Upload File
import { getClass, updateClasses } from './utils/classes'; import { defer } from './utils/deferred'; import { extend } from './utils/general'; import { getBounds } from './utils/bounds'; import { isString, isUndefined } from './utils/type-check'; const BOUNDS_FORMAT = ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom']; /** * Returns an array of bounds of the format [left, top, right, bottom] * @param tether * @param to * @return {*[]|HTMLElement|ActiveX.IXMLDOMElement} */ function getBoundingRect(body, tether, to) { // arg to is required if (!to) { return null; } if (to === 'scrollParent') { to = tether.scrollParents[0]; } else if (to === 'window') { to = [pageXOffset, pageYOffset, innerWidth + pageXOffset, innerHeight + pageYOffset]; } if (to === document) { to = to.documentElement; } if (!isUndefined(to.nodeType)) { const node = to; const size = getBounds(body, to); const pos = size; const style = getComputedStyle(to); to = [pos.left, pos.top, size.width + pos.left, size.height + pos.top]; // Account any parent Frames scroll offset if (node.ownerDocument !== document) { let win = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; to[0] += win.pageXOffset; to[1] += win.pageYOffset; to[2] += win.pageXOffset; to[3] += win.pageYOffset; } BOUNDS_FORMAT.forEach((side, i) => { side = side[0].toUpperCase() + side.substr(1); if (side === 'Top' || side === 'Left') { to[i] += parseFloat(style[`border${side}Width`]); } else { to[i] -= parseFloat(style[`border${side}Width`]); } }); } return to; } /** * Add out of bounds classes to the list of classes we add to tether * @param {string[]} oob An array of directions that are out of bounds * @param {string[]} addClasses The array of classes to add to Tether * @param {string[]} classes The array of class types for Tether * @param {string} classPrefix The prefix to add to the front of the class * @param {string} outOfBoundsClass The class to apply when out of bounds * @private */ function _addOutOfBoundsClass(oob, addClasses, classes, classPrefix, outOfBoundsClass) { if (oob.length) { let oobClass; if (!isUndefined(outOfBoundsClass)) { oobClass = outOfBoundsClass; } else { oobClass = getClass('out-of-bounds', classes, classPrefix); } addClasses.push(oobClass); oob.forEach((side) => { addClasses.push(`${oobClass}-${side}`); }); } } /** * Calculates if out of bounds or pinned in the X direction. * * @param {number} left * @param {number[]} bounds Array of bounds of the format [left, top, right, bottom] * @param {number} width * @param pin * @param pinned * @param {string[]} oob * @return {number} * @private */ function _calculateOOBAndPinnedLeft(left, bounds, width, pin, pinned, oob) { if (left < bounds[0]) { if (pin.indexOf('left') >= 0) { left = bounds[0]; pinned.push('left'); } else { oob.push('left'); } } if (left + width > bounds[2]) { if (pin.indexOf('right') >= 0) { left = bounds[2] - width; pinned.push('right'); } else { oob.push('right'); } } return left; } /** * Calculates if out of bounds or pinned in the Y direction. * * @param {number} top * @param {number[]} bounds Array of bounds of the format [left, top, right, bottom] * @param {number} height * @param pin * @param {string[]} pinned * @param {string[]} oob * @return {number} * @private */ function _calculateOOBAndPinnedTop(top, bounds, height, pin, pinned, oob) { if (top < bounds[1]) { if (pin.indexOf('top') >= 0) { top = bounds[1]; pinned.push('top'); } else { oob.push('top'); } } if (top + height > bounds[3]) { if (pin.indexOf('bottom') >= 0) { top = bounds[3] - height; pinned.push('bottom'); } else { oob.push('bottom'); } } return top; } /** * Flip X "together" * @param {object} tAttachment The target attachment * @param {object} eAttachment The element attachment * @param {number[]} bounds