Upload File
<script> import { uuid } from '../utils/general.js'; export let element, openingProperties; const guid = uuid(); let modalIsVisible = false; let rafId = undefined; closeModalOpening(); export const getElement = () => element; export function closeModalOpening() { openingProperties = { height: 0, x: 0, y: 0, width: 0 }; } /** * Hide the modal overlay */ export function hide() { modalIsVisible = false; // Ensure we cleanup all event listeners when we hide the modal _cleanupStepEventListeners(); } /** * Uses the bounds of the element we want the opening overtop of to set the dimensions of the opening and position it * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement The element the opening will expose * @param {HTMLElement} scrollParent The scrollable parent of the target element * @param {Number} modalOverlayOpeningPadding An amount of padding to add around the modal overlay opening */ export function positionModalOpening(targetElement, scrollParent, modalOverlayOpeningPadding = 0) { if (targetElement.getBoundingClientRect) { const { y, height } = _getVisibleHeight(targetElement, scrollParent); const { x, width, left } = targetElement.getBoundingClientRect(); // getBoundingClientRect is not consistent. Some browsers use x and y, while others use left and top openingProperties = { x: (x || left) - modalOverlayOpeningPadding, y: y - modalOverlayOpeningPadding, width: (width + (modalOverlayOpeningPadding * 2)), height: (height + (modalOverlayOpeningPadding * 2)) }; } } /** * If modal is enabled, setup the svg mask opening and modal overlay for the step * @param {Step} step The step instance */ export function setupForStep(step) { // Ensure we move listeners from the previous step, before we setup new ones _cleanupStepEventListeners(); if (step.tour.options.useModalOverlay) { _styleForStep(step); show(); } else { hide(); } } /** * Show the modal overlay */ export function show() { modalIsVisible = true; } const _preventModalBodyTouch = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }; const _preventModalOverlayTouch = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }; /** * Add touchmove event listener * @private */ function _addStepEventListeners() { // Prevents window from moving on touch. window.addEventListener('touchmove', _preventModalBodyTouch, { passive: false }); } /** * Cancel the requestAnimationFrame loop and remove touchmove event listeners * @private */ function _cleanupStepEventListeners() { if (rafId) { cancelAnimationFrame(rafId); rafId = undefined; } window.removeEventListener('touchmove', _preventModalBodyTouch, { passive: false }); } /** * Style the modal for the step * @param {Step} step The step to style the opening for * @private */ function _styleForStep(step) { const { modalOverlayOpeningPadding } = step.options; if (step.target) { const scrollParent = _getScrollParent(step.target); // Setup recursive function to call requestAnimationFrame to update the modal opening position const rafLoop = () => { rafId = undefined; positionModalOpening(step.target, scrollParent, modalOverlayOpeningPadding); rafId = requestAnimationFrame(rafLoop); }; rafLoop(); _addStepEventListeners(); } else { closeModalOpening(); } } /** * Find the closest scrollable parent element * @param {HTMLElement} element The target element * @returns {HTMLElement} * @private */ function _getScrollParent(element) { if (!element) { return null; } const isHtmlElement = element instanceof HTMLElement; const overflowY = isHtmlElement && window.getComputedStyle(element).overflowY; const isScrollable = overflowY !== 'hidden' && overflowY !== 'visible'; if (isScrollable && element.scrollHeight >= element.clientHeight) { return element; } return _getScrollParent(element.parentElement); } /** * Get the visible height of the target element relative to its scrollParent. * If there is no scroll parent, the height of the element is returned. * * @param {HTMLElement} element The target element * @param {HTMLElement} [scrollParent] The scrollable parent element * @returns {{y: number, height: number}} * @private */ function _getVisibleHeight(element, scrollParent) { const elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); let top = elementRect.y || elementRect.top; let bottom = elementRect.bottom || top + elementRect.height; if (scrollParent) { const scrollRect = scrollParent.getBoundingClientRect(); const scrollTop = scrollRect.y || scrollRect.top; const scrollBottom = scrollRect.bottom || scrollTop + scrollRect.height; top = Math.max(top, scrollTop); bottom = Math.min(bottom, scrollBottom); } const height = Math.max(bottom - top, 0); // Default to 0 if height is negative return {y: top, height}; } </script> <style global> .shepherd-modal-overlay-container { -ms-filter: progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.gradient.alpha(Opacity=50); filter: alpha(opacity=50); fill-rule: evenodd; height: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none; position: fixed; top: 0; transition: all 0.3s ease-out, height 0ms 0.3s, opacity 0.3s 0ms; width: 100vw; z-index: 9997; } .shepherd-modal-overlay-container.shepherd-modal-is-visible { height: 100vh; opacity: 0.5; transition: all 0.3s ease-out, height 0s 0s, opacity 0.3s 0s; } .shepherd-modal-overlay-container.shepherd-modal-is-visible path { pointer-events: all; } </style> <svg bind:this={element} class="{`${(modalIsVisible ? 'shepherd-modal-is-visible' : '')} shepherd-modal-overlay-container`}" on:touchmove={_preventModalOverlayTouch} > <path d="{`M ${openingProperties.x} ${openingProperties.y} H ${openingProperties.width + openingProperties.x} V ${openingProperties.height + openingProperties.y} H ${openingProperties.x} L ${openingProperties.x} 0 Z M 0 0 H ${window.innerWidth} V ${window.innerHeight} H 0 L 0 0 Z`}"> </path> </svg>