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import { Evented } from '../../node_modules/tether/src/js/evented.js'; import { Step } from './step.js'; import autoBind from './utils/auto-bind.js'; import { isElement, isFunction, isString, isUndefined } from './utils/type-check.js'; import { cleanupSteps } from './utils/cleanup.js'; import { normalizePrefix, uuid } from './utils/general.js'; import ShepherdModal from './components/shepherd-modal.svelte'; const Shepherd = new Evented(); /** * Class representing the site tour * @extends {Evented} */ export class Tour extends Evented { /** * @param {Object} options The options for the tour * @param {boolean} options.confirmCancel If true, will issue a `window.confirm` before cancelling * @param {string} options.confirmCancelMessage The message to display in the confirm dialog * @param {string} options.classPrefix The prefix to add to all the `shepherd-*` class names. * @param {Object} options.defaultStepOptions Default options for Steps ({@link Step#constructor}), created through `addStep` * @param {boolean} options.exitOnEsc Exiting the tour with the escape key will be enabled unless this is explicitly * set to false. * @param {boolean} options.keyboardNavigation Navigating the tour via left and right arrow keys will be enabled * unless this is explicitly set to false. * @param {HTMLElement} options.modalContainer An optional container element for the modal. * If not set, the modal will be appended to `document.body`. * @param {object[] | Step[]} options.steps An array of step options objects or Step instances to initialize the tour with * @param {string} options.tourName An optional "name" for the tour. This will be appended to the the tour's * dynamically generated `id` property -- which is also set on the `body` element as the `data-shepherd-active-tour` attribute * whenever the tour becomes active. * @param {boolean} options.useModalOverlay Whether or not steps should be placed above a darkened * modal overlay. If true, the overlay will create an opening around the target element so that it * can remain interactive * @returns {Tour} */ constructor(options = {}) { super(options); autoBind(this); const defaultTourOptions = { exitOnEsc: true, keyboardNavigation: true }; this.options = Object.assign({}, defaultTourOptions, options); this.classPrefix = normalizePrefix(this.options.classPrefix); this.steps = []; this.addSteps(this.options.steps); // Pass these events onto the global Shepherd object const events = ['active', 'cancel', 'complete', 'inactive', 'show', 'start']; events.map((event) => { ((e) => { this.on(e, (opts) => { opts = opts || {}; opts.tour = this; Shepherd.trigger(e, opts); }); })(event); }); this.modal = new ShepherdModal({ target: options.modalContainer || document.body, props: { classPrefix: this.classPrefix, styles: this.styles } }); this._setTourID(); return this; } /** * Adds a new step to the tour * @param {Object|Step} options An object containing step options or a Step instance * @param {number} index The optional index to insert the step at. If undefined, the step * is added to the end of the array. * @return {Step} The newly added step */ addStep(options, index) { let step = options; if (!(step instanceof Step)) { step = new Step(this, step); } else { step.tour = this; } if (!isUndefined(index)) { this.steps.splice(index, 0, step); } else { this.steps.push(step); } return step; } /** * Add multiple steps to the tour * @param {Array<object> | Array<Step>} steps The steps to add to the tour */ addSteps(steps) { if (Array.isArray(steps)) { steps.forEach((step) => { this.addStep(step); }); } return this; } /** * Go to the previous step in the tour */ back() { const index = this.steps.indexOf(this.currentStep); this.show(index - 1, false); } /** * Calls _done() triggering the 'cancel' event * If `confirmCancel` is true, will show a window.confirm before cancelling */ cancel() { if (this.options.confirmCancel) { const cancelMessage = this.options.confirmCancelMessage || 'Are you sure you want to stop the tour?'; const stopTour = window.confirm(cancelMessage); if (stopTour) { this._done('cancel'); } } else { this._done('cancel'); } } /** * Calls _done() triggering the `complete` event */ complete() { this._done('complete'); } /** * Gets the step from a given id * @param {Number|String} id The id of the step to retrieve * @return {Step} The step corresponding to the `id` */ getById(id) { return this.steps.find((step) => { return step.id === id; }); } /** * Gets the current step * @returns {Step|null} */ getCurrentStep() { return this.currentStep; } /** * Hide the current step */ hide() { const currentStep = this.getCurrentStep(); if (currentStep) { return currentStep.hide(); } } /** * Check if the tour is active * @return {boolean} */ isActive() { return Shepherd.activeTour === this; } /** * Go to the next step in the tour * If we are at the end, call `complete` */ next() { const index = this.steps.indexOf(this.currentStep); if (index === this.steps.length - 1) { this.complete(); } else { this.show(index + 1, true); } } /** * Removes the step from the tour * @param {String} name The id for the step to remove */ removeStep(name) { const current = this.getCurrentStep(); // Find the step, destroy it and remove it from this.steps this.steps.some((step, i) => { if (step.id === name) { if (step.isOpen()) { step.hide(); } step.destroy(); this.steps.splice(i, 1); return true; } }); if (current && current.id === name) { this.currentStep = undefined; // If we have steps left, show the first one, otherwise just cancel the tour this.steps.length ? this.show(0) : this.cancel(); } } /** * Show a specific step in the tour * @param {Number|String} key The key to look up the step by * @param {Boolean} forward True if we are going forward, false if backward */ show(key = 0, forward = true) { const step = isString(key) ? this.getById(key) : this.steps[key]; if (step) { this._updateStateBeforeShow(); const shouldSkipStep = isFunction(step.options.showOn) && !step.options.showOn(); // If `showOn` returns false, we want to skip the step, otherwise, show the step like normal if (shouldSkipStep) { this._skipStep(step, forward); } else { this.trigger('show', { step, previous: this.currentStep }); this.currentStep = step; step.show(); } } } /** * Start the tour */ start() { this.trigger('start'); // Save the focused element before the tour opens this.focusedElBeforeOpen = document.activeElement; this.currentStep = null; this._setupActiveTour(); this.next(); } /** * Called whenever the tour is cancelled or completed, basically anytime we exit the tour * @param {String} event The event name to trigger * @private */ _done(event) { const index = this.steps.indexOf(this.currentStep); if (Array.isArray(this.steps)) { this.steps.forEach((step) => step.destroy()); } cleanupSteps(this); this.trigger(event, { index }); Shepherd.activeTour = null; this.trigger('inactive', { tour: this }); this.modal.hide(); // Focus the element that was focused before the tour started if (isElement(this.focusedElBeforeOpen)) { this.focusedElBeforeOpen.focus(); } } /** * Make this tour "active" * @private */ _setupActiveTour() { this.trigger('active', { tour: this }); Shepherd.activeTour = this; } /** * Called when `showOn` evaluates to false, to skip the step * @param {Step} step The step to skip * @param {Boolean} forward True if we are going forward, false if backward * @private */ _skipStep(step, forward) { const index = this.steps.indexOf(step); const nextIndex = forward ? index + 1 : index - 1; this.show(nextIndex, forward); } /** * Before showing, hide the current step and if the tour is not * already active, call `this._setupActiveTour`. * @private */ _updateStateBeforeShow() { if (this.currentStep) { this.currentStep.hide(); } if (!this.isActive()) { this._setupActiveTour(); } } /** * Sets this.id to `${tourName}--${uuid}` * @private */ _setTourID() { const tourName = this.options.tourName || 'tour'; this.id = `${tourName}--${uuid()}`; } } export { Shepherd };