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/** * External dependencies */ import { isEmpty, isUndefined, isString, kebabCase, includes, forEach, isEqual, map, isNull } from 'lodash' /** * WordPress dependencies */ import { store as blockEditorStore } from '@wordpress/block-editor' import { __unstableStripHTML as stripHTML } from '@wordpress/dom' import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data' /** * Get the headings from the content. * * @param {Array} headings Array of headings data * @param {Array} excludeHeadings Heading levels to exclude */ export function GetLatestHeadings( headings, excludeHeadings ) { return useSelect( ( select ) => { const { getBlockAttributes, getBlockName, getClientIdsWithDescendants, } = select( blockEditorStore ) const { __experimentalConvertBlockToStatic: convertBlockToStatic } = useDispatch( 'core/reusable-blocks' ) // Get the client ids of all blocks in the editor. const allBlockClientIds = getClientIdsWithDescendants() const _latestHeadings = [] let i = 0 const anchors = [] for ( const blockClientId of allBlockClientIds ) { const blockName = getBlockName( blockClientId ) if ( blockName === 'core/block' ) { const attrs = getBlockAttributes( blockClientId ) if ( ! isNull( attrs.ref ) ) { const reusableBlock = wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEditedEntityRecord( 'postType', 'wp_block', attrs.ref ) const blocks = map( reusableBlock.blocks, ( block ) => { return block.name } ) if ( includes( blocks, 'rank-math/toc-block' ) && ! isNull( getBlockAttributes( blockClientId ) ) ) { convertBlockToStatic( blockClientId ) } } continue } if ( ! includes( [ 'rank-math/faq-block', 'rank-math/howto-block', 'core/heading' ], blockName ) ) { continue } const headingAttributes = getBlockAttributes( blockClientId ) if ( blockName === 'rank-math/faq-block' || blockName === 'rank-math/howto-block' ) { const titleWrapper = headingAttributes.titleWrapper if ( includes( excludeHeadings, titleWrapper ) || includes( [ 'div', 'p' ], titleWrapper ) ) { continue } const data = blockName === 'rank-math/howto-block' ? headingAttributes.steps : headingAttributes.questions if ( isEmpty( data ) ) { continue } forEach( data, ( value ) => { const currentHeading = ! isUndefined( headings ) && ! isEmpty( headings[ _latestHeadings.length ] ) ? headings[ _latestHeadings.length ] : { content: '', level: '', disable: false, isUpdated: false, isGeneratedLink: true, } const isGeneratedLink = ! isUndefined( currentHeading.isGeneratedLink ) && currentHeading.isGeneratedLink const content = ! isUndefined( currentHeading.isUpdated ) && currentHeading.isUpdated ? currentHeading.content : value.title _latestHeadings.push( { key: value.id, content: stripHTML( content ), level: parseInt( headingAttributes.titleWrapper.replace( 'h', '' ) ), link: ! isGeneratedLink ? currentHeading.link : `#${ value.id }`, disable: currentHeading.disable ? currentHeading.disable : false, isUpdated: ! isUndefined( currentHeading.isUpdated ) ? currentHeading.isUpdated : false, isGeneratedLink, } ) } ) continue } if ( blockName === 'core/heading' ) { if ( includes( excludeHeadings, 'h' + headingAttributes.level ) ) { continue } const currentHeading = ! isUndefined( headings ) && ! isEmpty( headings[ _latestHeadings.length ] ) ? headings[ _latestHeadings.length ] : { content: '', level: '', disable: false, isUpdated: false, isGeneratedLink: true, } const isGeneratedLink = ! isUndefined( currentHeading.isGeneratedLink ) && currentHeading.isGeneratedLink let anchor = headingAttributes.anchor const headingText = ! isEmpty( headingAttributes.content.text ) ? headingAttributes.content.text : headingAttributes.content if ( isEmpty( headingAttributes.anchor ) || isGeneratedLink ) { anchor = kebabCase( stripHTML( headingText ) ) } if ( includes( anchors, anchor ) ) { i += 1 anchor = anchor + '-' + i } anchors.push( anchor ) headingAttributes.anchor = anchor const headingContent = isString( headingText ) ? stripHTML( headingText.replace( /(<br *\/?>)+/g, ' ' ) ) : '' const content = ! isUndefined( currentHeading.isUpdated ) && currentHeading.isUpdated ? currentHeading.content : headingContent _latestHeadings.push( { key: blockClientId, content: stripHTML( content ), level: headingAttributes.level, link: ! isGeneratedLink ? currentHeading.link : `#${ headingAttributes.anchor }`, disable: currentHeading.disable ? currentHeading.disable : false, isUpdated: ! isUndefined( currentHeading.isUpdated ) ? currentHeading.isUpdated : false, isGeneratedLink, } ) } } if ( isEqual( headings, _latestHeadings ) ) { return null } return _latestHeadings } ) } /** * Nest heading based on the Heading level. * * @param {Array} headingList The flat list of headings to nest. * * @return {Array} The nested list of headings. */ export function linearToNestedHeadingList( headingList = [] ) { const nestedHeadingList = [] forEach( headingList, ( heading, key ) => { if ( isEmpty( heading.content ) ) { return } // Make sure we are only working with the same level as the first iteration in our set. if ( heading.level === headingList[ 0 ].level ) { if ( headingList[ key + 1 ]?.level > heading.level ) { let endOfSlice = headingList.length for ( let i = key + 1; i < headingList.length; i++ ) { if ( headingList[ i ].level === heading.level ) { endOfSlice = i break } } nestedHeadingList.push( { heading, children: linearToNestedHeadingList( headingList.slice( key + 1, endOfSlice ) ), } ) } else { nestedHeadingList.push( { heading, children: null, } ) } } } ) return nestedHeadingList }