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<?php /** * The admin pages of the plugin. * * @since 1.0.9 * @package RankMath * @subpackage RankMath\Admin * @author Rank Math <support@rankmath.com> */ namespace RankMath\Admin; use RankMath\KB; use RankMath\Helper; use RankMath\Helpers\Param; use RankMath\Runner; use RankMath\Traits\Hooker; use RankMath\Traits\Ajax; use RankMath\Admin\Page; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * Admin_Menu class. * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ class Admin_Menu implements Runner { use Hooker, Ajax; /** * Register hooks. */ public function hooks() { $this->action( 'init', 'register_pages' ); $this->action( 'admin_menu', 'fix_admin_menu', 999 ); $this->action( 'admin_head', 'icon_css' ); $this->ajax( 'remove_offer_page', 'remove_offer_page' ); } /** * Register admin pages for plugin. */ public function register_pages() { $this->maybe_deregister(); if ( Helper::is_invalid_registration() && ! is_network_admin() ) { return; } $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $capabilities = array_keys( Helper::get_roles_capabilities() ); if ( empty( array_intersect( $current_user->roles, $capabilities ) ) && ! current_user_can( 'setup_network' ) ) { return; } // Dashboard / Welcome / About. new Page( 'rank-math', esc_html__( 'Rank Math', 'rank-math' ), [ 'position' => 50, 'menu_title' => 'Rank Math', 'capability' => 'level_1', 'icon' => 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . \base64_encode( '<svg viewBox="0 0 462.03 462.03" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20"><g fill="#fff"><path d="m462 234.84-76.17 3.43 13.43 21-127 81.18-126-52.93-146.26 60.97 10.14 24.34 136.1-56.71 128.57 54 138.69-88.61 13.43 21z"/><path d="m54.1 312.78 92.18-38.41 4.49 1.89v-54.58h-96.67zm210.9-223.57v235.05l7.26 3 89.43-57.05v-181zm-105.44 190.79 96.67 40.62v-165.19h-96.67z"/></g></svg>' ), 'render' => Admin_Helper::get_view( 'dashboard' ), 'classes' => [ 'rank-math-page' ], 'assets' => [ 'styles' => [ 'rank-math-dashboard' => '' ], 'scripts' => [ 'rank-math-dashboard' => '', ], ], 'is_network' => is_network_admin() && Helper::is_plugin_active_for_network(), ] ); } /** * Fix menu names. */ public function fix_admin_menu() { // Replace the main menu name "Rank Math" with "Rank Math SEO". global $menu; foreach ( $menu as $key => $item ) { if ( 'Rank Math' === $item[0] ) { $menu[ $key ][0] = esc_html__( 'Rank Math SEO', 'rank-math' ); break; } } // Replace the first submenu name "Rank Math" with "Dashboard". global $submenu; if ( ! isset( $submenu['rank-math'] ) ) { return; } if ( 'Rank Math' === $submenu['rank-math'][0][0] ) { if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { $plan = Helper::get_content_ai_plan(); $notification = ( empty( $plan ) || 'free' === $plan ) && get_option( 'rank_math_view_modules' ) ? ' <span class="awaiting-mod count-1"><span class="pending-count" aria-hidden="true">1</span></span>' : ''; $submenu['rank-math'][0][0] = esc_html__( 'Dashboard', 'rank-math' ) . $notification; } else { unset( $submenu['rank-math'][0] ); } } if ( empty( $submenu['rank-math'] ) ) { return; } $submenu['rank-math'][] = [ esc_html__( 'Help & Support', 'rank-math' ) . '<i class="dashicons dashicons-external" style="font-size:12px;vertical-align:-2px;height:10px;"></i>', 'level_1', KB::get( 'knowledgebase', 'Sidebar Help Link' ) ]; $this->add_offer_link( $submenu ); // Store ID of first_menu item so we can use it in the Admin menu item. set_transient( 'rank_math_first_submenu_id', array_values( $submenu['rank-math'] )[0][2] ); } /** * Print icon CSS for admin menu bar. */ public function icon_css() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> // Open RM KB menu link in the new tab. jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { $( "ul#adminmenu a[href$='<?php KB::the( 'knowledgebase', 'Sidebar Help Link' ); ?