Upload File
/** * All Transifex related APIs and code. * * @link https://developers.transifex.com/recipes/create-update-and-delete-a-resource-in-nodejs * @todo Refactor into a class/proper library if we end up using this at more places. */ const {transifexApi} = require('@transifex/api'); const fs = require('node:fs'); const log = require('fancy-log'); const prompts = require('prompts'); const {po} = require('gettext-parser'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); // @todo - Remove once fetch is stabilized in NodeJS. transifexApi.setup({ auth: process.env.TRANSIFEX_API }); const SOURCE_SLUG = 'freemius-enpo'; const SOURCE_NAME = 'freemius-en.po'; async function getOrganization() { const organization = await transifexApi.Organization.get({slug: process.env.TRANSIFEX_ORGANIZATION}); if (!organization) { throw new Error(`Organization "${process.env.TRANSIFEX_ORGANIZATION}" not found!`); } log(`Using organization "${chalk.bold.bgBlack.yellow(organization.attributes.name)}"`); return organization; } /** * @param {import('@transifex/api').JsonApiResource} organization * @return {Promise<import('@transifex/api').JsonApiResource>} */ async function getProject(organization) { const projects = await organization.fetch('projects', false); const project = await projects.get({slug: process.env.TRANSIFEX_PROJECT}); if (!project) { throw new Error(`Project "${process.env.TRANSIFEX_PROJECT}" not found!`); } log(`Using project "${chalk.bold.bgBlack.yellow(project.attributes.name)}"`); return project; } async function getOrgAndProject() { const organization = await getOrganization(); const project = await getProject(organization); return {organization, project}; } /** * @param {import('@transifex/api').JsonApiResource} project * @param {string} name * @param {string} slug * @param {import('@transifex/api').JsonApiResource} i18nFormat * @return {Promise<import('@transifex/api').JsonApiResource>} */ async function getResourceStringForUpload(project, name, slug, i18nFormat) { const resources = await project.fetch('resources', false); /** * IMPORTANT: DO NOT DELETE THE RESOURCE from the API. * It will delete all the translations too. * So first try to see if the resource is present and use it. If not, then only create it. */ /** * @type {import('@transifex/api').JsonApiResource} */ let resource; try { resource = await resources.get({slug}); log(`Resource "${chalk.bold.bgBlack.yellow(name)}" already exists, updating...`) } catch (e) { // No resources yet log(`Creating resource "${chalk.bold.bgBlack.yellow(name)}"`); resource = await transifexApi.Resource.create({ name, slug, project, i18n_format: i18nFormat, }); } return resource; } function getLinesCount(parsedPot) { let sentenceCount = 0; let wordCount = 0; Object.values(parsedPot.translations).forEach((messages) => { Object.keys((messages)).forEach((source) => { if ('' === source) { return; } sentenceCount += 1; wordCount += source.split(' ').length; }); }); return {sentenceCount, wordCount}; } async function uploadEnglishPoToTransifex(poPath) { const {organization, project} = await getOrgAndProject(); const content = fs.readFileSync(poPath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); // Get total number of lines in the file const parsedPot = po.parse(content); // Get total lines count from the parsedPot const {sentenceCount, wordCount} = getLinesCount(parsedPot); const i18nFormat = await transifexApi.i18n_formats.get({ organization, name: 'PO' }); const resource = await getResourceStringForUpload(project, SOURCE_NAME, SOURCE_SLUG, i18nFormat); log(`ATTENTION: ${chalk.bold.red('UPLOADING')}!!`); log(`You are about to upload the freemius-en.po file to the production organization!.`); log(`In ${chalk.bgYellow.black('Transifex')} freemius-en.po file has ${chalk.bold.magenta(resource.attributes.string_count)} lines and ${chalk.bold.cyan(resource.attributes.word_count)} words.`); log(`In ${chalk.bgYellow.black('Local')} freemius-en.po file has ${chalk.bold.magenta(sentenceCount)} lines and ${chalk.bold.cyan(wordCount)} words.`); log(`Please make sure you have already tested the content of the file.`); log(chalk.bold.red('Any data loss could be permanent.')); const confirmation = await prompts({ type: 'confirm', message: `Do you want to upload the file freemius-en.po to Transifex?`, initial: false, name: 'value', }); if (!confirmation.value) { log('Aborting upload'); return false; } await transifexApi.ResourceStringsAsyncUpload.upload({ resource, content, }); return resource; } /** * @param {string} languageCode * @param {import('@transifex/api').JsonApiResource} resource * @return {Promise<string>} */ async function getTranslation(languageCode, resource) { const language = await transifexApi.Language.get({code: languageCode}); const url = await transifexApi.ResourceTranslationsAsyncDownload.download({ resource, language, }); const response = await fetch(url); return await response.text(); } exports.uploadEnglishPoToTransifex = uploadEnglishPoToTransifex; exports.getTranslation = getTranslation;