Array of bounds of the format [left, top, right, bottom] * @param {number} width * @param targetWidth * @param {number} left * @private */ function _flipXTogether(tAttachment, eAttachment, bounds, width, targetWidth, left) { if (left < bounds[0] && tAttachment.left === 'left') { if (eAttachment.left === 'right') { left += targetWidth; tAttachment.left = 'right'; left += width; eAttachment.left = 'left'; } else if (eAttachment.left === 'left') { left += targetWidth; tAttachment.left = 'right'; left -= width; eAttachment.left = 'right'; } } else if (left + width > bounds[2] && tAttachment.left === 'right') { if (eAttachment.left === 'left') { left -= targetWidth; tAttachment.left = 'left'; left -= width; eAttachment.left = 'right'; } else if (eAttachment.left === 'right') { left -= targetWidth; tAttachment.left = 'left'; left += width; eAttachment.left = 'left'; } } else if (tAttachment.left === 'center') { if (left + width > bounds[2] && eAttachment.left === 'left') { left -= width; eAttachment.left = 'right'; } else if (left < bounds[0] && eAttachment.left === 'right') { left += width; eAttachment.left = 'left'; } } return left; } /** * Flip Y "together" * @param {object} tAttachment The target attachment * @param {object} eAttachment The element attachment * @param {number[]} bounds Array of bounds of the format [left, top, right, bottom] * @param {number} height * @param targetHeight * @param {number} top * @private */ function _flipYTogether(tAttachment, eAttachment, bounds, height, targetHeight, top) { if (tAttachment.top === 'top') { if (eAttachment.top === 'bottom' && top < bounds[1]) { top += targetHeight; tAttachment.top = 'bottom'; top += height; eAttachment.top = 'top'; } else if (eAttachment.top === 'top' && top + height > bounds[3] && top - (height - targetHeight) >= bounds[1]) { top -= height - targetHeight; tAttachment.top = 'bottom'; eAttachment.top = 'bottom'; } } if (tAttachment.top === 'bottom') { if (eAttachment.top === 'top' && top + height > bounds[3]) { top -= targetHeight; tAttachment.top = 'top'; top -= height; eAttachment.top = 'bottom'; } else if (eAttachment.top === 'bottom' && top < bounds[1] && top + (height * 2 - targetHeight) <= bounds[3]) { top += height - targetHeight; tAttachment.top = 'top'; eAttachment.top = 'top'; } } if (tAttachment.top === 'middle') { if (top + height > bounds[3] && eAttachment.top === 'top') { top -= height; eAttachment.top = 'bottom'; } else if (top < bounds[1] && eAttachment.top === 'bottom') { top += height; eAttachment.top = 'top'; } } return top; } /** * Get all the initial classes * @param classes * @param {string} classPrefix * @param constraints * @return {[*, *]} * @private */ function _getAllClasses(classes, classPrefix, constraints) { const allClasses = [getClass('pinned', classes, classPrefix), getClass('out-of-bounds', classes, classPrefix)]; constraints.forEach((constraint) => { const { outOfBoundsClass, pinnedClass } = constraint; if (outOfBoundsClass) { allClasses.push(outOfBoundsClass); } if (pinnedClass) { allClasses.push(pinnedClass); } }); allClasses.forEach((cls) => { ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'].forEach((side) => { allClasses.push(`${cls}-${side}`); }); }); return allClasses; } export default { position({ top, left, targetAttachment }) { if (!this.options.constraints) { return true; } let { height, width } = this.cache('element-bounds', () => { return getBounds(this.bodyElement, this.element); }); if (width === 0 && height === 0 && !isUndefined(this.lastSize)) { // Handle the item getting hidden as a result of our positioning without glitching // the classes in and out ({ width, height } = this.lastSize); } const targetSize = this.cache('target-bounds', () => { return this.getTargetBounds(); }); const { height: targetHeight, width: targetWidth } = targetSize; const { classes, classPrefix } = this.options; const allClasses = _getAllClasses(classes, classPrefix, this.options.constraints); const addClasses = []; const tAttachment = extend({}, targetAttachment); const eAttachment = extend({}, this.attachment); this.options.constraints.forEach((constraint) => { let { to, attachment, pin } = constraint; if (isUndefined(attachment)) { attachment = ''; } let changeAttachX, changeAttachY; if (attachment.