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<?php /** * @author Jesse G. Donat <donatj@gmail.com> * * @link https://donatstudios.com/PHP-Parser-HTTP_USER_AGENT * @link https://github.com/donatj/PhpUserAgent * * @license MIT https://github.com/donatj/PhpUserAgent/blob/master/LICENSE.md */ namespace { /** * Parses a user agent string into its important parts * * This method is defined for backwards comparability with the old global method. * * @param string|null $u_agent User agent string to parse or null. Uses $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] on NULL * @return string[] an array with 'browser', 'version' and 'platform' keys * @throws \InvalidArgumentException on not having a proper user agent to parse. * * @deprecated This exists for backwards compatibility with 0.x and will likely be removed in 2.x * @see \donatj\UserAgent\parse_user_agent */ function parse_user_agent( $u_agent = null ) { return \donatj\UserAgent\parse_user_agent($u_agent); } } namespace donatj\UserAgent { const PLATFORM = 'platform'; const BROWSER = 'browser'; const BROWSER_VERSION = 'version'; /** * Parses a user agent string into its important parts * * @param string|null $u_agent User agent string to parse or null. Uses $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] on NULL * @return string[] an array with 'browser', 'version' and 'platform' keys * @throws \InvalidArgumentException on not having a proper user agent to parse. */ function parse_user_agent( $u_agent = null ) { if( $u_agent === null && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ) { $u_agent = (string)$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } if( $u_agent === null ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('parse_user_agent requires a user agent'); } $platform = null; $browser = null; $version = null; $return = [ PLATFORM => &$platform, BROWSER => &$browser, BROWSER_VERSION => &$version ]; if( !$u_agent ) { return $return; } if( preg_match('/\((.*?)\)/m', $u_agent, $parent_matches) ) { preg_match_all(<<<'REGEX' /(?P<platform>BB\d+;|Android|Adr|Symbian|Sailfish|CrOS|Tizen|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Linux|(?:Open|Net|Free)BSD|Macintosh| Windows(?:\ Phone)?|Silk|linux-gnu|BlackBerry|PlayBook|X11|(?:New\ )?Nintendo\ (?:WiiU?|3?DS|Switch)|Xbox(?:\ One)?) (?:\ [^;]*)? (?:;|$)/imx REGEX , $parent_matches[1], $result); $priority = [ 'Xbox One', 'Xbox', 'Windows Phone', 'Tizen', 'Android', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'OpenBSD', 'CrOS', 'X11', 'Sailfish' ]; $result[PLATFORM] = array_unique($result[PLATFORM]); if( count($result[PLATFORM]) > 1 ) { if( $keys = array_intersect($priority, $result[PLATFORM]) ) { $platform = reset($keys); } else { $platform = $result[PLATFORM][0]; } } elseif( isset($result[PLATFORM][0]) ) { $platform = $result[PLATFORM][0]; } } if( $platform == 'linux-gnu' || $platform == 'X11' ) { $platform = 'Linux'; } elseif( $platform == 'CrOS' ) { $platform = 'Chrome OS'; } elseif( $platform == 'Adr' ) { $platform = 'Android'; } elseif( $platform === null ) { if(preg_match_all('%(?P<platform>Android)[:/ ]%ix', $u_agent, $result)) { $platform = $result[PLATFORM][0]; } } preg_match_all(<<<'REGEX' %(?P<browser>Camino|Kindle(\ Fire)?|Firefox|Iceweasel|IceCat|Safari|MSIE|Trident|AppleWebKit| TizenBrowser|(?:Headless)?Chrome|YaBrowser|Vivaldi|IEMobile|Opera|OPR|Silk|Midori|(?-i:Edge)|EdgA?|CriOS|UCBrowser|Puffin| OculusBrowser|SamsungBrowser|SailfishBrowser|XiaoMi/MiuiBrowser|YaApp_Android| Baiduspider|Applebot|Facebot|Googlebot|YandexBot|bingbot|Lynx|Version|Wget|curl| Valve\ Steam\ Tenfoot| NintendoBrowser|PLAYSTATION\ (?:\d|Vita)+) \)?;? (?:[:/ ](?P<version>[0-9A-Z.]+)|/[A-Z]*)%ix REGEX , $u_agent, $result); // If nothing matched, return null (to avoid undefined index errors) if( !isset($result[BROWSER][0], $result[BROWSER_VERSION][0]) ) { if( preg_match('%^(?!Mozilla)(?P<browser>[A-Z0-9\-]+)([/ :](?P<version>[0-9A-Z.]