>']" ).attr( 'target', '_blank' ); $( "ul#adminmenu a[href$='<?php KB::the( 'offer', 'Offer Menu Item' ); ?>']" ).attr( 'target', '_blank' ).on( 'click', function() { $( this ).remove() $.ajax( { url: window.ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: { action: 'rank_math_remove_offer_page', security: rankMath.security, }, } ) } ); } ); </script> <style> #wp-admin-bar-rank-math .rank-math-icon { display: inline-block; top: 6px; position: relative; padding-right: 10px; max-width: 20px; } #wp-admin-bar-rank-math .rank-math-icon svg { fill-rule: evenodd; fill: #dedede; } #wp-admin-bar-rank-math:hover .rank-math-icon svg { fill-rule: evenodd; fill: #00b9eb; } #toplevel_page_rank-math:not(.wp-has-submenu) { display: none; } .multisite.network-admin #toplevel_page_rank-math { display: block; } #toplevel_page_rank-math a[href$='<?php KB::the( 'offer', 'Offer Menu Item' ); ?>'], #toplevel_page_rank-math a[href$='<?php KB::the( 'offer', 'Offer Menu Item' ); ?>']:hover, #toplevel_page_rank-math a[href$='<?php KB::the( 'offer', 'Offer Menu Item' ); ?>']:focus { background-color: #10AC84; color: #fff; } </style> <?php } /** * Check for deactivation. */ private function maybe_deregister() { if ( ! Helper::has_cap( 'general' ) || 'deregister' !== Param::post( 'registration-action' ) ) { return; } $nonce = Param::post( '_wpnonce' ); if ( ! $nonce || ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'rank_math_register_product' ) ) { return; } Admin_Helper::deregister_user(); } /** * Function to add Offer link based on the date range. * * @param array $submenu Submenu items. */ private function add_offer_link( &$submenu ) { $offer = $this->get_active_offer(); if ( ! $offer ) { return; } $submenu['rank-math'][] = [ current( $offer ) . ' ', 'level_1', KB::get( 'offer', 'Offer Menu Item' ) ]; } /** * Ajax handler callback to store active offer so it doesn't show up again on the site. */ public function remove_offer_page() { check_ajax_referer( 'rank-math-ajax-nonce', 'security' ); $offer = $this->get_active_offer(); set_site_transient( 'rank_math_active_offer', key( $offer ) ); } /** * Function to get active offer */ private function get_active_offer() { // Early Bail if PRO plugin is active. if ( defined( 'RANK_MATH_PRO_FILE' ) ) { return false; } $timezone = new \DateTimeZone( 'Asia/Kolkata' ); $current_date = new \DateTime( 'now', $timezone ); $dates = [ 'christmas' => [ 'start' => '2023-12-17', 'end' => '2023-12-26', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Christmas Sale', 'rank-math' ), ], 'new-year' => [ 'start' => '2023-12-31', 'end' => '2024-01-05', 'text' => esc_html__( 'New Year Sale', 'rank-math' ), ], 'anniversary' => [ 'start' => '2024-11-06', 'end' => '2024-11-13', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Anniversary Sale', 'rank-math' ), ], 'black-friday' => [ 'start' => '2024-11-27', 'end' => '2024-12-01', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Black Friday Sale', 'rank-math' ), ], 'cyber-monday' => [ 'start' => '2024-12-02', 'end' => '2024-12-04', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Cyber Monday Sale', 'rank-math' ), ], ]; $stored_offer = get_site_transient( 'rank_math_active_offer' ); $active_offer = ''; foreach ( $dates as $key => $date ) { $start_date = new \DateTime( $date['start'] . ' 16:00:00', $timezone ); $end_date = new \DateTime( $date['end'] . ' 16:00:00', $timezone ); if ( $stored_offer !== $key && $current_date >= $start_date && $current_date <= $end_date ) { $active_offer = [ $key => $date['text'] ]; break; } } return $active_offer; } }