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { [changeAttachY, changeAttachX] = attachment.split(' '); } else { changeAttachX = changeAttachY = attachment; } const bounds = getBoundingRect(this.bodyElement, this, to); if (changeAttachY === 'target' || changeAttachY === 'both') { if (top < bounds[1] && tAttachment.top === 'top') { top += targetHeight; tAttachment.top = 'bottom'; } if (top + height > bounds[3] && tAttachment.top === 'bottom') { top -= targetHeight; tAttachment.top = 'top'; } } if (changeAttachY === 'together') { top = _flipYTogether(tAttachment, eAttachment, bounds, height, targetHeight, top); } if (changeAttachX === 'target' || changeAttachX === 'both') { if (left < bounds[0] && tAttachment.left === 'left') { left += targetWidth; tAttachment.left = 'right'; } if (left + width > bounds[2] && tAttachment.left === 'right') { left -= targetWidth; tAttachment.left = 'left'; } } if (changeAttachX === 'together') { left = _flipXTogether(tAttachment, eAttachment, bounds, width, targetWidth, left); } if (changeAttachY === 'element' || changeAttachY === 'both') { if (top < bounds[1] && eAttachment.top === 'bottom') { top += height; eAttachment.top = 'top'; } if (top + height > bounds[3] && eAttachment.top === 'top') { top -= height; eAttachment.top = 'bottom'; } } if (changeAttachX === 'element' || changeAttachX === 'both') { if (left < bounds[0]) { if (eAttachment.left === 'right') { left += width; eAttachment.left = 'left'; } else if (eAttachment.left === 'center') { left += (width / 2); eAttachment.left = 'left'; } } if (left + width > bounds[2]) { if (eAttachment.left === 'left') { left -= width; eAttachment.left = 'right'; } else if (eAttachment.left === 'center') { left -= (width / 2); eAttachment.left = 'right'; } } } if (isString(pin)) { pin = pin.split(',').map((p) => p.trim()); } else if (pin === true) { pin = ['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom']; } pin = pin || []; const pinned = []; const oob = []; left = _calculateOOBAndPinnedLeft(left, bounds, width, pin, pinned, oob); top = _calculateOOBAndPinnedTop(top, bounds, height, pin, pinned, oob); if (pinned.length) { let pinnedClass; if (!isUndefined(this.options.pinnedClass)) { pinnedClass = this.options.pinnedClass; } else { pinnedClass = getClass('pinned', classes, classPrefix); } addClasses.push(pinnedClass); pinned.forEach((side) => { addClasses.push(`${pinnedClass}-${side}`); }); } _addOutOfBoundsClass(oob, addClasses, classes, classPrefix, this.options.outOfBoundsClass); if (pinned.indexOf('left') >= 0 || pinned.indexOf('right') >= 0) { eAttachment.left = tAttachment.left = false; } if (pinned.indexOf('top') >= 0 || pinned.indexOf('bottom') >= 0) { eAttachment.top = tAttachment.top = false; } if (tAttachment.top !== targetAttachment.top || tAttachment.left !== targetAttachment.left || eAttachment.top !== this.attachment.top || eAttachment.left !== this.attachment.left) { this.updateAttachClasses(eAttachment, tAttachment); this.trigger('update', { attachment: eAttachment, targetAttachment: tAttachment }); } }); defer(() => { if (!(this.options.addTargetClasses === false)) { updateClasses(this.target, addClasses, allClasses); } updateClasses(this.element, addClasses, allClasses); }); return { top, left }; } };