Upload File
<?php /** * Registers the `share` shortcode. * * @package flatsome */ /** * Renders the `share` shortcode. * * @param array $atts An array of attributes. * @param string $content The shortcode content. * @param string $tag The name of the shortcode, provided for context to enable filtering. * * @return string */ function flatsome_share( $atts, $content = null, $tag = '' ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'title' => '', 'class' => '', 'visibility' => '', 'size' => '', 'align' => '', 'scale' => '', 'style' => '', ), $atts, $tag ) ); // Get custom share icons if set. if ( get_theme_mod( 'custom_share_icons' ) ) { return do_shortcode( get_theme_mod( 'custom_share_icons' ) ); } $wrapper_class = array( 'social-icons', 'share-icons', 'share-row', 'relative' ); if ( $class ) $wrapper_class[] = $class; if ( $visibility ) $wrapper_class[] = $visibility; if ( $align ) { $wrapper_class[] = 'full-width'; $wrapper_class[] = 'text-' . $align; } if ( $style ) $wrapper_class[] = 'icon-style-' . $style; $link = get_permalink(); if ( is_woocommerce_activated() ) { if ( is_shop() ) { $link = get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ); } if ( is_product_category() || is_category() ) { $link = get_category_link( get_queried_object()->term_id ); } } if ( is_home() && ! is_front_page() ) { $link = get_permalink( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ); } $featured_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'large' ); $share_img = $featured_image ? $featured_image['0'] : ''; $post_title = rawurlencode( get_the_title() ); $whatsapp_text = $post_title . ' - ' . $link; $window_open = "window.open(this.href,this.title,'width=500,height=500,top=300px,left=300px'); return false;"; if ( $title ) $title = '<span class="share-icons-title">' . $title . '</span>'; // Get custom theme style. if ( ! $style ) $style = get_theme_mod( 'social_icons_style', 'outline' ); $classes = get_flatsome_icon_class( $style ); $classes = $classes . ' tooltip'; $share = get_theme_mod( 'social_icons', array( 'facebook', 'twitter', 'email', 'linkedin', 'pinterest', 'whatsapp' ) ); // Scale. if ( $scale ) $scale = 'style="font-size:' . $scale . '%"'; // Fix old deprecated. if ( ! isset( $share[0] ) ) { $fix_share = array(); foreach ( $share as $key => $value ) { if ( $value == '1' ) $fix_share[] = $key; } $share = $fix_share; } $share_links = apply_filters( 'flatsome_share_links', array( 'whatsapp' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'whatsapp', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => 'whatsapp://send?text=' . $whatsapp_text, 'data-action' => 'share/whatsapp/share', 'class' => $classes . ' whatsapp show-for-medium', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Share on WhatsApp', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Share on WhatsApp', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-whatsapp' ), 'priority' => 10, ), 'facebook' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'facebook', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=' . $link, 'data-label' => 'Facebook', 'onclick' => $window_open, 'rel' => 'noopener nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => $classes . ' facebook', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Share on Facebook', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Share on Facebook', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-facebook' ), 'priority' => 20, ), 'x' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'x', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => 'https://x.com/share?url=' . $link, 'onclick' => $window_open, 'rel' => 'noopener nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => $classes . ' x', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Share on X', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Share on X', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-x' ), 'priority' => 30, ), 'twitter' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'twitter', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => 'https://twitter.com/share?url=' . $link, 'onclick' => $window_open, 'rel' => 'noopener nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => $classes . ' twitter', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Share on Twitter', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Share on Twitter', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-twitter' ), 'priority' => 30, ), 'email' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'email', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => add_query_arg( array( 'subject' => $post_title, /* translators: %s: the share link. */ 'body' => rawurlencode( sprintf( esc_html__( 'Check this out: %s', 'flatsome' ), $link ) ), ), 'mailto:' ), 'rel' => 'nofollow', 'class' => $classes . ' email', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Email to a Friend', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Email to a Friend', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-envelop' ), 'priority' => 40, ), 'pinterest' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'pinterest', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => add_query_arg( array( 'url' => $link, 'media' => $share_img, 'description' => $post_title, ), 'https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button' ), 'onclick' => $window_open, 'rel' => 'noopener nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => $classes . ' pinterest', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Pin on Pinterest', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Pin on Pinterest', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-pinterest' ), 'priority' => 50, ), 'vk' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'vk', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => 'https://vkontakte.ru/share.php?url=' . $link . '&title' . $post_title, 'target' => '_blank', 'onclick' => $window_open, 'rel' => 'noopener nofollow', 'class' => $classes . ' vk', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Share on VKontakte', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Share on VKontakte', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-vk' ), 'priority' => 60, ), 'linkedin' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'linkedin', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => 'https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=' . $link . '&title=' . $post_title, 'onclick' => $window_open, 'rel' => 'noopener nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => $classes . ' linkedin', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Share on LinkedIn', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Share on LinkedIn', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-linkedin' ), 'priority' => 70, ), 'tumblr' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'tumblr', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => 'https://tumblr.com/widgets/share/tool?canonicalUrl=' . $link, 'target' => '_blank', 'rel' => 'noopener nofollow', 'class' => $classes . ' tumblr', 'onclick' => $window_open, 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Share on Tumblr', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Share on Tumblr', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-tumblr' ), 'priority' => 80, ), 'telegram' => array( 'enabled' => in_array( 'telegram', $share, true ), 'atts' => array( 'href' => 'https://telegram.me/share/url?url=' . $link, 'onclick' => $window_open, 'rel' => 'noopener nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', 'class' => $classes . ' telegram', 'title' => esc_attr__( 'Share on Telegram', 'flatsome' ), 'aria-label' => esc_attr__( 'Share on Telegram', 'flatsome' ), ), 'icon' => get_flatsome_icon( 'icon-telegram' ), 'priority' => 90, ), ), array( // phpcs:ignore PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature.Indent 'link' => $link, 'post_title' => $post_title, 'classes' => $classes, 'on_click' => $window_open, 'image' => $share_img, ) ); // Sort links based on priority. uasort( $share_links, 'flatsome_sort_on_priority' ); ob_start(); ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( implode( ' ', $wrapper_class ) ); ?>" <?php echo $scale; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?>> <?php echo $title; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped foreach ( $share_links as $key => $share_link ) { if ( isset( $share_link['enabled'] ) && $share_link['enabled'] == false ) continue; printf( '<a %1$s>%2$s</a>', flatsome_html_atts( $share_link['atts'] ), ! empty( $share_link['icon'] ) ? $share_link['icon'] : '' // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ); } ?> </div> <?php $content = ob_get_clean(); return flatsome_sanitize_whitespace_chars( $content ); } add_shortcode( 'share', 'flatsome_share' );