+))?%ix', $u_agent, $result) ) { return [ PLATFORM => $platform ?: null, BROWSER => $result[BROWSER], BROWSER_VERSION => empty($result[BROWSER_VERSION]) ? null : $result[BROWSER_VERSION] ]; } return $return; } if( preg_match('/rv:(?P<version>[0-9A-Z.]+)/i', $u_agent, $rv_result) ) { $rv_result = $rv_result[BROWSER_VERSION]; } $browser = $result[BROWSER][0]; $version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][0]; $lowerBrowser = array_map('strtolower', $result[BROWSER]); $find = function ( $search, &$key = null, &$value = null ) use ( $lowerBrowser ) { $search = (array)$search; foreach( $search as $val ) { $xkey = array_search(strtolower($val), $lowerBrowser); if( $xkey !== false ) { $value = $val; $key = $xkey; return true; } } return false; }; $findT = function ( array $search, &$key = null, &$value = null ) use ( $find ) { $value2 = null; if( $find(array_keys($search), $key, $value2) ) { $value = $search[$value2]; return true; } return false; }; $key = 0; $val = ''; if( $findT([ 'OPR' => 'Opera', 'Facebot' => 'iMessageBot', 'UCBrowser' => 'UC Browser', 'YaBrowser' => 'Yandex', 'YaApp_Android' => 'Yandex', 'Iceweasel' => 'Firefox', 'Icecat' => 'Firefox', 'CriOS' => 'Chrome', 'Edg' => 'Edge', 'EdgA' => 'Edge', 'XiaoMi/MiuiBrowser' => 'MiuiBrowser' ], $key, $browser) ) { $version = is_numeric(substr($result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key], 0, 1)) ? $result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key] : null; } elseif( $find('Playstation Vita', $key, $platform) ) { $platform = 'PlayStation Vita'; $browser = 'Browser'; } elseif( $find([ 'Kindle Fire', 'Silk' ], $key, $val) ) { $browser = $val == 'Silk' ? 'Silk' : 'Kindle'; $platform = 'Kindle Fire'; if( !($version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key]) || !is_numeric($version[0]) ) { $version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][array_search('Version', $result[BROWSER])]; } } elseif( $find('NintendoBrowser', $key) || $platform == 'Nintendo 3DS' ) { $browser = 'NintendoBrowser'; $version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key]; } elseif( $find('Kindle', $key, $platform) ) { $browser = $result[BROWSER][$key]; $version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key]; } elseif( $find('Opera', $key, $browser) ) { $find('Version', $key); $version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key]; } elseif( $find('Puffin', $key, $browser) ) { $version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key]; if( strlen($version) > 3 ) { $part = substr($version, -2); if( ctype_upper($part) ) { $version = substr($version, 0, -2); $flags = [ 'IP' => 'iPhone', 'IT' => 'iPad', 'AP' => 'Android', 'AT' => 'Android', 'WP' => 'Windows Phone', 'WT' => 'Windows' ]; if( isset($flags[$part]) ) { $platform = $flags[$part]; } } } } elseif( $find([ 'Applebot', 'IEMobile', 'Edge', 'Midori', 'Vivaldi', 'OculusBrowser', 'SamsungBrowser', 'Valve Steam Tenfoot', 'Chrome', 'HeadlessChrome', 'SailfishBrowser' ], $key, $browser) ) { $version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key]; } elseif( $rv_result && $find('Trident') ) { $browser = 'MSIE'; $version = $rv_result; } elseif( $browser == 'AppleWebKit' ) { if( $platform == 'Android' ) { $browser = 'Android Browser'; } elseif( strpos((string)$platform, 'BB') === 0 ) { $browser = 'BlackBerry Browser'; $platform = 'BlackBerry'; } elseif( $platform == 'BlackBerry' || $platform == 'PlayBook' ) { $browser = 'BlackBerry Browser'; } else { $find('Safari', $key, $browser) || $find('TizenBrowser', $key, $browser); } $find('Version', $key); $version = $result[BROWSER_VERSION][$key]; } elseif( $pKey = preg_grep('/playstation \d/i', $result[BROWSER]) ) { $pKey = reset($pKey); $platform = 'PlayStation ' . preg_replace('/\D/', '', $pKey); $browser = 'NetFront'; } return $return; } }