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<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: turgutsaricam * Date: 26/10/2019 * Time: 11:20 * * @since 1.9.0 */ namespace WPCCrawler\Objects\Transformation\Translation\Clients; use Exception; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Chunk\Enum\ChunkType; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Chunk\TransformationChunker; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Enums\InformationType; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Informing\Information; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Informing\Informer; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Settings\Enums\SettingKey; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Settings\SettingsImpl; use WPCCrawler\Objects\Transformation\Translation\TextTranslator; use WPCCrawler\Utils; class YandexTranslateAPIClient extends AbstractTranslateAPIClient { /* YANDEX TRANSLATOR SETTINGS Some notes: * Limits can be found here: https://tech.yandex.com/translate/doc/dg/reference/translate-docpage/ * For POST requests, the maximum size of the text being passed is 10,000 characters. */ /** @var string Yandex Translate API's main URL */ private $host = 'https://translate.yandex.net/api/v1.5/tr.json/'; /** @var string Endpoint to which the translation request should be sent */ private $endpointTranslate = 'translate'; /** @var string Endpoint to which a request to get the list of supported languages should be sent */ private $endpointGetLanguages = 'getLangs'; /** @var string */ private $keyApiKey = 'key'; /** @var string */ private $settingKeyFrom = SettingKey::WPCC_TRANSLATION_YANDEX_TRANSLATE_FROM; /** @var string */ private $settingKeyTo = SettingKey::WPCC_TRANSLATION_YANDEX_TRANSLATE_TO; /** @var string */ private $settingKeyApiKey = SettingKey::WPCC_TRANSLATION_YANDEX_TRANSLATE_API_KEY; /** @var string Stores the API key using which the requests will be authenticated. */ private $apiKey; /** @var Client|null */ private $client; /** * @param array $options An associative array that must have 'key' key. * 'key': The API key using which the requests will be authenticated. */ public function __construct($options = []) { parent::__construct($options); } /** * Initialize the API client using the already-set options (See {@link getOption()}) * * @return void * @since 1.9.0 */ public function init() { $this->apiKey = $this->getOption($this->keyApiKey); } /** * Translate texts using the settings. This method might override the options given in the constructor. * * @param TextTranslator $textTranslator * @return array See {@link TextTranslator::translate()} * @throws Exception When the settings do not have the required options. * @since 1.9.0 * @uses TextTranslator::translate() */ public function translate(TextTranslator $textTranslator) { $from = $this->getFrom(); $to = $this->getTo(); if (!$from || !$to) { throw new Exception("From and to languages must be set."); } // Create the language option's value in the requested format. It can be either: // . <source-lang>-<target-lang> // . <target-lang> // If source language does not exist, it means the language should be detected. $langOption = implode('-', array_filter([ $this->sanitizeFrom($from), $to ])); return $textTranslator->translate($this, [ 'lang' => $langOption ]); } /** * Set the options of this API client using given settings. * * @param SettingsImpl $settings * @return void * @throws Exception When the settings do not have the required options. * @since 1.9.0 */ public function setOptionsUsingSettings(SettingsImpl $settings) { $apiKey = $settings->getStringSetting($this->settingKeyApiKey); if(!$apiKey) { throw new Exception("You must provide a valid API key for Yandex Translate API to work properly."); } $this ->setFrom($settings->getStringSetting($this->settingKeyFrom)) ->setTo($settings->getStringSetting($this->settingKeyTo)); $this->setOptions([ $this->keyApiKey => $apiKey ]); } /** * Create the chunker that will be used to divide given texts into several parts to satisfy the requirements of the * API * * @param array $texts See {@link TransformationChunker::__construct()} * @return TransformationChunker * @throws Exception * @since 1.9.0 */ public function createChunker(array $texts): TransformationChunker { return new TransformationChunker(ChunkType::T_CHARS, $texts, 9750, 9750, 100); } /** * Translate an array of strings. * * @param array $texts A flat sequential array of texts * @param array $options Translation options. 