target languages if true, source languages otherwise. * @return Language[] Array of Language objects containing available languages. * @throws DeepLException */ private function getLanguages(bool $target): array { $response = $this->client->sendRequestWithBackoff( 'GET', '/v2/languages', [HttpClientWrapper::OPTION_PARAMS => ['type' => $target ? 'target' : 'source']] ); $this->checkStatusCode($response); list(, $content) = $response; try { $decoded = json_decode($content, true, 512, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); } catch (JsonException $exception) { throw new InvalidContentException($exception); } $result = []; foreach ($decoded as $lang) { $name = $lang['name']; $code = $lang['language']; $supportsFormality = array_key_exists('supports_formality', $lang) ? $lang['supports_formality'] : null; $result[] = new Language($name, $code, $supportsFormality); } return $result; } /** * Joins given TagList with commas to form a single comma-delimited string. * @param string[]|string $tagList List of tags to join. * @return string Tags combined into a comma-delimited string. */ private function joinTagList($tagList): string { if (is_string($tagList)) { return $tagList; } else { return implode(',', $tagList); } } /** * Returns '1' if the argument is truthy, otherwise '0'. * @param mixed $arg Argument to check. * @return string '1' or '0'. */ private function toBoolString($arg): string { return $arg ? '1' : '0'; } /** * Validates and prepares HTTP parameters for arguments common to text and document translation. * @param string|null $sourceLang Source language code, or null to use auto-detection. * @param string $targetLang Target language code. * @param string|null $formality Formality option, or null if not specified. * @param string|GlossaryInfo|null $glossary Glossary ID, GlossaryInfo, or null if not specified. * @return array Associative array of HTTP parameters. * @throws DeepLException */ private function buildBodyParams( ?string $sourceLang, string $targetLang, ?string $formality, $glossary ): array { $targetLang = LanguageCode::standardizeLanguageCode($targetLang); if (isset($sourceLang)) { $sourceLang = LanguageCode::standardizeLanguageCode($sourceLang); } if ($targetLang === 'en') { throw new DeepLException('targetLang="en" is deprecated, please use "en-GB" or "en-US" instead.'); } elseif ($targetLang === 'pt') { throw new DeepLException('targetLang="pt" is deprecated, please use "pt-PT" or "pt-BR" instead.'); } $params = ['target_lang' => $targetLang]; if (isset($sourceLang)) { $params['source_lang'] = $sourceLang; } if (isset($formality)) { $formality_str = strtolower($formality); $params['formality'] = $formality_str; } if (isset($glossary)) { if (!isset($sourceLang)) { throw new DeepLException('sourceLang is required if using a glossary'); } if (!is_string($glossary)) { $glossary = $glossary->glossaryId; } $params['glossary_id'] = $glossary; } return $params; } /** * Validates and appends texts to HTTP request parameters. * @param array $params Parameters for HTTP request. * @param string|string[] $texts User-supplied texts to be checked. * @throws DeepLException */ private function validateAndAppendTexts(array &$params, $texts) { if (is_array($texts)) { foreach ($texts as $text) { if (!is_string($text)) { throw new DeepLException( 'texts parameter must be a string or array of strings', ); } } } else { if (!is_string($texts)) { throw new DeepLException( 'texts parameter must be a string or array of strings', ); } } $params['text'] = $texts; } /** * Validates and appends text options to HTTP request parameters. * @param array $params Parameters for HTTP request. * @param array|null $options Options for translate text request. * Note the formality and glossary options are handled separately, because these options overlap with document * translation. * @throws DeepLException */ private function validateAndAppendTextOptions(array &$params, ?array $options): void { if ($options === null) { return; } if (isset($options[TranslateTextOptions::SPLIT_SENTENCES])) { $split_sentences = strtolower($options[TranslateTextOptions::SPLIT_SENTENCES]); switch ($split_sentences) { case 'on': case 'default': $params[TranslateTextOptions::SPLIT_SENTENCES] = '1'; break; case 'off': $params[TranslateTextOptions::SPLIT_SENTENCES] = '0'; break; default: $params[TranslateTextOptions::SPLIT_SENTENCES] = $split_sentences; break; } } if (isset($options[TranslateTextOptions::PRESERVE_FORMATTING])) { $params[TranslateTextOptions::PRESERVE_FORMATTING] = $this->toBoolString($options[TranslateTextOptions::PRESERVE_FORMATTING]); } if (isset($options[TranslateTextOptions::TAG_HANDLING])) { $params[TranslateTextOptions::TAG_HANDLING] = $options[TranslateTextOptions::TAG_HANDLING]; } if (isset($options[TranslateTextOptions::OUTLINE_DETECTION])) { $params[TranslateTextOptions::OUTLINE_DETECTION] = $this->toBoolString($options[TranslateTextOptions::OUTLINE_DETECTION]); } if (isset($options[TranslateTextOptions::NON_SPLITTING_TAGS])) { $params[TranslateTextOptions::NON_SPLITTING_TAGS] = $this->joinTagList($options[TranslateTextOptions::NON_SPLITTING_TAGS]); } if (isset($options[TranslateTextOptions::SPLITTING_TAGS])) { $params[TranslateTextOptions::SPLITTING_TAGS] = $this->joinTagList($options[TranslateTextOptions::SPLITTING_TAGS]); } if (isset($options[TranslateTextOptions::IGNORE_TAGS])) { $params[TranslateTextOptions::IGNORE_TAGS] = $this->joinTagList($options[TranslateTextOptions::IGNORE_TAGS]); } } /** * Checks the HTTP status code, and in case of failure, throws an exception with diagnostic information. * @throws DeepLException */ private function checkStatusCode(array $response, bool $inDocumentDownload = false, bool $usingGlossary = false) { list($statusCode, $content) = $response; if (200 <= $statusCode && $statusCode < 400) { return; } $message = ''; try { $json = json_decode($content, true, 512, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); if (isset($json['message'])) { $message .= ", message: {$json['message']}"; } if (isset($json['detail'])) { $message .= ", detail: {$json['detail']}"; } } catch (\Exception $e) { // JSON parsing errors are ignored, and we fall back to the raw response $message = ", $content"; } switch ($statusCode) { case 403: throw new AuthorizationException("Authorization failure, check authentication key$message"); case 456: throw new QuotaExceededException("Quota for this billing period has been exceeded$message"); case 404: if ($usingGlossary) { throw new GlossaryNotFoundException("Glossary not found$message"); } throw new NotFoundException("Not found, check server_url$message"); case 400: throw new DeepLException("Bad request$message"); case 429: throw new TooManyRequestsException( "Too many requests, DeepL servers are currently experiencing high load$message" ); case 503: if ($inDocumentDownload) { throw new DocumentNotReadyException("Document not ready$message"); } else { throw new DeepLException("Service unavailable$message"); } break; // break required by phpcs although it is unnecessary default: throw new DeepLException( "Unexpected status code: $statusCode $message, content: $content." ); } } /** * Returns true if the specified DeepL Authentication Key is associated with a free account, * otherwise false. * @param string $authKey The authentication key to check. * @return bool True if the key is associated with a free account, otherwise false. */ public static function isAuthKeyFreeAccount(string $authKey): bool { return substr($authKey, -3) === ':fx'; } private static function constructUserAgentString(bool $sendPlatformInfo, ?AppInfo $appInfo): string { $libraryVersion = self::VERSION; $libraryInfoStr = "deepl-php/$libraryVersion"; try { if ($sendPlatformInfo) { $platformStr = php_uname('s r v m'); $phpVersion = phpversion(); $libraryInfoStr .= " ($platformStr) php/$phpVersion"; $curlVer = curl_version()['version']; $libraryInfoStr .= " curl/$curlVer"; } if (!is_null($appInfo)) { $libraryInfoStr .= " $appInfo->appName/$appInfo->appVersion"; } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Do not fail request, simply send req with an incomplete user agent string } return $libraryInfoStr; } }