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import { Evented } from '../../node_modules/tether/src/js/evented.js'; import autoBind from './utils/auto-bind.js'; import { isElement, isFunction, isUndefined } from './utils/type-check.js'; import { bindAdvance } from './utils/bind.js'; import { setupTooltip, parseAttachTo, normalizePrefix, uuid } from './utils/general.js'; import ShepherdElement from './components/shepherd-element.svelte'; // Polyfills import smoothscroll from 'smoothscroll-polyfill'; smoothscroll.polyfill(); /** * A class representing steps to be added to a tour. * @extends {Evented} */ export class Step extends Evented { /** * Create a step * @param {Tour} tour The tour for the step * @param {Object} options The options for the step * @param {Object} options.arrow Whether to display the arrow for the tooltip or not. * @param {Object} options.attachTo What element the step should be attached to on the page. * It should be an object with the properties `element` and `on`, where `element` is an element selector string * or a DOM element and `on` is the optional direction to place the Tippy tooltip. * * ```js * const new Step(tour, { * attachTo: { element: '.some .selector-path', on: 'left' }, * ...moreOptions * })' * ``` * * If you don’t specify an attachTo the element will appear in the middle of the screen. * If you omit the `on` portion of `attachTo`, the element will still be highlighted, but the tooltip will appear * in the middle of the screen, without an arrow pointing to the target. * @param {HTMLElement|string} options.attachTo.element * @param {string} options.attachTo.on * @param {Object} options.advanceOn An action on the page which should advance shepherd to the next step. * It should be an object with a string `selector` and an `event` name * ```js * const new Step(tour, { * advanceOn: { selector: '.some .selector-path', event: 'click' }, * ...moreOptions * })' * ``` * `event` doesn’t have to be an event inside the tour, it can be any event fired on any element on the page. * You can also always manually advance the Tour by calling `myTour.next()`. * @param {function} options.beforeShowPromise A function that returns a promise. * When the promise resolves, the rest of the `show` code for the step will execute. * @param {Object[]} options.buttons An array of buttons to add to the step. These will be rendered in a * footer below the main body text. * @param {function} options.buttons.button.action A function executed when the button is clicked on. * It is automatically bound to the `tour` the step is associated with, so things like `this.next` will * work inside the action. * You can use action to skip steps or navigate to specific steps, with something like: * ```js * action() { * return this.show('some_step_name'); * } * ``` * @param {string} options.buttons.button.classes Extra classes to apply to the `<a>` * @param {boolean} options.buttons.button.secondary If true, a shepherd-button-secondary class is applied to the button * @param {string} options.buttons.button.text The HTML text of the button * @param {boolean} options.buttons.button.disabled Should the button be disabled? * @param {string} options.buttons.button.label The aria-label text of the button * @param {boolean} options.canClickTarget A boolean, that when set to false, will set `pointer-events: none` on the target * @param {object} options.cancelIcon Options for the cancel icon * @param {boolean} options.cancelIcon.enabled Should a cancel “✕” be shown in the header of the step? * @param {string} options.cancelIcon.label The label to add for `aria-label` * @param {string} options.classes A string of extra classes to add to the step's content element. * @param {string} options.highlightClass An extra class to apply to the `attachTo` element when it is * highlighted (that is, when its step is active). You can then target that selector in your CSS. * @param {string} options.id The string to use as the `id` for the step. * @param {boolean|Object} options.scrollTo Should the element be scrolled to when this step is shown? If true, uses the default `scrollIntoView`, * if an object, passes that object as the params to `scrollIntoView` i.e. `{behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center'}` * @param {function} options.scrollToHandler A function that lets you override the default scrollTo behavior and * define a custom action to do the scrolling, and possibly other logic. * @param {function} options.showOn A function that, when it returns `true`, will show the step. * If it returns false, the step will be skipped. * @param {string} options.tetherOptions Extra options to pass to tether * @param {string} options.text The text in the body of the step. It can be one of three types: * ``` * - HTML string * - `HTMLElement` object * - `Function` to be executed when the step is built. It must return one the two options above. * ``` * @param {string} options.title The step's title. It becomes an `h3` at the top of the step. It can be one of two types: * ``` * - HTML string * - `Function` to be executed when the step is built. It must return HTML string. * ``` * @param {Object} options.when You can define `show`, `hide`, etc events inside `when`. For example: * ```js * when: { * show: function() { * window.scrollTo(0, 0); * } * } * ``` * @param {Number} options.modalOverlayOpeningPadding An amount of padding to add around the modal overlay opening * @return {Step} The newly created Step instance */ constructor(tour, options = {}) { super(tour, options); this.tour = tour; this.classPrefix = this.tour.options ? normalizePrefix(this.tour.options.classPrefix) : ''; this.styles = tour.styles; autoBind(this); this._setOptions(options); return this; } /** * Cancel the tour * Triggers the `cancel` event */ cancel() { this.tour.cancel(); this.trigger('cancel'); } /** * Complete the tour * Triggers the `complete` event */ complete() { this.tour.complete(); this.trigger('complete'); } /** * Remove the step, delete the step's element, and destroy the tippy instance for the step * Triggers `destroy` event */ destroy() { if (this.tooltip) { this.tooltip.destroy(); this.tooltip = null; } if (isElement(this.el) && this.el.parentNode) { this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el); this.el = null; } if (this.target) { this._updateStepTargetOnHide(); } this.trigger('destroy'); } /** * Returns the tour for the step * @return {Tour} The tour instance */ getTour() { return this.tour; } /** * Hide the step */ hide() { this.tour.modal.hide(); this.trigger('before-hide'); if (this.el) { this.el.hidden = true; } if (this.target) { this._updateStepTargetOnHide(); } this.trigger('hide'); } /** * Check if the step is open and visible * @return {boolean} True if the step is open and visible */ isOpen() { return Boolean(this.el && !this.el.hidden); } /** * Wraps `_show` and ensures `beforeShowPromise` resolves before calling show * @return {*|Promise} */ show() { if (isFunction(this.options.beforeShowPromise)) { const beforeShowPromise = this.options.beforeShowPromise(); if (!isUndefined(beforeShowPromise)) { return beforeShowPromise.then(() => this._show()); } } this._show(); } /** * Updates the options of the step. * * @param {Object} options The options for the step */ updateStepOptions(options) { Object.assign(this.options, options); if (this.shepherdElementComponent) { this.shepherdElementComponent.$set({ step: this }); } } /** * Creates Shepherd element for step based on options * * @return {Element} The DOM element for the step tooltip * @private */ _createTooltipContent() { const descriptionId = `${this.id}-description`; const labelId = `${this.id}-label`; this.shepherdElementComponent = new ShepherdElement({ target: document.body, props: { classPrefix: this.classPrefix, descriptionId, labelId, step: this, styles: this.styles } }); return this.shepherdElementComponent.getElement(); } /** * If a custom scrollToHandler is defined, call that, otherwise do the generic * scrollIntoView call. * * @param {boolean|Object} scrollToOptions If true, uses the default `scrollIntoView`, * if an object, passes that object as the params to `scrollIntoView` i.e. `{ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' }` * @private */ _scrollTo(scrollToOptions) { const { element } = parseAttachTo(this); if (isFunction(this.options.scrollToHandler)) { this.options.scrollToHandler(element); } else if (isElement(element) && typeof element.scrollIntoView === 'function') { element.scrollIntoView(scrollToOptions); } } /** * _getClassOptions gets all possible classes for the step * @param {Object} stepOptions The step specific options * @returns {String} unique string from array of classes * @private */ _getClassOptions(stepOptions) { const defaultStepOptions = this.tour && this.tour.options && this.tour.options.defaultStepOptions; const stepClasses = stepOptions.classes ? stepOptions.classes : ''; const defaultStepOptionsClasses = defaultStepOptions && defaultStepOptions.classes ? defaultStepOptions.classes : ''; const allClasses = [ ...stepClasses.split(' '), ...defaultStepOptionsClasses.split(' ') ]; const uniqClasses = new Set(allClasses); return Array.from(uniqClasses) .join(' ') .trim(); } /** * Sets the options for the step, maps `when` to events, sets up buttons * @param {Object} options The options for the step * @private */ _setOptions(options = {}) { const tourOptions = this.tour && this.tour.options && this.tour.options.defaultStepOptions; this.options = Object.assign( { arrow: true }, tourOptions, options ); const { when } = this.options; this.options.classes = this._getClassOptions(options); this.destroy(); this.id = this.options.id || `step-${uuid()}`; if (when) { Object.keys(when).forEach((event) => { this.on(event, when[event], this); }); } } /** * Create the element and set up the Tether instance * @private */ _setupElements() { if (!isUndefined(this.el)) { this.destroy(); } this.el = this._createTooltipContent(); if (this.options.advanceOn) { bindAdvance(this); } setupTooltip(this); } /** * Triggers `before-show`, generates the tooltip DOM content, * sets up a Tether instance for the tooltip, then triggers `show`. * @private */ _show() { this.trigger('before-show'); this._setupElements(); this.tour.modal.setupForStep(this); this._styleTargetElementForStep(this); this.el.hidden = false; this.tooltip.position(); const target = this.target || document.body; target.classList.add(`${this.classPrefix}shepherd-enabled`, `${this.classPrefix}shepherd-target`); if (this.options.scrollTo) { setTimeout(() => { this._scrollTo(this.options.scrollTo); }); } this.trigger('show'); this.el.focus(); } /** * Modulates the styles of the passed step's target element, based on the step's options and * the tour's `modal` option, to visually emphasize the element * * @param step The step object that attaches to the element * @private */ _styleTargetElementForStep(step) { const targetElement = step.target; if (!targetElement) { return; } if (step.options.highlightClass) { targetElement.classList.add(step.options.highlightClass); } if (step.options.canClickTarget === false) { targetElement.classList.add('shepherd-target-click-disabled'); } } /** * When a step is hidden, remove the highlightClass and 'shepherd-enabled' * and 'shepherd-target' classes * @private */ _updateStepTargetOnHide() { if (this.options.highlightClass) { this.target.classList.remove(this.options.highlightClass); } this.target.classList.remove(`${this.classPrefix}shepherd-enabled`, `${this.classPrefix}shepherd-target`); } }