'lang' must exist and in the format of '<source-lang>-<target-lang>'. * For example, 'en-tr' means translate from English to Turkish. If the language must be * detected, the format should be '<target-lang>'. For example, 'tr' means detect the language * and translate it to Turkish. * @return array Translated texts in the same order as $texts. If an error occurs, returns an empty array. * @throws Exception If the response cannot be parsed or the translations cannot be retrieved from the response * @since 1.9.0 */ public function translateBatch(array $texts, $options = []) { if (!$texts) return $texts; // If a text type is not provided, set it as 'html'. Otherwise, HTMLs get distorted horrifically. $options += [ 'format' => 'html' ]; // Prepare the texts such that it can be directly appended to the request URL $queryTextPart = implode("&", array_map(function($text) { return "text=" . urlencode($text); }, $texts)); // Create the query string using the options $queryStr = http_build_query([ 'key' => $this->apiKey ] + $options); // Append the texts to the query $queryStr .= "&" . $queryTextPart; // Send a translation request to the API try { $response = $this->getClient()->post($this->endpointTranslate, [ 'query' => $queryStr ]); } catch (TransferException $e) { Informer::add((new Information(get_class($e), trim($e->getMessage()), InformationType::ERROR)) ->setException($e) ->addAsLog()); return []; } // Get the response text $responseText = $response->getBody()->getContents(); // Parse it to JSON $responseJson = json_decode($responseText, true); // Make sure the response is parsed to JSON correctly. if (!$responseJson) { throw new Exception(sprintf( _wpcc('The response retrieved from Yandex Translate API could not be parsed to JSON. Message: %1$s'), json_last_error_msg() )); } // Get the translations $translations = Utils::array_get($responseJson, 'text'); if (!$translations) { throw new Exception(_wpcc('Translations do not exist in the response retrieved from Yandex Translate API')); } return $translations; } /** * Get languages * * @param array $options A key-value pair array that defines the options for to-be-retrieved languages * @return array An array structured as [ ["code" => "lang1code", "name" => "Lang 1 Name], ["code" => "lang2code", * "name" => "Lang 2 Name"], ... ] In case of error, returns an empty array. * @throws Exception If response could not be parsed to JSON or it does not have required values. * @since 1.9.0 */ public function localizedLanguages($options = []) { try { $response = $this->getClient()->post($this->endpointGetLanguages, [ 'query' => [ 'key' => $this->apiKey, 'ui' => Utils::getLocaleCode() ] ]); } catch (TransferException $e) { Informer::addError(trim($e->getMessage()))->setException($e)->addAsLog(); return []; } // Get the response text $responseText = $response->getBody()->getContents(); // Parse it to JSON $responseJson = json_decode($responseText, true); // Make sure the response is parsed to JSON correctly. if (!$responseJson) { throw new Exception(sprintf( _wpcc('Languages of Yandex Translate API could not be retrieved. Message: %1$s'), json_last_error_msg() )); } // Get the languages $languages = Utils::array_get($responseJson, "langs"); if (!$languages) { throw new Exception(_wpcc('Languages do not exist in the response retrieved from Yandex Translate API')); } // Prepare the languages in the required format $result = []; foreach($languages as $code => $name) { $result[] = [ "code" => $code, "name" => $name ]; } return $result; } public function getTestResultMessage(SettingsImpl $settings) { return sprintf( _wpcc('<b>From:</b> %1$s, <b>To:</b> %2$s, <b>API Key:</b> %3$s'), $settings->getSetting($this->settingKeyFrom), $settings->getSetting($this->settingKeyTo), $settings->getSetting($this->settingKeyApiKey) ); } /* * PRIVATE METHODS */ /** * @return Client * @since 1.9.0 */ public function getClient() { if (!$this->client) { $this->client = new Client([ 'base_uri' => $this->host, 'headers' => [ 'Accept' => '*/*', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ] ]); } return $this->client; } }