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var __webpack_exports__ = {}; /*!*******************************************!*\ !*** ./src/admin/js/ilj_menu_settings.js ***! \*******************************************/ function ilj_dynamicSelect(id, action, searchResults) { jQuery(id).ilj_select2({ width: '50%', minimumInputLength: 3, templateSelection: function (state) { var limit = 20; var element = jQuery(id); if (element && element.data("iljTitleCharacterLimit")) { limit = parseInt(element.data("iljTitleCharacterLimit")); } var title = state.text.length > limit ? state.text.substring(0, limit) + "..." : state.text; return title + " (ID: " + state.id + ")"; }, ajax: { url: ajaxurl, type: "POST", data: function (params) { return { action: action, search: params.term, per_page: searchResults, page: params.page || 1 }; }, processResults: function (data) { if (data.length === 0) { return false; } more = true; if (data.length < searchResults) { more = false; } return data_new = { "results": data, "pagination": { "more": more } }; } }, language: { errorLoading: function () { return ilj_select2_translation.error_loading; }, inputTooShort: function (args) { var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length; return ilj_select2_translation.input_too_short + ': ' + remainingChars; }, loadingMore: function () { return ilj_select2_translation.loading_more; }, noResults: function () { return ilj_select2_translation.no_results; }, searching: function () { return ilj_select2_translation.searching; } } }); } /** * This function is used to disable a group of fields when a toggle is disabled, * enable it when its enabled ( both during page load and while changing the settings ) * * @param {jQuery} field JQuery object for selected field * @param {jQuery} inverse_fields JQuery object for inverse fields. * @param {string} attribute The attribute to toggle (defaults to readonly) */ function ilj_menu_settings_inverse_fields(field, inverse_fields, attribute = 'readonly') { ilj_menu_settings_toggle_fields(field.prop('checked'), inverse_fields, attribute); field.on('change', function () { ilj_menu_settings_toggle_fields(field.prop('checked'), inverse_fields, attribute); }); } /** * Disable the fields and its corresponding row. * @param {boolean} toggle Set to disabled or enabled based on this boolean. * @param {jQuery} inverse_fields The jQuery object for fields. * @param {string} attribute The attribute to toggle. */ function ilj_menu_settings_toggle_fields(toggle, inverse_fields, attribute) { if (toggle) { inverse_fields.each(function () { jQuery(this).prop(attribute, false).closest('tr').find('th').removeClass('inactive'); }); } else { inverse_fields.each(function () { jQuery(this).prop(attribute, true).closest('tr').find('th').addClass('inactive'); }); } } jQuery(function ($) { $('#ilj_settings_field_editor_role, #ilj_settings_field_index_generation, #ilj_settings_field_whitelist, #ilj_settings_field_taxonomy_whitelist,#ilj_settings_field_limit_taxonomy_list, #ilj_settings_field_keyword_order, #ilj_settings_field_no_link_tags').ilj_select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: 10, width: '50%' }); /** * ilj_settings_field_custom_fields_to_link_post, ilj_settings_field_custom_fields_to_link_term now supports * the regex rule matching. For example if the user types 'apple' in to the field we have to show the following three * options * * 1. Custom field name starts with 'apple' * 2. Custom field name ends with 'apple' * 3. Custom field name contains 'apple' * * To accomplish this behaviour we use the insertTag() option of select2 to dynamically add tags. */ $('#ilj_settings_field_custom_fields_to_link_post, #ilj_settings_field_custom_fields_to_link_term').ilj_select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: 10, width: '50%', tags: true, insertTag: function (data, tag) { // Collect existing ids to perform O(1) lookup in a set. var ids = new Set(data.map(e => e.id)); var startsWithId = `starts_with:${tag.id}`.trim(); var endsWithId = `ends_with:${tag.id}`.trim(); var containsId = `contains:${tag.id}`.trim(); if (!ids.has(startsWithId)) { data.push({ newOption: true, id: startsWithId, text: ilj_select2_translation.custom_field_starts_with.replace('%s', tag.text) }); } if (!ids.has(endsWithId)) { data.push({ newOption: true, id: endsWithId, text: ilj_select2_translation.custom_field_ends_with.replace('%s', tag.text) }); } if (!ids.has(containsId)) { data.push({ newOption: true, id: containsId, text: ilj_select2_translation.custom_field_has.replace('%s', tag.text) }); } } }); /*** * When the user clicks on any one of the dynamically added option, we have to add them to select2 options * and make it selected. */ $('#ilj_settings_field_custom_fields_to_link_post, #ilj_settings_field_custom_fields_to_link_term').on('select2:select', function (e) { if (e.params.data.newOption) { var data = e.params.data; // Create a DOM Option and pre-select by default var newOption = new Option(data.text, data.id, true, true); // Append it to the select using the current selected ID $(this).append(newOption).trigger('change'); } }); /** * Toggle max incoming links field by limit incoming links toggle. */ ilj_menu_settings_inverse_fields(jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_limit_incoming_links'), jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_max_incoming_links')); ilj_dynamicSelect('#ilj_settings_field_blacklist', 'ilj_search_posts', 20); ilj_dynamicSelect('#ilj_settings_field_term_blacklist', 'ilj_search_terms', 20); /** * Toggle "links_per_page" and "links_per_target" depending on multiple keyword state */ jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_multiple_keywords').on('change', function () { var $inverse_setting_field = jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_links_per_page, #ilj_settings_field_links_per_target, #ilj_settings_field_limit_incoming_links'); if (this.checked) { $inverse_setting_field.each(function () { jQuery(this).closest('tr').find('th').addClass('inactive'); }); $inverse_setting_field.prop('disabled', true); jQuery("#ilj_settings_field_links_per_page").val("0"); jQuery("#ilj_settings_field_links_per_target").val("0"); jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_limit_incoming_links').val('0').prop('checked', false).trigger('change'); } else { $inverse_setting_field.each(function () { jQuery(this).closest('tr').find('th').removeClass('inactive'); }); $inverse_setting_field.prop('disabled', false); } }); jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_index_generation').on('change', function () { var $inverse_setting_field = jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_hide_status_bar'); if (this.value == "index_mode_none") { $inverse_setting_field.each(function () { jQuery(this).closest('tr').find('th').addClass('inactive'); }); $inverse_setting_field.prop('disabled', true); } else { $inverse_setting_field.each(function () { jQuery(this).closest('tr').find('th').removeClass('inactive'); }); $inverse_setting_field.prop('disabled', false); } }); var index_generation_mode = jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_index_generation').val(); if (index_generation_mode == 'index_mode_none') { // Do something here var disable_hide_status_bar_option = jQuery("#ilj_settings_field_hide_status_bar"); disable_hide_status_bar_option.each(function () { jQuery(this).closest('tr').find('th').addClass('inactive'); }); disable_hide_status_bar_option.prop('disabled', true); } jQuery(document).ready(function () { var $multiple_keywords = jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_multiple_keywords'); var $inverse_setting_field = jQuery('#ilj_settings_field_links_per_page, #ilj_settings_field_links_per_target'); if (!$multiple_keywords.length) { return; } if ($multiple_keywords[0].checked) { $inverse_setting_field.each(function () { jQuery(this).closest('tr').find('th').addClass('inactive'); }); $inverse_setting_field.prop('disabled', true); } else { $inverse_setting_field.prop('disabled', false); } }); /** * Adding Tooltip */ var tipsoConfig = { width: '', maxWidth: '200', useTitle: true, delay: 100, speed: 500, background: '#32373c', color: '#eeeeee', size: 'small' }; jQuery('.tip').iljtipso(tipsoConfig); jQuery(document).on('click', '.button.ilj-cancel-schedules', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var user_confirmed = confirm(ilj_menu_settings_translation.confirm_cancel_message); if (!user_confirmed) { return; } if (jQuery(this).attr('disabled')) { return; } jQuery(this).after(jQuery('<span id="ilj-cancel-schedule-spinner" class="spinner is-active" style="float:none"></span>')); var data = { 'action': 'ilj_cancel_schedules' }; jQuery.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: data, statusCode: { 500: function (xhr) { if (!'responseJSON' in xhr || !['success', 'error'].includes(xhr.responseJSON.status)) { return; } console.log('Error: ' + xhr.responseJSON.message); } }, success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) { jQuery('#ilj-cancel-schedule-spinner').remove(); // Check if the success message is not already shown if (jQuery('#ilj-cancel-schedule-feedback').length === 0) { // Display a success message var successMessage = '<div id="ilj-cancel-schedule-feedback" class="notice notice-success is-dismissible"><p>' + ilj_menu_settings_translation.success_message + '</p></div>'; jQuery(successMessage).insertAfter('.button.ilj-cancel-schedules'); // Remove the notice after 2 seconds setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#ilj-cancel-schedule-feedback").remove(); }, 2000); } } }); }); });